Drymarchon standard ads [Page 2]
Drymarchon hamm september
Drymarchon rubidus cb24
Drymarchon melanurus 66 axantic cb24
Drymarchon / Indigonattern
1.0 yellow tail Suriname cb15
x.x Texas indigos/erebenus cb24 (different lines
x.x Vera Cruz cribos cb24
looking for Eastern Indigo snakes (Drymarchon couperi)
Looking for any Eastern Indigo snakes (Drymarchon couperi) Please text Don asap 1 519 622-7567,,,
Drymarchon melanurus erebennus female
I give a 5 year old female of drymarchon melanurus erebennus (Texas indigo snake).
Strong and perfectly healthy specimen.
For more information contact +39 3312840685 (also whatsapp)
Drymarchon m. melanurus/ corais
0.1 Drymarchon Corais (yellowtail)WF 2022
Getestet!! FP 850€
1.0 Drymarchon m melanurus NZ 2023
Fressen Frostfutter
Übergabe in Hamm am 24.12.und Versand möglich
I would like to change Savannah monitor lizard for snake
Hello, i would like to change my savannah monitor lizard for snakes. He Is 10 months. He eat 1 days old chicken or cricket and he Is 55 cm long. I would like to change him for one of this
1x Euprepiophis mandarinus
2x Heterodon nascius
1-2x Oreocryptophis porphyraceus
1x Drymarchon couperi
1.2 Goniurosaurus hainanensis
1-2x Zamenis persica
1,0 Drymarchon corais c. yellow Tail Cribo
Zur Abgabe steht o. g. Drymarchon corais c. Yellow Tail . Der Cribo war bis vor 2 Wochen in der Winterruhe und hatte sich durchgängig bei 18 Grad verkrochen. Er ist gesund , frisch aus der Haut, gierig am Futter, ( Ratten, Meerschweinchen, junge Kaninchen,Putenherz , Hähnchen). ,, Ramses" ist einigermaßen umgänglich und ist ca. 2,3 Meter lang und wiegt gute 5 Kg. Schlupf 2015 . Gegen Gebot.
1.0 Drymarchon melanurus (blacktail) * Indigonatter
Gesundes Männchen.
Ca 135cm, gute 1000g
Guter Fresser; Ratten, Mäuse, Putenherzen...
Übergabe in Hamm, oder Anholung Nähe Hildesheim
Drymarchon melanurus melanurus
1,1 Drymarchon melanurus melanurus, Nz. 2017 unverpaart
Nur zusammen, kein Versand.
1,0 Drymarchon couperi
1,0 Drymarchon couperi, CB 18.06.23, abzugeben, sehr guter Fresser, VB. 2000 €. Übergabe z. B. Hamm März 24
Suche Drymarchon (corais) couperi
Hamm oder Abholung:
Drymarchon couperi zur Erweiterung meiner Zuchtgruppe.
Die Indigonatter kommt in gute Haltung. Allerdings bitte keine einzelnen Männchen anbieten ;-)
Drymarchon Melanurus femmina scambio.
Drymarchon Melanurus femmina scambio con Drymarchon Couperi femmina.
Drymarchon couperi / Heterodon platirhinos
Looking for:
1.0 Drymarchon couperi red
1.1 Heterodon platirhinos
Please provide a photo and a price with your offer.
Drymarchon and P. m. lodingi
Hi everyone, I propose only for serious buyers, for Snake Day Houten :
SOLD Female (just one) Drymarchon couperi "Red head" CB 2023 - 2000 euros SOLD
- Males and females (2.2) Drymarchon melanurus rubidus CB 2022 "Red Guerrero" F1 not related 2000 euros each or 3500 the pair / 6000 euros for the groupe
- Proven breeding group of Pituophis melanoleucus lodingi 1.2 (USA import female CB 2010 + CB Germany female CB 2018 + male CB France 2013) - 3000 for the groupe
- Males and females Pituophis melanoleucus lodingi CB 2023 - 3.2 / 2 males are twins - 450 euros each or 800 for a pair / 1900 euros for the groupe
Feel free to contact me.
