Grammostola alticeps standard ads [Page 2]

Biete für die Börse Recklinghausen am 09.06
Für Vorbestellungen gibt es 15% Rabatt!

Spiderlinge / Unbestimmt:
Acanthoscurria geniculata, 2,5cmKL, 20€
Aphonopelma seemanni, 1cmKL, 10€
Aphonopelma seemanni, 3cmKL, 25€
Brachypelma emilia, 1-1,5cmKL, 18€
Brachypelma hamorii, 2,5cmKL, 25€
Bumba cabocla, 1cmKL, 15€
Caribena versicolor, 2-2,5cmKL, 25€
Catumiri argentinense, 1,5cmKL, 15€
Catumiri parvum, 0,5cmKL, 6€
Chilobrachys fimbriatus, 2cmKL, 15€
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, 2,5cmKL, 25€
Cyriocosmus aueri, 3.-4.FH, 15€
Cyriocosmus perezmilesi, 1,5cmKL, 50€
Davus pentaloris, 1,5cmKL, 15€
Eupalaestrus campestratus, 4cmKL, 60€
Grammostola pulchripes, 1cmKL, 10€
Grammostola pulchripes, 3-3,5cmKL, 25€
Heteroscodra maculata, 2cmKL, 15€
Heterothele villosella, 4.FH, 6€
Heterothele villosella, subadult, 15€
Hysterocrates crassipes, 2,5cmKL, 15€
Hysterocrates gigas, 2cmKL, 10€
Kochiana brunnipes, 1,5cmKL, 15€
Lasiocyano sazimai, 2-2,5cmKL, 20€
Lasiodora parahybana, 3.-4.FH, 5€
Neoholothele incei, 1,5cmKL+, 15€
Nhandu chromatus, 2-2,5cmKL, 20€
Nhandu coloratovillosus, 3cmKL, 25€
Nhandu tripepii, 2-2,5cmKL, 25€
Omothymus schioedtei, 2,5cmKL, 25€
Orphnaecus sp Blue Quezon, 2cmKL, 20€
Pamphobeteus sp Machala, 1,5-2cmKL, 18€
Pamphobeteus sp Platyomma, 1-1,5cmKL, 15€
Psalmopoeus irminia, 2,5cmKL, 15€
Pseudhapalopus sp Blue, 1cmKL+, 25€
Sericopelma rubronitens, 2-2,5cmKL, 20€
Theraphosa apophysis, 2,5cmKL, 60€
Thrixopelma pruriens, 1cmKL, 10€
Tliltocatl albopilosus „Nicaragua“, 1cmKL, 8€
Tliltocatl albopilosus „Nicaragua“, 2,5cmKL, 15€
Tliltocatl verdezi, 1,5cmKL, 12€

Biete für die Börse Recklinghausen am 09.06
Für Vorbestellungen gibt es 15% Rabatt!

Diverse Zuchtdosen auf Lager

Special Offer für Recklinghausen (kein zusätzlicher Rabatt):
0.1 Theraphosa apophysis 2,5cmKL, 80€
1.0 Heterothele villosella adult, 5€
10x Catumiri parvum 0,5cmKL, 40€
10x Cyriocosmus aueri 3.-4.FH, 120€
5x Neoholothele incei 1,5cmKL, 50€
5x Kochiana brunnipes 1,5cmKL, 50€
5x Bumba cabocla 1cmKL, 50€

Cyriocosmus perezmilesi, RH 05/24, 50€
Heterothele villosella, RH 02/24, 10€
Xenesthis immanis, RH?, fit und frisst, 80€

Acanthoscurria geniculata, 3cmKL, 30€
Aphonopelma seemanni, adult, 60€
Caribena versicolor, 2,5cmKL, 45€
Catumiri argentinense, adult, 30€
Cyclosternum familiare, adult, 80€
Cyriocosmus leetzi „Venezuela“, adult, 85€
Cyriocosmus perezmilesi, sub, 75€
Cyriocosmus sellatus, adult, 85€
Eupalaestrus campestratus, 4cmKL, 90€
Euthycaelus colonica, adult, 40€
Grammostola pulchripes, 4cmKL, 45€
Heterscodra maculata, 2,5cmKL, 30€
Heterothele villosella, adult, 20€
Neischnocolus sp Chica, adult, 95€
Neischnocolus sp Kolumbien, 85€
Neoholothele incei, adult, 30€
Nhandu coloratovillosus, 3cmKL, 35€
Nhandu tripepii, 2-2,5cmKL, 30€
Ornithoctonus aureotibialis, adult, 60€
Plesiopelma longisternale, 1,5cmKL, 70€
Psalmopoeus irminia, 2,5cmKL, 25€
Pseudhapalopus sp Blue, adult, 100€
Pterinochilus murinus RCF, 4cmKL, 40€
Theraphosa apophysis, 2,5cmKL, 100€
Theraphosinae sp Cuna, adult, 70€
Theraphosinae sp Villa Tunari, 3cmKL, 75€
Tliltocatl albopilosus „Nicaragua“, adult, 50€
Trichopelma sp Kolumbien, 85€

