Thamnobates standard ads

Chamaeleons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.0 Bradypodion thamnobates, CB, Howick locality +1
Sell Chamaeleons

1.0 Bradypodion thamnobates, CB, Howick locality

I have 1.0 Bradypodion thamnobates, captive bred, of the Howick locality, available for Verona Reptiles on 12.05.2024.

The male has been raised outside between March and October and whilst indoors during the winter continually receives 6% UVB (Arcadia) for 8 hours per day. All insects (small crickets, curly wing flies, hydei fruit flies) are dusted with calcium at every feeding and with D3 and a multi-vitamin once per month.

Abronia deppii "grey head form" (Michoacán), deppii (Morelos), graminea "black eye form", oaxacae, smithi, taeniata (Veracruz)

Barisia imbricata, rudicollis

Bradypodion dracomontanum, dracomontanum "emerald", setaroi, thamnobates (Emhubeni), transvaalense

Cordylus macropholis

Mokopirirakau granulatus

Phrynosoma braconnieri, orbiculare, taurus

Pseudocordylus species

Sceloporus formosus, oberon, smaragdinus, stejnegeri, taeniocnemis, torquatus

Woodworthia brunnea, maculata

Xenosaurus grandis, newmanorum, sanmartinensis

Chamaeleons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.0 Bradypodion thamnobates Howick +2
Sell Chamaeleons

1.0 Bradypodion thamnobates Howick

1.0 ADULT PROVEN Bradypodion thamnobates, he is from Howick locale.
Cb 04/22

Ich suche ein Bradypodion thamnobates Weibchen.

Chamaeleons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Adult pair of Bradypodion thamnobates +2
Sell Chamaeleons

Adult pair of Bradypodion thamnobates

i offer a nice 1.1 adult cb pair from april 2022. Hamm june is possible ✈️
Let me know, if interested, for price and other infos,
Regards, Diego

Suche, für die Übergabe in Hamm , adult 0.1 Bradypodion caffer und adult 0.1 Brady. thamnobates howick

Looking for:
1.1 or 1.2 Trioceros jacksonii jacksonii
0.1 Bradypodion thamnobates
for Hamm in june.