heterodon nasicus standard ads [Page 6]
Heterodon/Hognose nasicus
September hamm
6,7 Klasik 66% het Albino/50% het lavender
8,12 anakonda 66% het Albino/50% het lavender
7,8 superkonda 66% het Albino/50% het lavender
0,2 klasik 100% het toffee Belly
3,3 anakonda 100% het toffee belly
1,3 100% het toffee belly
7,9 Toffee Belly
5,2 Toffeekonda
5,4 Toffeesuperkonda (Candy)
1,0 Albino
5,6 Albinokonda
1,0 Albinosuperkonda
0,2 Axantik 66% het Albino
0,7 Axantikkonda 66% het albino
Enz Heterodon Nasicus CB 24
Zur Abgabe bereit Heterodon Nasicus CB 24
Alle Tiere sind Futterfest und haben mehr als 15x gefressen
Folgende Farbschläge sind verfügbar
- Snow ( Aktuell nur Männchen )
- Yeti ( Aktuell nur Männchen )
- Albino u. Albino Conda Het Axanthic ( Beide Geschlechter )
- Arctic Het Ghost ( Beide Geschlechter )
- Classic Het Lavender Het Axanthic ( Beide Geschlechter )
- Neon Toffeebelly Het Toxic ( Beide Geschlechter )
- Arctic Conda 50% Het Lavender ( Beide Geschlechter )
- Arctic Superconda 50% Het Lavender
- Super Arctic Conda 50% Het Lavender ( Beide Geschlechter )
- Super Arctic Superconda ( Aktuell nur Männchen )
Bei Interesse gerne Melden
Heterodon nasicus nasicus for sale
Super Arctic
Axanthic poss het snow
Albino 100% het snow
Albinoconda 100% het snow
Albino superconda 100% het snow
Yeti / Snow anaconda
Super Yeti / Snow superconda
For Houten/Hamm/Snakeday
Heterodon nasicus - Hognose
I have and I don't need
17.9 heterodon CB 6/24
different colors - arctic, hypo, albino, conda, superconda and combinations, none are classic (wild)
Heterodon nasicus CB 2024
Anaconda poss. het. (66%) Sable, (50%) Albino/Toffee
Arctic-Anaconda poss. het. (66%) Sable, (50%) Albino/Toffee
Classic poss. het. (66%) Lucy
Anaconda d. het. Frost (Caramel/Hypo)
Arctic-Anaconda d. het. Frost (Caramel/Hypo)
Arctic d. het. Frost (Caramel/Hypo)
Arctic het. Sable, 50% poss. het. Albino
Arctic-Anaconda het. Sable, 50% poss. het. Albino
Sable-Anaconda 50% poss. het. Albino/Toffee
Arctic-Sable-Anaconda 50% poss. het. Albino/Toffee
Albino 66% poss. het. Lavender (Coral)
Albino-Anaconda 66% poss. het. Lavender (Coral)
Bei interesse gerne melden!
I sale E. plumbea male or exchange for another snake
Hello, I am offering for sale or exchange my male water snake (Enhydris plumbea), as I would like to deal with snakes that eat rodents or chickens. The male has never bitten, he hesitates at most during handling, but he is not biting and does not hiss in any way. It is used to smaller fish such as tetras and others. He also takes pieces of fish meat, but always eats 100% of live fish. Regarding breeding, he only needs a room in the size of 50x30x30, he himself is currently 30 cm, he can grow up to 50 cm. Either it can be kept purely in water with a water column of max. 5 cm with a piece of wood, or with 1/3 dry surface and 2/3 water. It has similar teeth to the nosed heterodon, so it is harmless to humans. He is originally from Indonesia, but he has been in captivity for over half a year, of which 4 months were with me, and during that time he was without any problems, he had 3 coats and they were always whole. I will gladly exchange it for a snake that eats rodents or chickens, does not bite and is used to handling (NOT invasive species) or I will keep it for 800 CZK. Only in person in Prague or Písek in South Bohemia, I DO NOT RESERVE and do not send.
Heterodon nasicus Swiss Swiss Chocolate
Abzugeben die ersten 24er Jungtiere Swiss Chocolate. Verfügbar als Arctic, Anaconda Albino und weitere. Weltweiter Versand
Grüsse aus der ????????. Jules Toth
Heterodon nasicus ~ Caramel Toxic Superconda
Pic 2 & 3 ...
1.0 Caramel Toxic Superconda CB 2023
(Caramel + Axanthic + Toffeebelly)
Pic 4 ...
1.0 Toxic Superconda ph Caramel CB 2023
High white with reduced head pattern and already nice grown.
Pic 5 ...
1.0 Toxic Superconda ph Caramel CB 2023
I’m open for trades against other interesting HIGH END MORPHS also.
# Hognose # Hakennasennatter
Heterodon/Hognose nasicus
14.9.2024 HAMM
Hognose 100 babies+++, males, females, 2024
Buy all, discount.
Klasik, Anakonda, Superkonda
Toffee Belly, Toffeeconda, Toffeesuperkonda
Albino, Albinoconda, Albinosuperkonda
Axantik, Axantikkonda 66% het albino
Heterodon nasicus Arctic Toxic - Toxic Conda / Superconda
CB 2024:
1.0 Arctic het Toxic
2023 (ready to breed):
1.0 Toxic Conda
Heterodon Nasicus /Stormcloud
Biete hier:
1.1 Conda het Stormcloud het Acid Rain an von 2024
( Anaconda 100% het Sable, Axanthic,Toffee
Versand und Hamm ist kein Problem.
Bei Fragen gerne schreiben.
Heterodon nasicus - Conda het axanthic
I am now selling off the first hognose litter this year. The litter consists of conda axanthic 50% albino and normal axanthic 50% albino. Everyone eats and changes shed as they should☺️ They are located in Denmark, but can be brought to the hamm expo.
Westliche Hakennasennatter Anaconda (heterodon nasicus) 1.0
"Franz" wurde 09/2018 geboren und lebt seit 12/2018 bei mir.
Er frisst immer ganz gut, ab und zu macht er seine Futterpausen.
mitgeben kann ich alles an Zubehör wie Terrarium, Licht etc.
Leider muss ich mich wegen persönlichen Umständen von meinen Schlangen trennen..
Heterodon nasicus - Snow Arctic, Superarctic - Hakennasennatter
1.0 SuperarcticAlbinoSuperconda 66%ph Axanthic
CB2023 - ready to breed:
1.0 SuperarcticConda het Albino 66%ph Axanthic
CB2022 - ready to breed (not bred before)
1.0 Arctic het Axanthic ph sunburst
Hamm September, local pickup or shipping
Hakennasennatter abzugeben
Für Berlin, Hamm oder Versand:
0.1 Heterodon nasicus - Albino Conda CB 19, Provenbreeder. 350€ VB
näheres via PN
Heterodon nasicus Arctic Conda NZ 24
Eigene Nachzuchten aus der Verpaarung
SuperArctic Conda x SuperConda Arctic
Beide Geschlechter vorhanden
Heterodon nasicus superarctic conda
Verkaufe eigene Nachzuchten 2024
Verpaarung: SuperArctic x superconda Arctic
Heterodon nasicus ~ Moonstruck / Arctic Lavender Conda + Superconda
Unrelated pair CB 2023
1.0 Moonstruck (Arctic Lavender Conda)
together with ...
0.1 Arctic Superconda 100% het. Lavender
# Hognose # Hakennasennatter
Heterodon nasicus Axanthic / Hakennasennatter
Hallo. Wir geben unsere Hakennasennatter ab.
Wir haben sie 2023 als 0.1 (Weibchen) gekauft.
Preis VS - Preisangebot
Abholung in 63667 Nidda (oder ggf Übergabe in Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Ludwigshafen möglich)
Heterodon nasicus Hakennasennatter
bin auf der suche nach Heterodon nasicus Hakennasennatter.
Einfach mal alles anbieten bis ca. 200€
Schon mal Danke
heterodon nasicus Premium ads [Page 6]
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