simoroxigorum standard ads [Page 2]

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Biete Ornithoctoninae, Birupes, Citharognathus usw +1
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Biete Ornithoctoninae, Birupes, Citharognathus usw

Biete für Messe Ulm am 13.4 oder Messe Weinstadt am 4.5 und Versand
0.0.xx Caribena versicolor 1.Fh Stück 5€ 10 x 40€
0.0.xx Psalmopoeus irminia 1.Fh Stück 4€ 10 x 30€
0.0.xx Ornithoctoninae spec . veronica 1.Fh Stück 25€ 10 x 220€ 20 x 400€
0.0.xx Ornithoctoninae spec. veronica dwarf 1.Fh Stück 22€ 10 x 200€
0.0.xx Ornithoctoninae spec. longna 1.Fh Stück 22€ 10 x 200€
0.0.xx Birupes simoroxigorum 1.Fh Stück 25€ 10 x 220€ 20 x 400€ Haplopelma longipes 1. Fh Stück 12€ 10 x 100€
0.0.xx Haplopelma vonwirthi 1.Fh Stück 12€ 10 x 100€ Citharognathus tongmianensis 1.Fh Stück 15€ 10 x 120€ 20 x 200€ Pseudhapalopus spec. blau 1.Fh Stück 7€ 10 x 60€
0.0.xx Chilobrachys natanicharum 2.Fh Stück 5€, 10 x 40€

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Ich biete diese Spinnen an +2
Sell - bird spiders

Ich biete diese Spinnen an

0.0.1 Birupes simoroxigorum 4FH 1x40€ (3x105€)
0.0.1 Holothele longipes 4FH 1x8€ (3x18€)
0.0.1 Theraphosidae sp. Casanare 3FH 1x10€ (3x24€)
0.0.1 Psalmopoeus reduncus 3FH 1x 5€ (3x 12€)
0.0.1 Phormingochilus sp. rufus 2FH 1x10€ (3x24€)
0.0.1 Bumba horrida 5-6FH 1x10€ (3x24€)
0.0.1 Davus pentaloris 5FH 1x 10€
0.0.1 Neostenotarsus sp. Suriname 1x25€
0.0.1 Neischnocolus sp. Panama 1x14€ (3x36€)

Der Versand per Post ist kein Problem.

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Verschiedene Voraussetzungen abzugeben
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Verschiedene Voraussetzungen abzugeben

Birupes simoroxigorum 0.1 adult 170€

P.cambirdgei 1.0 sub 10€

B.albopilosum nicaragua 3cm 10€

C.versicolor 1.0 sub oder frisch Adult 30€

C.versicolor 1.1 ca 2cm 27€

Versand mit doppelt Styroporboxen und Heatpack 8 Euro
[3/25, 09:21] Assaf: 1

Xenesthis immanis 1.1 ca 4,5 – 5 cm Kl 160€ zusammen
Lasiodora klugi 1.1 Female Adult ca 10 cm Kl (WC) Male Sub 0.1 150€ zusammen Davus pentaloris 0.2 ca 4 cm Kl 30€
Lasiodora parahybana 0.0.2 ca 3,5 cm Kl je 10€
Poecilotheria regalis 3.3.5 4-6 cm Kl 0.3 je 40€ 3.0 je 20€ 0.0.6 je 15€ Grammostola pulchripes 0.0.2 3-4cm kl je 25€
Psalmopoeus victori 0.2 Adult je 110€
Encyocratella olivacea 0.1 ca 5cm Kl 140€
Caribena versicolor 0.1 Adult 70€
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 0.1 Adult 60€
Pterinochilus murinus dcf "Kigoma" 0.1 Adult 60€
Acanthoscurria geniculata 0.1 ca 5-6 cm Kl 30€
Ornithoctoninae sp. “Ho Chi Minh” 0.1 ca 4cm Kl 70€
Tliltocatl kahlenbergi 0.0.1 ca 4 cm Kl 30€
Ephebopus cyanognathus 0.1 ca 4 cm Kl 60€
Theraphosa apophysis 0.1 Adult 200€
Monocentropus balfouri 0.2 adult und sub zusammen 110€
Chilobrachys sp. electric blue 1.1 Adult 90€ 1.0 20€
Pamphobeteus antinous big black 0.1 Adult 150€
Pterinochilus murinus Usambra 1.1 Female Adult / Male Sub 70€ zusammen
Cyriopagopus schmidti "Ke Bang" 0.0.2 ca 2cm Kl 60€ zusammen Harpactira sp golden black 0.0.4 ca 2-3 cm Kl je 30€
Cyriopagopus (Haplopelma) lividum 0.2 ca 4cm Kl je 40€ Brachypelma boehmei 1.1 Feamle Adult male sub 150€ zusammen Heteroscodra maculata 0.1 ca 4cm kl 30€
Psalmopoeus irminia 0.0.3 ca 2-3cm kl je 10€
Birupes simoroxigorum 0.1 ca 4cm kl 150€