Search - bird spiders

Grammostola iheringi subadult

Hallo, ich suche eine Grammostola iheringi. Subadult ist mir am liebsten, bitte aber auch andere Grössen anbieten. Eine Übegabe kann im Juni in Houten stattfinden; ein Versand ist auch akzeptabel. Bitte gebt die ungefähre Körperlänge und einen Preis an. DANKE Hi, I'm searching for a Grammostola iheringi. The handover could be done at the Houten Show in June. Shipping is accepted, too. Please make offers including the approximate bodysize and Price. Thank you.

Search - bird spiders

Suche Grammostola Pulchra 0.1

Suche ein Grammostola Pulchra Mädel, welche meinen Bestand zum krönenden Abschluss bringen soll :-) freue mich über Angebote !!

0.1 Caribena Versicolor, NZ:12.’20, sub/adult ~4cm
0.1 Cyriopagopus sp.Sumatran Tiger* NZ:07.’21 3,5-4cm
0.1 Psalmopoeus Victori, NZ:05.’21,(verpaart!?) 4,5cm
1.1 Ybyrabora Sooretama, ENZ:07.’21, (sub./adult) ~3cm

0.1 Aphonopelma sp. Malinche, NZ:09.’21 2-2,5cm
0.1 Grammostola Pulchra, NZ:10.’20, 6.-7.FH, ~3cm
1.1 Theraphosa Apophysis,DNZ:02.’20, 9./9.FH, 5,5-6cm
1.1 Theraphosa Blondi, NZ:12.’21 & 12.’17 ~4cm & 7 cm+
0.1 Xenesthis Intermedia, NZ:02.’20, 8.-9.FH 5cm+
0.1 Xenesthis Intermedia, NZ:10.’21, 5.-6.FH 3,5cm


Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Typhochlaena seladonia, G.Pulchra +2
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Typhochlaena seladonia, G.Pulchra


1.1 Typhochlaena seladonia von 2021
0.0.1 Grammostola Pulchra, KL 2cm.
0.1 Caribena Versicolor weiblich, von 2021
0.0.1 Tliltocatl vagans, KL ca.1 cm
0.0.1 Nhandu Chromatus KL ca 0,5 cm

Teilweise mit Terrarium.

Biete nur zur Selbstabholung in Iserlohn:

0.1 Acanthoscurria geniculata ca. 6cm + 30x30x20cm Terra => 100€
0.1 Brachypelma boehmei ca. 5cm + 30x30x30cm Terra => 80€
0.0.1 Grammostola rosea ca. 4cm => 40€

Sell Spiders and Scorpions

For Shipping within EU ..............

Grammostola pulchripes ~5cm KL
Tapinauchenius polybotes RH 12/23
Theraphosa apophysis ~6cm KL

2x Heterothele villosella adult
Psalmopoeus reduncus ENZ adult

20x Heterothele villosella ENZ 5.-6.FH
10x Psalmopoeus irminia ENZ 4.-5.FH
4x Psalmopoeus reduncus ENZ 2.-3.FH

Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Praha/Budapest/Versand Vogelspinnen

18.05.2024 Ziva Exotica Prag, 23.06.2024 TerraPlaza Budapest oder Versand/shipping.


Acanthoscurria geniculata 1,5-2cm KL...18€
Birupes simoroxigorum 4cm KL...170€
Davus pentaloris 4cm KL...45€
Harpactira dictator 3cm KL...90€
Harpactira namaquensis adult...90€
Lasiocyano sazimai Adult...60€
Lasiodora parahybana 5,5cm KL...70€
Psalmopoeus victori Adult...130€
Pterinochilus murinus dcf "Kigoma" Adult...70€
Theraphosa stirmi 3,5cm KL...100€