Hello, I'm looking for the following
philodryas baroni , drymarcon couperi /axantic
guttatus (scaless , shatter and palmettos)
whatsapp: +393490645927
Drymarchon couperi 1.0 hamm et houten
possible to bring it back hamm and houten
Drymarchon couperi 1.0 nc22
Looking for Drymarchon Melanurus Melanurus male
I'm looking for a 1.0 Drymarchon Melanurus Melanurus baby or juvenile with delivery at Hamm. Also could be interested in 1.1 if good price.
Thank you in advance
Looking for Drymarchon Melanurus Melanurus
I'm looking for a 1.0 Drymarchon Melanurus Melanurus baby or juvenile with delivery at Hamm. Also could be interested in 1.1 if good price.
Thank you in advance
Drymarchon Melanurus CB16 0.1.
0.1. Drymarchon Melanurus CB16
Female is good condition and ready for next time.
Verifed in breeding.
Price 2000€
Reason for sale: lost adult male
Looking for Male Drymarchon Melanurus Melanurus
I'm looking for a 1.0 Drymarchon Melanurus Melanurus baby or juvenile with delivery at Hamm. Also could be interested in 1.1 if good price.
Thank you in advance
Drymarchon Premium ads [Page 2]
For Jun hamm or houten show, more info pm
PREMIUM 0.0.200 Isopod cubaris white shark
0.0.100 Phyllomedusa sauvagii cb23
10.5 Zhangixalus arboreus in trios
2.3 Nephrurus levis levis - adult ready for breed
5.5.20 rachodactylus auriculatus different colors and qualities
0.0.50 acantochelys spixii cb23
0.0.35 chelus fimbriatus imported 5 months ago, great eaters, good condition
0.0.50 Correlophus ciliatus
2.2.4 tiliqua gigas evanescense reduced pattern and patternless
0.0.20 Pogonna vitticeps high red hypo trans and hypo het trans
0.0.3 Astrochelys radiata big size good price cb with yellow pappers cb 2020
0.0.26 chelonoidis carbonaria cb23
2.5.9 Testudo horsfieldii proven breeder group and babies cb23
2.5 testudo marginata proven breeders group, every year produce good amount of babies
0.0.2 rachodactylus leachianus mt koghis
0.0.4 rachodactylus leachianus bayonaise
0.0.4 rachodactylus leachianus nu ana
0.0.4 microlophus albermaiensis cb 23
0.0.5 tiliqua nigrolutea lowland cb22
1.2 Drymarchon corais red/black tail proven breeders
3.3 drymarchon rubidus proven breeders
1.1 Anolis baracoae blue adult proven
3.1 Anolis sp red throat adult proven
1.1 Anolis guamuhaya adult proven
1.1 Anolis baracoae green cb2022
3.3 Enaylioides laticeps
1.2 Uracentron flaviceps
0.1.2 Varanus reisingeri
1.0 Varanus glauerti
1.0 Hemiteconix taylori
1.0 Nephrurus stellatus
1.0 Cyrtodactylus peguensis
1.0 Nephrurus amyae
0.1 egernia stockesi badia (adult/subadult)
Last snakes availables, Hamm and Houten delivery
1.1 Morelia viridis biak female cb2019 male cb2020 1800€ pair perfect animals
1.2 Drymarchon m. rubidus Guerrero locality
1350€ each
1.1 Phrynonax poecillatus stripe
Male sub adult, female cb2022 1400€ pair
0.1 Drymarchon corais yellow tail cb2022 850€ very bright animal
Houten/Hamm! Biak, Drymarchon, phrynonax etc
1.1 Morelia viridis biak pure locality, CB2019 female cb2020 male 2000€ pair
2.2 Phrynonax poecillatus stripe, cb2021 males , cb2022 females, 1500€ each pair
0.2 cb2022 Drymarchon black tails from WC parents , VERY black tails. 1200e each