0.0.50 Birupes simoroxigorum 1FH
0.0.50 Eupalaestrus campestratus 2FH
0.0.100 Grammostole rosea (porteri) 1FH
0.0.100 Grammostola rosea RED 1FH
0.0.100 Grammostola pulchra 1FH
0.0.50 Homoeomma chilensis 1FH
0.0.100 Megaphobema robustum 1FH
0.0.200 Nhandu carapoensis 1FH
0.0.200 Phormingochilus sp. rufus 1FH
0.0.100 Theraphosa apophysis 1FH
0.0.100 Theraphosidae sp. azul 2-3FH
0.0.100 Theraphosidae sp. dorado 3FH
0.0.100 Theraphosidae sp. mandarina 2-3FH
full list, more information -

25x Psalmopoeus irminia 3-4fh 40€
25x Pseudhapalopus sp Blue 3fh 175€
25x Dolichothele diamantinensis 2fh 200€
50x Dolichothele diamantinensis 2fh 350€
10x Birupes simoroxigorum 3fh 250€
10 Homoeomma chilensis 1fh 450€

Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Birupes simoroxigorum 0.1 Adulten

Biete zum Versand oder Abholung in Passau

Birupes simoroxigorum 0.1 adult
Versand mit doppelt Styroporboxen und Heatpack 8€

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: ***als Ganzes verkaufen*** +2
Sell - bird spiders

***als Ganzes verkaufen***

Als Ganzes verkaufen

0.0.100 Birupes simoroxigorum 3FH
0.0.100 Holothele longipes 4FH
0.0.100 Theraphosidae sp. Casanare 3FH
0.0.60 Psalmopoeus reduncus 2FH
0.0.50 Phormingochilus sp. rufus 2FH
0.0.70 Bumba horrida 5-6FH

Fotos sind unter zu finden.

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: ***als Ganzes verkaufen***
Sell - bird spiders

***als Ganzes verkaufen***

Als Ganzes verkaufen

0.0.100 Birupes simoroxigorum 3FH
0.0.100 Holothele longipes 4FH
0.0.100 Theraphosidae sp. Casanare 3FH
0.0.60 Psalmopoeus reduncus 2FH
0.0.50 Phormingochilus sp. rufus 2FH
0.0.70 Bumba horrida 5-6FH

Fotos sind unter zu finden.

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: ***als Ganzes verkaufen***
Sell - bird spiders

***als Ganzes verkaufen***

Als Ganzes verkaufen

0.0.100 Birupes simoroxigorum 3FH
0.0.100 Holothele longipes 4FH
0.0.100 Theraphosidae sp. Casanare 3FH
0.0.60 Psalmopoeus reduncus 2FH
0.0.50 Phormingochilus sp. rufus 2FH
0.0.70 Bumba horrida 5-6FH

Fotos sind unter zu finden.

I'm looking for these spiders:
0.1 T. seladonia semi/sub
0.1 B. simoroxigorum semi/sub
0.1 Pamphobetheus sp. manabi

Biete für versand (bei geeigneten Temperaturen oder für abholung Leipzig)


1.1 L. striatus (1.0 kl 4 cm und 0.1 kl 4,5 cm) 60€
Kann auch einzeln erworben werden


0.1 Aphonopelma seemanni (ca.: 5,5 cm KL) 50 €

0.1 Aphonopelma gabeli (ca. 4-4,5 cm KL) 140€

0.2 Grammostola porteri (ca. 5,5 cm KL) 120€

0.1 Grammostola pulchripes (ca.: 3- 3,5 cm KL) 45 €

0.1 Harpactira namaquensis adult 70€


0.0.10 Acanthoscurria geniculata 3,5 cm 20€

0.0.2 Aphonopelma belindae (1 cm KL) 35 €

0.0.1 Brachypelma hamorii (ca. 2,5-3 cm KL)

0.0.3 birupes simoroxigorum 2 fh 60 euro

0.0.3 Chilobrachys spec. Elektrik blue 5 fh 30€

0.0.1 Grammostola pulchra (1,5 cm) 30€

0.0.9 Pamphobeteus sp. machala 2 fh 15€

0.0.10 Psalmopoeus victori 1 fh 25€

0.0.12 Orphnnecus sp. blue panay 2 fh 4 €

0.0.6 Theraphosa blondi 2 fh 60€

0.0.6 Thrixopelma ockerti 3 fh 20 €

0.0.1 Tliltocatl albopilosum Nicaragua (4-5 cm KL) 35 €

Shipping or Hamm in December:
50 x I.mira fh3-350e
50 x A.pucallpa fh3-500e
50 x O.philippinus fh3/4-400e
50 x C.elegans fh1-180e
10 x C.mascatum fh2/3-150e
10 x C.leetzi Venezuela fh2/3-140e
100 x Ch.fimbriatus fh3-400e
100 x N.incei gold fh1-250e
100 x M.balfouri-600e
100 x P.regalis-350e
Y.diverispies adult-80e
I.mira adult-80e
P.victori 5cm Bl-150e
C.versi 4-4,5cm-60e
P.rufus 3cm-50e
B.simoroxigorum 3,5cm-250e
adult males:

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Chilobrachys, Holconia, Amazonius, Poecilotheria, etc. +2
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Chilobrachys, Holconia, Amazonius, Poecilotheria, etc.

Adoptiveltern gesucht - Spinnen 10/23:

0.0.9 Holconia murrayensis FH3-5 - 22€
1.1 Chilobrachys natanicharum (ex. sp. electric blue) subadult - 140€
0.0.15 Chilobrachys fimbriatus FH2/3 - 10€
0.1 Pterinochilus murinus rcf adult - 60€
0.1 Tliltocatl albopilosus (Hobbyform) adult - 40€
0.1 Acanthoscurria geniculata (4-5cm) - 40€
0.0.3 Psalmopoeus cambridgei FH3 - 12€
0.0.10 Psalmopoeus irminia FH4/5 - 15€
0.0.6 Cyriocosmus elegans FH2/3 - 18€
0.0.9 Hysterocrates crassipes FH2 - 6€
0.0.5 Lasiodora parahybana FH2 - 5€
0.1 Grammostola pulchra XL - 180€
0.0.10 Poecilotheria regalis FH1 - 9€
0.0.2 Tliltocatl albopilosus "Nicaragua" FH1 - 4€
Amazonius germani FH3 - 15€
0.0.20 Barylestis occidentalis FH3-4 - 12€
0.0.2 Birupes simoroxigorum FH3 - 70€
0.0.5 Phormictopus sp. green femur FH2 - 75€
0.0.X Macrothele holsti FH1/2 - 5€
0.0.X Macrothele holsti FH3 - 8€
0.0.X Ischnothele caudata FH1 - 5€
0.0.X Heteropoda venatoria FH1 - 3€
0.0.20 Heteropoda venatoria FH2/3 - 5€
0.0.X Heteropoda sp. Deep Red FH1/2 - 8€
0.0.10 Macrocthenus kingsleyi FH1/2 - 10€
0.0.3 Kukulcania hibernalis FH4/5 - 10€
0.0.25 Cupiennius salei "Luzia" FH3 - 7€
0.0.X Latrodectus geometricus FH1/2 - 5€
0.0.3 Latrodectus geometricus FH6 - 8€
0.2 Latrodectus geometricus adult - 20€
0.0.X Latrodectus menavodi FH1/2 - 4€
0.0.X Latrodectus menavodi FH3/4 - 7€
0.0.X Latrodectus menavodi presub-, sub- - 13€
0.0.X Latrodectus mactans FH1/2 - 5€
0.0.X Latrodectus mactans FH 3/4 - 8€
0.0.X Latrodectus mactans presub-, sub- - 15€
Trichonephila inaurata madagascariensis Kokon - 250€
Trichonephila inaurata madagascariensis (mittel) - 25€

Beachten Sie auch unsere anderen Anzeigen

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Male, Female slings and Bulk offert
Sell - bird spiders

Male, Female slings and Bulk offert

International shipping around 20 Euro with heat pack, depends on the country.

Bulk offert:
C.darlingi L3 x 70pcs - 100 E
P. lugardi L1 x 100 - 180 E
P. lugardi L2/L3 - 30 szt - 70 E
H.gigas L2/3 x 50 - 30 E
N. chromatus L1x40 - 30 E

B. simoroxigorum sub? - 80 E (F0)

Adult female (Most of them ready for breeding)
P. cambridgei x2 -30 E
H. gigas x 4- 25 E
N inceci classic x2 -10 E
C. elegans adult x 6 - 30 E
P. reduncus - 30 E
X.sp White ~6Body lenght - 280 E

B.vagans L2 – 2 E
C. darlingi L2/3 – 4 E
C. electric blue L6 – 25 E
C. elegans L3 – 4 E
C. fimbriatus 1-1.5 BL - 12 E
C. hati hati L5/6 - 10 E
C. huahini L3 - 5 E
C. laeta L3 – 10 E
C. versicolor L3 – 12 E
C. Vietnam blue 1-1.5 DC – 10 E
D. pentaloris L6 – 10 E
H. pulchripes L2 – 10 E
H. villosella L2- 3E
H. Villosella L5 – 4E
K. brunnipes L2- 3E
N. chromatus L2 – 2E
N. incei gold L3 – 5E
N.incei classic L4 – 3E
O. Auerotibialis L2 –10E
O. costalis L2/3 - 30 E
P. cambridgei L2- 3E
P. chocleasvorax L3 -35 E
P. lugardi L2 – 6E
P. miranda L3 – 8E
P. sazimai L2/3 - 5E
P. metallica L1 (Soon) - 20E

International shipping from Poland from 100 E.

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: B.simoroxigorum FH 1, P. sp. dominican purple +1
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

B.simoroxigorum FH 1, P. sp. dominican purple

I have slings Birupes simoroxigorum FH1

5 stk 180€
10 stk 330€
20 stk 495€

And pairs of Phormictopus sp. Dominican purple
~ 3cm body length
male + female 85€

Shipping to Europe or
pick up in person in Gdańsk, Gdynia, Sopot (Poland)
Contact :

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Birupes simoroxigorum FH 1 +1
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Birupes simoroxigorum FH 1

I have slings Birupes simoroxigorum FH1

5 stk 180€
10 stk 330€
20 stk 495€

To check my trustworthy i have account on polish egzotic webside since 2008. I have 24 positive comments. this is link to my profile

Shipping to Europe or
pick up in person in Gdańsk Gdynia Sopot (Poland)
Contact :

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Birupes simoroxigorum FH 1 bulks good prices
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Birupes simoroxigorum FH 1 bulks good prices

I have slings Birupes simoroxigorum FH1

5 stk 180€
10 stk 330€
20 stk 495€

To check my trustworthy i have account on polish egzotic webside since 2008. I have 24 positive comments. this is link to my profile

Shipping to Europe or
pick up in person in Gdańsk Gdynia Sopot (Poland)
Contact :

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Birupes simoroxigorum FH 1
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Birupes simoroxigorum FH 1

I have fresh slings B.simoroxigorum
5 stk 210 €
10 stk 380 €
20 stk 600 €

Shipping to Europe or
pick up in person i Gdynia (Poland)
Contact :

Sell - bird spiders

For Terraplaza (09.07.2023)

Caribena versicolor 3cm body - 50 €
Chilobrachys fimbriatus 3-3,5cm body - 35€
Chilobrachys sp. electric blue adult - 120€
Cyropagopus sp. hati hati 3-3,5cm body - 35€
Cyriopagopus schmidti (Guangxi locality) adult- 70€
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens adult - 70€
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 3cm body - 40€
Brachypelma albiceps adult - 100€
Brachypelma albiceps 3cm body - 35€
Brachypelma emilia 3cm body - 35€
Brachypelma emilia 4,5cm body- 50€
Brachypelma hamorii 4-4,5cm body - 50€
Brachypelma hamorii adult - 100€
Brachypelma klaasi 5,5-6cm body - 120€
Monocentropus balfouri adult - 35€
Grammostola pulchripes 5-5,5cm body 60€
Grammostola pulchripes adult - 70€
Phormingochilus arboricola 4cm body - 35€
Phormingochilus sp rufus 3cm body - 35€
Psalmopoeus victorii 3,5-4cm body - 80€

Caribena versicolor 3cm body - 30€
Chilobrachys sp. electric blue adult (2023.05) - 35€
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens adult (2023.06) - 45€
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 3cm body - 25€
Birupes simoroxigorum 3,5 cm body - 80€
Brachypelma albiceps 3cm body - 25€
Brachypelma albiceps semi/sub - 50€
Brachypelma emilia 3cm body - 25€
Brachypelma emilia 4,5cm body - 35 €
Brachypelma hamorii 4-4,5cm body - 35€
Brachypelma klaasi 4,5cm body - 55€
Grammostola puchripes 4-5-5cm body - 35€
Pseudhapalopus sp. yellowblue 2,5 cm - 50€