Acanthoscurria geniculata N3...5€
Acanthoscurria geniculata 2cm KL...14€
Brachypelma albiceps N3...9€
Brachypelma emilia N3...9€
Bumba horrida 1,5-2cm KL...12€
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens N3...12€
Chilobrachys fimbriatus N1...6€
Chilobrachys natanicharum (ex. sp electric blue) N1...8€
Cyriopagopus sp hati hati N2...6€
Davus pentaloris N2...7€
Grammostola actaeon N3...45€
Grammostola pulchripes N3...9€
Grammostola quirogai N4...40€
Hapalopus sp Guerilla N5-6...28€
Heterothele villosella N5...9€
Lasiocyano sazimai (ex. Pterinopelma sazimai) N3-4...8€
Megaphobema robustum N3...26€
Megaphobema velvetosoma 2-2,5 cm KL...28€
Neoholothele incei 1,5cm KL...8€
Neoholothele incei "gold" 1,5cm KL...9€
Nhandu tripepii N3...9€
Orphnaecus sp blue quezon N3...6€
Pamphobeteus cf. nigricolor N2...8€
Pamphobeteus sp platyomma N1...13€
Phormingochilus arboricola N2...8€
Poecilotheria vittata 2-2,5cm KL...15€
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 1,5cm Kl...8€
Psalmopoeus pulcher N2...8€
Sericopelma sp Santa Catalina 2-2,5cm KL...25€
Sericopelma sp Veraguas 2-2,5cm KL...25€
Theraphosa blondi N4...60€
Thrixopelma pruriens N2...6€
Tliltocatl albopilosus "Nicaragua" N3...7€
Tliltocatl kahlenbergi 1,5cm KL...10€
Tliltocatl schroederi 1,5cm KL...22€
Tliltocatl vagans N2...5€

Vogelspinnen Weibchen:
- Acanthoscurria geniculata ca.2,5cm Kl 28€
- Ceratogyrus darlingi ca.2,5-3cm Kl 33€
- Pterinochilus murinus RCF 2,5-3cm Kl 33€
- Tliltocatl albopilosus Nicara. 2,5-3cm Kl 25€
- Acanthoscurria geniculata ca.1,3cm Kl 10€
- Acanthoscurria geniculata ca.2-2,5cm Kl 23€
- Amazonius germani ca.1,5cm Kl 15€
- Brachypelma auratum N4 27€
- Brachypelma klaasi ca.1cm+ Kl 20€
- Brachypelma hamorii ca. 2-2,5cm Kl 23€
- Brachypelma boehmei ca.1,5cm Kl 14€
- Brachypelma albiceps ca. 1cm+ Kl 13€
- Chilobrachys natanicharum (ex electric blue) N4-5 15€
- Chilobrachys fimbriatus ca.1,5 cm Kl 10€
- Chilobrachys sp.Vietnam blue ca.2cm Kl 16€
- Ceratogyrus darlingi N5 10€
- Ceratogyrus darlingi ca.1,5-2cm Kl 18€
- Chromatopelma cyaneop. ca.1,5cm Kl 19€
- 0,0,xx Dolichothele diamantinensis ENZ' 10/23 N5 15€/Stück
- 0,0,x Grammostola rosea ENZ' 1/24 N2 25€
- Grammostola pulchripes ca.1,5cm+ Kl 15€
- Haplocosmia himalayana ca.1cm+ Kl 10€
- Heteroscodra maculata ca.0,7-1cm Kl 8€
- Hysterocrates gigas ca.1cm Kl 10€
- Idiothele mira ca.1cm Kl 16€
- Lasiocyano sazimai ca.0,7cm Kl 7€
- Megaphobema robustum ca.1-1,5 cm Kl 22€
- Nhandu tripepii N6-7 15€
- Nhandu tripepii ca.2,5-3cm Kl 25€
- Omothymus violaceopes ca.1,5cm Kl 20€
- Orphnaecus sp. blue quezon N5 10€
- Orphnaecus philippinus ca.2cm Kl 18€
- Pseudhapalopus sp blue N5 16€
- Pseudhapalopus sp Kolumbien N5 24€
- Phormigochilus sp. rufus ca.2cm Kl 22€
- Pterinochilus murinus RCF ca.1cm+ Kl 10€
- Tliltocatl albopilosus Nica. ca.2cm+ Kl 10€
- Vitalius chromatus N4-5 9€
- Sowie Sungaya inexpectata verschiedene Größen..10× adulte, gemischte Geschlechter 8€ Größere Mengen> günstig!
- Leuchtschaben (Lucihormetica verrucosa) 15 Stück Mix 10€
- Halloween Fauchschaben (Elliptorhina javanica) 15 Stück Mix 10€

Search Spiders and Scorpions

Grammostola rosea weiblich gesucht

Hallo, ich suche im Raum Karlsruhe eine weibl. Grammostola rosea ab der 3. FH.

Acanthoscurria geniculata 5 x 2-3cm KL
Caribena versicolor 10 x 2-3cm KL
Tliltocatl verdezi 25 x 2-3cm KL
All for 500 Eur

Brachypelma hamoori 10 x 2-3cm KL
Grammostola pulchripes 10 x 2-3cm KL
All for 500 Eur

Search Spiders and Scorpions

Suche diverse Männchen...

Suche Männchen:

Avicularia braunshauseni subadult
Davus sp. Panama mit RH
Grammostola rosea mit RH
Lasiodora klugi mit RH
Monocentropus lambertoni alle Größen
Omothymus schioedtei mit RH
Poecilotheria ornata mit RH
Poecilotheria subfusca mit RH
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli mit RH
Psalmopoeus victori mit RH
Theraphosa blondi subadult/mit RH

Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Für Börse Weinstadt am 04.05.24 Guyruita cerrado N1 50€ 1x10€/5x45€/10x70€
0.0.xx Haploclastus devamatha N1 NZ 04/24 1x25€/5x100€/10x170€
0.0.10 Lyrognathus giannisposatoi KL 3,5cm St.30€

5.0 Cyclosternum sp. Cundinamarca 1.0=30€
2.0 Grammostola pulchra NZ 08/18 KL 3,5cm 1.0=35€

0.2 Cardiopelma mascatum adult 0.1=45€
0.5 Cyclosternum sp. Boyaca adult 0.1=50€
0.4 Hapalopus sp. Guerilla NZ 08/21 sub. 0.1=70€
0.1 Haploclastus devamatha adult NZ 06/21 200€
0.2 Pseudhapalopus sp. yellow/blue adult 0.1=80€

3.2 Cotztetlana sp. “Puebla” NZ 2022 KL 3cm 1.0=50€/0.1=70€/1.1=100€

0.0.3 Aphonopelma Moderatum ca 1.0cm KL 60€
0.0.4 Aphonopelma Anitahoffmannae 70€ ca.1.0cm KL
0.0.2 Grammostola Pulchra (Brazilian Black)
Ca.2.0cm KL 30€

Gerne alle zusammen los Paket

1.0 Ephebophus cyanognathus 3-3,5cm KL 35- 2-2,5cm KL 25-
1.0 Grammostola grossa 3-3,5cm KL 35- 50-/2
1.0 Harpactira pulchripes 2,5-3cm KL 15-
1.0 Lyrognathus giannisposatoi 3cm KL
1.0 Nhandu carapoensis semi-sub 30- 50-/2
1.0 Omothymus violaceopes 3,5cm KL 25-
1.0 Pamphobeteus sp cascada 3cm KL 30-
1.0 Pamphobeteus sp machalla 4,5-5cm KL 30-
1.0 Pamphobeteus sp mascara semi 35-
1.0 Pamphobeteus insignis Colombia sub 90-
1.0 Pelobinus muticus 3,5cm KL 25-
1.0 Phormingochillus sp rufus sub 20-
1.0 Phormingochillus everetti 3cm KL 40-
1.0 Phormictopus sp dominican purple 4cm KL 1.0 40- 60-/2
1.0 Psalmopeus irminia 3cm KL 15- 20-/2 adult 15-
1.0 Pterinochilus murinus RCF 3cm KL 15- 20-/2
1.0 Pterinochilus murinus DCF Kigoma semi-sub 20- 30-/2
1.0 Sericopelma sp Rambala 3,5-4cm KL 30- 50-/2
1.0 Theraphosa apophysis sub 60- 100-/2 5cm KL 40- 60-/2-
1.0 Xenesthis sp bright 4,5-5cm KL 80-
1.0 Xenesthis sp white 4cm KL 80- 140-/2

Males (size = body size)
Cyriopagopus sp. Hati hati Rh 02/24 adult 20,00 €
Cr. cyaneopubescens Rh 04/24 adult 40,00 €
Grammostola pulchripes Rh 03/24 adult 35,00 €
Heteroscodra maculata RH 02/24 adult 20,00 €
Holothelle incei RH 02/24 adult 15,00 €
Hysteroclates laticeps RH 11/23 adult 20,00 €
Idiothele mira Rh 03/24 adult 20,00 €
Monocentropus balfouri RH 02/24 adult 20,00 €
Poecilotheria formosa Rh 03/24 adult 35,00 €
Poecilotheria metallica Rh 03/24 adult 40,00 €
Poecilotheria regalis Rh 03/24 adult 30,00 €
Poecilotheria ornata sub 5 cm 35,00 €
Psalmopoeus victori Rh 01/24 adult 40,00 €
Full list please request!

