scorpions standard ads [Page 3]

Sell - bird spiders

wholesale spiders for sale

Wholesale prices, shipping in EU
Ch. huahini L7-8 60pcs for 250eu
Ch. sp. Kaeng Krachan L7-8 60pcs for 100eur
T. albopilosus L2-3 150pcs for 150eur
P. sazimai L3-4 300pcs for 800eur
prices are negotiable
write offers to

Looking for any interesting species,
Shipped to the UK.


Hi has anyone got the following
Heteroctenus junceus
Nebo grandis
Opistophthalmus pallipes
H. Troglodytes
Uroplectes fischeri

Search Spiders and Scorpions

Searching some scorpions

Hi, I am looking for some species of scorpions:
1.1 Hadogenes Troglodytes
0.1 Hadrurus Arizonensis
1.1 Pandinus Imperator

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Lots of scorpions for sale!
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Lots of scorpions for sale!

We have lots of different species for sale right now. We can offer some of them in very large quantities!

All the scorpions are unsexed, except for gravid females.

Scorpio fuscus-
Small- 9£
Medium- 10£
Large- 12£
Gravid females- 25£

Nebo hierichonticus-
Small- 18£
Medium- 22£
Large- 25£
Gravid females- 45£
Very good prices for large quantities. We can supply 100+ adults from this species.

Androctonus amareuxi-
Small- 18£
Medium- 22£
Large- 25£
Gravid females- 40£
Very good prices for large quantities. We can supply 50+ adults from this species.

Compsobuthus schmiedeknechti
Sub adults/adults- 20£
Gravid females- 30£

Androctonus bicolor
Gravid female- 60£

Hottentotta judaicus
Small- 18£
Medium- 22£
Large- 25£
Gravid female- 45£

Please feel free to send me a PM for any questions. More species will be available soon!

Using PayPal only! For every order Please add 7% PayPal fee. Adding the fee is a must if you want to make an order. Payment must be made in advance.
Using Air mail\Sea and land mail\EMS only. Worldwide shipping, not shipping to Germany. Please be aware of your country's rules! Some countries require import papers and permits, like in the US or Australia!
Not responsible to any problem with the customs! In case of a fine, the buyer will be 100% responsible for it, no matter if it's for me or for the buyer.
Not responsible for any problems with the post offices either.
Not responsible for the package getting lost during the way.
Shipping at your own risk, no live arrival guarantee. We don’t guarantee that the animals sold as ‘gravid’ are 100% gravid.
No refunds at all. All the animals will be shipped 100% healthy, and will be packed as good as possible.
Minimum order is 50£.

A.gonetii i4/5 20Eur
H.caboverdensis i2 15Eur
H.gentili i5/6 22Eur
L.macroctenus i5/6 30Eur
L.quinquestriatus i2/4 13/18Eur
P.villosus oranje i2 20Eur
P.transvalicus i2 13Eur
T.smithii i2/4 10/16Eur

Im looking for a supplier of tarantulas, true spider and scorpions as well as other invertebrate species

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: For sale alive Mesobuthus caucasicus (from 2i to 5i) +2
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

For sale alive Mesobuthus caucasicus (from 2i to 5i)

For sale alive Mesobuthus caucasicus 2i-5i, price - 10 Euro/specimen. International shipping available. Exchange for another species of scorpions are possible. Contact me if interested: