Atheris standard ads
Suche 0.1 Trimeresurus insularis
Such nach (wenn möglich adultem) Trimeresurus Weibchen
Abkaufen oder Tausch gegen adulte 1.1 Atheris squamigera
Bitis and Crotalus for Hamm March
1,1 Bitis arietans Südafrika NZ 2023
1,1 Bitis arietans Kwazulu Natal adult
2,3 Aspidelaps lubricus lubricus adult
1,1 Crotalus tortugensis adult
0,1 Bitis arietans Tansania adult
1,2 Crotalus viridis nuntius Coconino County adult
1,2 Crotalus viridis Apache County adult
2,2 Crotalus viridis Paria Canyon adult
Trade with Atheris possible !
Verkaufe viele Giftschlangen
Komplette Bestandsaufgabe unserer Giftschlangen.
1. naja Siamensis männlich NZ 2018 150,-€
2. Naja Nigricincta paar NZ 2021 250,-€
3. Naja Naja paar NZ 2021 250,-€
4. Crotalus Atrox paar NZ 2022 150,-€
5. Crotalus Atrox NZ 2019 etwas klein geblieben 70,-€
6. Crotalus Pifanorum männlich rasselt nicht NZ 2018 250,-€
7. Bitis arietans Namibia NZ 2023 männlich 150,-€
8. Crotalus Vegrandis NZ 2023 männlich100,-€
9. Naja Haje Legion NZ 2018 männlich 150,-
10. Haja Pallida NZ 2017 weiblich 150,-€
11. Atheris Squamigera gelb NZ 2023 200,-€
12. Weißlippen Bambusotter grün NZ 2023 100,-€
Fressen alle Frostfutter ohne Probleme, häuten sich super. Alle kerngesund. Abholung nur vor Ort. Kein Hamm und co.
Für alle zusammen wäre der Preis 1700,-€
Atheris squamigera, Acanthophis antarcticus
Gebe ab für Hamm im März
0,3 Atheris squamigera CB23/24 grün, orange
1,1 Acanthophis antarcticus CB24 rotbraun und kaffebraun gebändert
0.1 Atheris squamigera F1 03.2024
Biete wegen geplatzter Reservierung, für Hamm an:
0.1 Atheris squamigera eigene F1 Nachzucht von Wildfänge 03.2024 an.
Preis €250,--
Reservierung nur gegen Anzahlung PayPal
Atheris squamigera CB 2024
Offer green-blue Atheris squamigera F1 offspring from wc.
Handover possible in Hamm.
Atheris broadleyi 1.0 CB22
Sale for Houten February
1.0 Atheris broadleyi CB22 250€
0.1 Chilabothrus striatus striatus (Little kick after cloaque no problem and eat live mouse) 150€
Trade possible with Protobothrops spp / Crotalus molossus, stephensi, klauberi, lepidus
Looking for some snakes.
I am looking for:
1.1 Morelia spilota cheynei German bloodline or VPI.
1.0 Black Pastel piebald
1.1 Atheris chlorechis
All ages.
Atheris squamigera, Acanthophis, Vipera transcaucasiana
Gebe ab für Hamm im März:
xx Atheris squamigera CB 1/24 gelb/orange und grün
1,1 Acanthophis antarcticus CB 8/24
0,1 Acanthophis rugosus CB 12/24
Atheris chlorechis female
For sale 0.1 Atheris chlorechis
Femelle adult 4 years
Eat perfectly
Trimeresurus, Atheris squamigera
1.1 Trimeresurus albolabris het. Albino , adult
0.1 Craspedocephalus gramineus, subadult
0.1 Trimeresurus phuketensis, adult
1.0 Atheris squamigera , adult
0.1 Trimeresurus gumprechti, adult
X.X Trimeresurus insularis, yellow/green
0.2 Atheris squamigera , subadult
Atheris squamigera CB 2023
Offer/Zur Abgabe:
2.2 Atheris squamigera CB 08/2023
Trade/Tausch möglich.
Männchen 150€
Weibchen 200€
Looking for:
1.0 Atheris squamigera high red
0.1 Atheris squamigera black
1.1 Atheris chlorechis
All ages please offer what you have.
Atheris squamigera zurabgabe
Verkaufe hier eine Atheris squamigera von 24
Bei Interesse einfach melden
Looking for different kind of snakes.
Looking for:
1.1 or 2.2 Protobothrops jerdonii xanthomelas
1.1 Protobothrops tokarensis black
1.1 Atheris chlorechis
1.1 Atheris broadleyi
1.1 Naja kaouthia Leucistic
All ages please offer what you have.
Varanus for Hamm Dec. 14th
1.0 Varanus glauerti 2022
can bring to Hamm this Saterday.
Exchange for snake possible (ratsnake, boiga, trimeresurus, atheris, ...).
Atheris squamigera cbb 2023
Last three last years juveniles for hamm.
All together, no single animals!
Nice price.
1,0 Atheris squamigera cb 23
For Hamm
1,0 Atheris squamigera cb23
Feeding on frozen mice
Atheris, Trimeresurus, Parias, Bitis
1,0 Bitis arietans CB20 South Africa Cape town 300
3,5 Atheris squamigera Congo CB24, perfect eaters whole big pinkies (orange , reddish, blue, green with black) 200-300 each. And black for 450e.
0,2 Parias flavomaculatus CB24 250 each
2,2 Trimeresurus purpureomaculatus brown Malaysia CB24
100 each or 300 all.
2,0 Trimeresurus honsonensis CB24
350 each
Trade possible for B. bilineatus
For Hamm March 2025 and for Meeting in South Germany
1.1 Atheris Broadleyi CB 2021
1.1 Atheris Broadleyi CB 2019
Parias schulzei CB 08/24 - some eating independently mini baby mice (frozen)
Very nice animals
Atheris Premium ads
Looking for a 1.0 Atheris nitschei
PREMIUMLooking for a male Atheris nitschei of any age, willing to pay a good price.
Beware of Africa SCAM - Reptizone / Reptilemania - Samuel OLALEKAN
PREMIUM Beware of a African Scammer from Dr.Congo / Nigeria called:
Reptizone, Reptilemania, Samuel Ganiyu Olalekan,,; Kinshasa; Boulevard Salongo 7025
He states to export Atheris, rare turtles... He is full of lies, he can't export anything.
He is well known for scamming and only takes money - Caution!
He also uses different Facebook Accounts. Don't ever send him money!
herps buy, sell and exchange.
Find animals and accessories or sell them free of charge or with a paid classified.Contact breeders and dealers from Germany and abroad.