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Only for Weinstadt börse (table: 45.), no shipment! +1
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Only for Weinstadt börse (table: 45.), no shipment!

0.0.5 Acanthoscurria geniculata (bl 2,5-3cm) 18€
0.0.5 Avicularia aurantiaca 2 moult 30€
0.0.1 Avicularia braunshauseni 2 moult 25€
0.0.15 Avicularia sp. "Peru Purple" 3 moult 12€
0.0.150 Caribena versicolor 1-2 moult 6€, 10pcs/50€
0.0.10 Caribena versicolor (bl 2-2,5cm) 20€
0.0.5 Chilobrachys natanicharum (bl 1,5cm) 18€
0.0.4 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 1-2 moult 10€
0.0.2 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 3-4 moult 15€
0.0.1 Citharognathus hosei (bl 2,5-3cm) 80€
0.0.10 Cyriopagopus schmidti "GOLD" 1 moult 40€
0.0.15 Cyriopagopus sp. "Hati Hati" 3 moult 4€, 10pcs/30€
0.0.40 Grammostola pulchra 2-3 moult 25€, 2pcs/40€
0.0.1 Haplocosmia himalayana 1-2 moult 5€
0.0.2 Heteroscodra maculata 1-2 moult 3€
0.0.1 Hysterocrates gigas 1-2 moult 5€
0.0.70 Omothymus violaceopes 1-2v moult 6€, 10pcs/50€
0.0.70 Omothymus violaceopes 4 moult 10€, 10pcs/70€
0.0.5 Ornithoctoninae aureotibialis 2 moult 18€
0.0.12 Pelinobius muticus (bl 2,5-3,5cm) 25€
0.0.5 Poecilotheria formosa (bl 3,5-4cm) 40€
0.0.8 Poecilotheria metallica 3-4 moult 30€
0.0.25 Poecilotheria rufilata 4 moult 18€, 2pcs/30€

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Reservations for Weinstadt +2
Sell - bird spiders

Reservations for Weinstadt

Available for pickup in Weinstadt:
0.0.30 Chilobrachys sp Aladdin fh 2/3 (€30)
0.0.x new Tliltocatl sp golden back (very rare) fh 1 (1x €20 - 10 x €150)
0.0.10 Grammostola anthracina 2-3 fh (€55)
0.0.25 Aphonopelma sp annithahoffmannae (2 cm body) (€75)
0.0.20 Aphonopelma sp malinche (2 cm body) (€65)
0.0.20 Tliltocatl verdezi (2 cm body) (€25)

0.2 Aphonopelma sp diamond back adult female (€400 each)
0.2 Aphonopelma sp Michoacan adult female (€125)
0.2 Aphonopelma seemanni adult female (€45)
0.2 Aphonopelma chalcodes loc. Paysoni (€85)
0.1 harpactira namaquensis sub adult female (€75)
0.3 chilobrachys natanicharum adult female

Nur vorbestellungen !

-1.0 Aphonopelma sp. Malinche, ENZ:09.’21, 2cm+
-1.0 Aphonopelma sp.loc. Coyuca, NZ 2,5-3cm
-2.0 Bonnetina Minax,NZ, RH*:01.01.’24
-1.0 Cytharacanthus Cyaneus, DNZ:02.’21, ~2,5cm
-1.0 Caribena Versicolor NZ, RH*: 08.02.’24
-2.0 Grammostola Pulchra ,NZ:10.’20, 2,5/2,5-3cm
-1.0 Megaphobema Mesomelas, NZ:11.’22, 5.-6.FH, ~3cm
-1.0 Psalmopoeus Irminia, NZ, RH*:18.12.’24
-1.0 Psalmopoeus Emeraldus,NZ:08.’22, ~2,5cm
-1.0 Psalmopoeus Victori, NZ, RH:27.09.’23, 2x verp.
-2.0 Theraphosa Apophysis, NZ, 09.-10.FH, ~5cm
-1.0 Theraphosa Blondi, NZ:12.’21, 5./6.FH, ~4cm
-1.0 Xenesthis Intermedia, ENZ:10.’21, 5.FH, 3,5 cm

Adulte Männer mit * wurden noch nicht verpaart!!!