Males and females cb2022 Drymarchon m. rubidus Guerrero locality 1350€ each
1.0 Drymarchon m. unicolor cb2022 900€
1.0 Elaphe carinata ready to breed cb2021 350€
1.1 Elaphe carinata yonaguniensis CB2022 1500€ pair
1.1 Spilotes pullatus cb2021 1000€ pair (still young)
2 - 0 ELAPH MOELLENDORFFI (good eater) CB 2021 400 €
2 - 0 GONYOSOMA BOULANGERIE (good eater) CB 2021 €
2 - 0 DRYMARCHON EREBENNUS CB 2022 black form
1 - 0 elaphe moellendorfi CB 2021 good eater
Pick up at Hamm possible
2 - 0 ELAPH MOELLENDORFFI (good eater) CB 2021
2 - 0 GONYOSOMA BOULANGERIE (good eater) CB 2021
Pick up possible at Hamm
Ready for hamm or houten show nov-dec
Ready for ✈️ cb2022-21 Houten or hamm
-eublepharis macularius different morphs cb22
-black night leopard gecko cb22
-tiliqua g evanescense from patternless parents cb22
-Nephrurus Levi’s levis cb22
-Nephrurus vertebralis cb22
- Nephrurus wheeleri w. Cb22
-hemiteconix taylori male adult proven cb
-Nephrurus stellatus Males young and adult male cb
-underwoorsario husbandi cb22
- chondrolactylus angulifer cb22 pairs
-sauromalus ater red back granite
- microlophus albermaiensis
- Timon princeps
-pogona vitticeps high red hypo het trans and hypo trans
-Rachodactylus leachianus high pink nu Ana
-uromastyx Acanthinura flame super high quality cb 2021
-uromastyx flavifasciata cb20 austria
-uromastyx ornata philby cb 20 import cites
-varanus prasinus merauke cb21
-varanus reisingeri cb22
-uromastyx thomasi cb22 registered in Spain
-Correlophus ciliatus Mix
-Mniarogekko chahoua *mainland cb22 and males
-Rhacodactylus auriculatus RED - cb22
-Tiliqua nigrolutea *lowland - pair cb22
-Uracentron flaviceps !!! -wc imported ltc
-Rhinoclemmys rubida rubida pairs ltc imported
-Drymarchon melanurus rubidus ltc imported
-acanthochelys spixii adult and babies
-hydromedusa maximiliani adult proven breeders
-acanthochelys Vanderhaegei adult proven breeders
-a.radiolata adult group and some youngs
-A. macrocephala adult proven breeders
-Messoclemys tuberculatus adult proven breeders
-M raniceps adult proven breeders
-Crotaphytus collaris subadult pairs
-chelus fimbriatus adult wc imported
-hydrosaurus pustulatus cb2022
-hemiteconix caudicintus adult proven breeders (many females good production many morphs) only as a group
-tiliqua s. Intermedia unsexed cb22
- egernia epsisolus female cb22
-egernia stockesi pair cb22
-egernia stockesi het albino cb22
-egernia depressa male cb22
-Pogona vitticeps "red hypo. trans" cb22
-Pogona minor "nominal/het translucent" cb22
-Laudakia brachydactyla cb22 and adults
-Uromastyx geyri cb22 registered in Spain
-Goniurosaurus hainanensis cb22-21 registered in Spain
-Elaphe obsoleta "leucistic"cb22-21
-Lampropeltis leonis x ruthveni / pastel king cb22-21
-Pantherophis guttatus microscales/scaleless/albino/nominal cb22-21
-Stigmochelys pardalis cb22 registered in Spain
-hybrid saranisorum x ciliatus cb22
-hybrid chahoua x ciliatus adult pair
-petrosaurus thalasinus pair subadult female adult male cb
sale rare Drymarchon erebennus
CB 2021-2022
4-0 Drymarchon erebennus (2021,2022) ligne Black Pearl Reptiles US
