Vipera berus standard ads [Page 3]

Aspidelaps lubricus,taylori,vipera ammodytes,catenatus
2.1 Aspidelaps lubricus
1.0.0 agkistrodon taylori
1.1 vipera ammodytes scadar
1.0 sistrurus catenatus
good price for the group
Suche adulte Vipera aspis
Suche Vipera aspis (adult).
Am bevorzugt Italienische 1.1.

actual offer of youngs 2023:
Lampropeltis pyromelana knoblochi (twoo bloodline F1 and F2)
Trimeresurus gumprechti SaPa (1,1 or 1,2)
Vipera ammodytes from Ada (yellow line)
more info per e-mail or on website:
Montivipera xanthina varoli, Montivipera albizona, Vipera ammodytes
Gebe ab, nur an berechtigte Personen:
2.1 Montivipera xanthina varoli CB2012
2.1 Montivipera albizona CB2012
2.3 Vipera ammodytes montandoni 1.0 CB2009, 1.3 CB2013
Preis VB
Bin in Houten

Vipera berus I bosniensis I nikolskii I aspis atra I renardi I seoanei
Für Houten oder Abholung im Saarland:
Vipera berus berus NZ2023
Vipera berus bosniensis NZ2023
Vipera nikolskii NZ2023
Vipera aspis aspis "atra" NZ2022
2,1 Vipera "renardi" Donau Delta
1,1 Vipera berus bosniensis
0,2 Vipera seoanei seoanei

F1 Vipera ammodytes from Ada
For Hamm opr Prague we offer nomin. subsp. of Vipera ammodytes from Ada, youngs F1 from 8/2023, fantastic YELLOW line!!! limited quantity, pictures and more info in
Looking for different species. Bitis, Crotalus, etc
I am looking for snakes of the following species in Spain or transport to Spain: Bitis, Crotalus, Ophiophagus, Vipera, Cobra, Lachesis, Bothriechis, Tropidolaemus, etc. I prefer young or baby snakes. Make your offers. Greetings

Kreuzotter Vipera berus NZ2022, 2021, 2020
Verkaufe Nachzuchten von Vipera berus aus den Jahren 2022, 2021 und 2020.
Futterfest aus Freilandhaltung.

0.1 Vipera ammodytes „montenegro“
Verkaufe wegen Bestandesverkleinerung meind Ammodytes-Weibchen. Jahrgang 2021.
Suche Schlangen giftig / ungiftig
Suche folgende Schlangen, wenn möglich Jungtiere :
1,1 Oreocryptophis porphyraceus
1,1 Eirenis collaris
1,1 Natrix tessellata
1,1 Coronella austriaca
Heterodon Nasicus am liebsten Nominat, Albino oder Anaconda ( keine het. Tiere )
1,1 Sistrurus miliarius
1,1 crotalus enyo
1,1 aspidelaps scutatus
1,1 cerastes cerastes
1,1 cerastes vipera
1,1 echis carinatus
1,1 Calloselasma rhodostoma
1,1 naja kaouthia
1,1 bitis nasicornis
1,1 bitis arietans
Suche gefrorene Ferkel als Futtertiere für Riesenschlangen.
Erfahrung im Umgang mit Giftschlangen seit über 20 Jahren.
wanted snake, lezards, make offer
Zamenis situla
Orthriophis moellendorffi
antaresia spp
vipera amodytes
agkistrodon contortrix
ophisaurus apodus
varanus niloticus baby
avicularia metalica
Suche/Search Vipers cb21/22
CB 21 or 22
0.1 Gloydius halys caraganus(orange patternless)
1.1. Vipera kaznakovi(Black with red, stripe or pattern)
Looking for cerastes vipera male
I am looking for cerastes vipera male any age
Suche 1.0 cerastes vipera
Different Bitis and Vipera - Many adults snakes!
Snake day Houten table 4 venimous room
0.2 Bitis Rubida cb 2018
0.1 Bitis Rubida cb 2020
2.0 Bitis Rubida cb 2020
0.1 Bitis Cornuta cb 2018
1.0 Bitis Cornuta cb 2020
1.1 Vipera Aspis Aspis brown breeders cb2018
1.0 Vipera Aspis Aspis orange adults cb 2016
0.1 Vipera Aspis Aspis red adults cb 2016
0.0.5 Vipera Aspis Atra own cb 2022
1.0 Vipera Berus Basniensis cb 2017

Somes Vipera for the snake day
Animals available for snake day, table 04 in the venimous room.
1.1 Vipera Aspis Aspis brown breeders CB2018
1.0 Vipera Aspis Aspis orange adults CB 2016
0.1 Vipera Aspis Aspis red adults CB 2016
0.0.5 Vipera Aspis Atra own CB 2022
1.0 Vipera Berus Basniensis CB 2017
All animals are healthy, the 2022 babies eat only thawed mice.
I reduce my collection to better temperature conditions.
Write me an email or come and see me at the table ;)

Vipera latastei gaditana, NZ22
Vipera latastei gaditana, NZ 2022
available Snakeday houten
70,- per animal

1-1 naja pallida nk 21
1-1 bitis aritans kokstad male 20 female 2018
1-1 trimeresurus albolabris volwassen
1-1 aspidelaps lubricus lubricus nk 19
1-1 bitis rhinoserus nk 2021
0-2 vipera seoanei nk 2020
2-2 vipera ammodytes ammodytes lake scutari nk 2021
1-1 vipera ammodytes Montenegro
1-1 vipera ammodytes meridionalis nk 18

Vipera ammodytes ammodytes lake scutari
Vipera ammodytes meridionalis 1-1 nk 18
Vipera ammodytes ammodytes lake scutari 1-1 nk20
Vipera ammodytes ammodytes lake scutari nk 21 bleu
Vipera ammodytes ammodytes lake scutari 2-2 nk 21
Montivipera xanthina 1-1 nk 19

Ammodytes, Kornnatter, Mandarinnatter
Vipera ammodytes meridionalis 1.0, CB 2019, SOLD.
Pantherophis guttatus 1.0 CB 2014, 25 euro.
Euprepiophis mandarinus 2.3 CB 2014, SOLD. I will attend the Hamm show 10 september, can bring pre-paid snakes.

Vipera ammodytes Montenegro
1-1 ammodytus Montenegro nk 2021 50 cm.
De dieren eten zeer goed.
Ik ben in hamm en in houten
Vipera berus Premium ads [Page 3]
herps buy, sell and exchange.
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