2-0 Elaphe moellendorffi (2021) very good eaters
2-0 Gonyosoma boulengeri (2021) very good eaters
Hamm in december
wattsapp :
adult male geniteur erebennus
baby erebennus
Elaphe moellendorffi (2021)
Gonyosoma boulengeri(2021)
Available for September hamm and houten or worldwide shipping
4.4 chelus fimbriatus adults big size
3.3 rhinoclemmys rubida rubida (ltc)
3.3 drymarchon melanurus rubidus (ltc) proven breeders
2.2 Drymarchon corais melanurus (ltc)
7 drymobius marganitiferus mexican form
(All animals above with correct documentation, and permits of import)
Available for hamm show or houten jun 2022
0.1 Aeluroscalabotes felinus (young female, ready to breed)
2.2 Nephrurus deleani cb2022-21
8.8.4 Nephrurus levis levis (adult and subadult pairs cb2020-21-22)
3.3 Chondrodactylus angulifer (cb2022 and cb2021)
0.0.7 Crotaphytus melanomaculatus (cb2022)
0.0.7 Microlophus albemarlensis (CB22, and two young males)
0.0.3 Crotaphytus bicinctore (cb2022)
0.0.70 Crotaphytus collaris (cb2022)
0.0.7 Timon Kurdistanicus (cb2022)
2.2.10 Pogona vitticeps hypo het trans and hypo trans red
3.3 Uromastyx nigriventis flame (cb21, super quality parents, registered in spanish authorities)
1.1 Uromastyx ornata Philby (cb16-cb20) breed and registered in Austria, Zizka
0.0.2 Geochelone platynota (cites and chip)
0.1 Geochelone elegans (cites and chip)
1.1 Geckoella/Cyrtodactylus peguensis
0.0.40 Eubleplaris macularius cb22 different morphs
4.4 Rachodactylus leachianus gt mt koghis cb21 (red bar harkito bloodline) no red animals
1.1 R leachianus Mt koghis friedel adult
1.1 R. leachianus Nu ana adult
10.10 mniarogekko chahoua (ready to breed, 2 years old)
2.2 Corucia Zebrata (Proven breeders) from Italian breeder Stefano Alcini
3.3 Rhinoclemmys rubida rubida (Imported)
2.2 Rhinoclemmys rubida perixantha (Imported)
1.1 Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima pulcherrima
2.2 Drymarchon melanurus rubidus (Imported, LTC)
1.1 Hydromedusa maximilani (adults proven breeders)
10 pituophis deppei deppei (imported)
Can be part in trade for:
1.0 Nephrurus laevisimus, 0.1 red back ater, 1.0 Geckoella/Cyrtodactylus jeyporensis
More info PM
1.1 proven breeders Drymarchon couperi
We may sell one of our adults Drymarchon couperi pair.
They are proven breeder last season for the first time.
We only sell them because we do have a big group of adults and youngs already.
The female has a tail nip!
Price 11k euro firm.
Available hamm or houten show
PREMIUM 1.0.5 hypsilurus magnus (cb2021 and subadult male)
0.0.17 adelophates castalneoticus cb 2021 in germany
2.2 uromastyx dispar flavifasciata (cb from c.zizka austria)
1.1 uromastyx ornata philby (cb from c.zizka)
1.1 varanus acanthurus red ackie from high red bloodlines (cb2021, Germany)
0.0.8 varanus Glauerti (cb2021, germany)
0.1 abronia Campbelli (cites and chip)registered in ifap
0.2 heloderma suspectum very black cb from Hans-Joachim schwandt
1.1 Ctnosaura alfredmitchi cb Sweden 2021
1.2 Ctnosaura defensor cb Sweden 2021
1.3 Cyclura cornuta (cb2009,2014,2014,2015, ready for breed) chip and cites
1.1 corucia zebrata, from stefano alcini, registered breeder(Italy) chipped.
1.2 Uracentron flaviceps (imported sept 2021)
From Mexico import; (all with copy of the legal import pappers)
5.5 rhinoclemmys rubida rubida (adult/subadult)
3.3 drymarchon melanurus rubidus (adult/subadult)
2.2 phrynosoma asio (adult/subadult)
Photos and more info via email
For sell or trade for egernia/tiliqua or Rachodactylus
2.2 corucia zebrata (proven breeders, from registered breeder)
0.5 heloderma s.c black Utah from Manfred and s.s from Hans-Joachim
1.3 Cyclura cornuta (adult ready to breed, yellow cites, chipped, different bloodlines)
2.2 uromastyx ornata philby (import cites and from register breeder)
1.4 uromastyx geyri (from registered breeder)
0.1 abronia campbelli (with yellow cites, photodocumented)
2.2 salvator rufecens (with import cites)
4.4 uromastyx d.flavifasciata (from registered breeder and parents with cites)
0.0.3 hydrosaurus pustulatus cb 21
1.3 Lophosaurus dilophus cb21
0.0.1 sauromalus hispidus
0.0.5 sauromalus ater granite cb2021
2.0 petrosaurus thalasinus
1.4 platysaurus broadleyi
0.0.1 scincoides Evanecens reduced pattern
3.3 Anolis porcus red throat
1.1 anolis barbatus
1.1 anolis guayancaba
0.0.60 pachymedusa dacnicolor cb2021
0.0.xxxx podocnemis unifilis
30 s.triporcatus (15cm)
5.5 phrynosoma asio
5.5 drymarchon melanurus rubidus
4.4 kinosternon cora
5.5 rhinoclemmys pulcherrima pulcherrima
2.2 Rhinoclemmys rubida rubida
3.3 Rhinoclemmys rubida perixantha
30 boana punctata
0.4 polychrurus marmoratus
20 Stenocercus fimbriatus
1.4 Uracentron flaviceps
2.3 Clelia rústica (Paraphimophis rusticus)
0.0.3 acanthochelys spixii
0.0.3 aldabra gigantea (with cites imported to Italy)
1.1 geochelone elegans Pakistan (with yellow papper, chipped)
0.0.2 geochelone platynota (with yellow cites)
3.3 pogona vitticeps red hypo het trans and hypo trans
For sell or trade for egernia/tiliqua or Rachodactylus
PREMIUM 2.2 corucia zebrata (proven breeders, from registered breeder)
1.3 Cyclura cornuta (adult ready to breed, yellow cites, chipped, different bloodlines)
2.2 uromastyx ornata philby (import cites and from register breeder)
1.4 uromastyx geyri (from registered breeder)
0.0.3 hydrosaurus pustulatus cb 21
1.3 Lophosaurus dilophus cb21
0.0.1 sauromalus hispidus
0.0.5 sauromalus ater granite cb2021
2.0 petrosaurus thalasinus
1.4 platysaurus broadleyi
0.0.1 scincoides Evanecens reduced pattern
3.3 Anolis porcus red throat
1.1 anolis barbatus
1.1 anolis guayancaba
0.0.60 pachymedusa dacnicolor cb2021
0.0.xxxx podocnemis unifilis
30 s.triporcatus (15cm)
5.5 phrynosoma asio
5.5 drymarchon melanurus rubidus
4.4 kinosternon cora
5.5 rhinoclemmys pulcherrima pulcherrima
2.2 Rhinoclemmys rubida rubida
3.3 Rhinoclemmys rubida perixantha
30 boana punctata
0.4 polychrurus marmoratus
20 Stenocercus fimbriatus
1.4 Uracentron flaviceps
herps buy, sell and exchange.
Find animals and accessories or sell them free of charge or with a paid classified.Contact breeders and dealers from Germany and abroad.