Venomous standard ads [Page 2]

Monitor lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: CB 10/21 Varanus glauerti.
Sell Monitor lizards

CB 10/21 Varanus glauerti.

Change is possible for other Varanus, Uromastyx and Heloderma or venomous snakes.

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Venomous Snakes Avaliable (Offer or Trade) +2
Sell Venomous snakes

Venomous Snakes Avaliable (Offer or Trade)

1.1 Dendroaspis Angusticeps (CB21) - €300 Each or €580 Pair
1.0 Dendroaspis Jamesoni (LTC) - €300
2.0 Crotalus Atrox Adult Wild Type (LTC) - €50 Each
0.0.16 Naja Pallida (CB21) - €100 Each
0.1 Naja naja karachiensis (CB21) - €150
0.0.6 Bitis Arietans (CB21) - €150 Each
0.1 Crotalus Mitchellii Stephensi (CB Unknown) - €100

I am willing to trade for other Venomous snakes. Looking for Rattlesnakes and other Pit Vipers

I will be attending Terraria-Houten on the 5th of December.

Tous serpents et autres reptiles en tout genre . Passionné jusqu'au bout !

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Venomous snakes, Houten, 10.10.2021 +2
Sell Snakes

Venomous snakes, Houten, 10.10.2021

For Houten (10.10.2021):
1.1 Crotalus horridus atricaudatus CB2013 - 390€
1.1 Naja annulifera (breeding pair) CB2016 - 250€

For Houten 19.9

-Vipera ammodytes, lake Scutari 2020
-Vipera ammodytes, lake Scutari 2021
No single males
-Trimerusurus albolabris 2021
- Agkistrodon contortrix lacticintus 2020

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Elapids, Bitis, venomous, Cobras
Sell Venomous snakes

Elapids, Bitis, venomous, Cobras

All animals ar adults or close to adults

Bitis aritetens 1,0

Bitis gabonica

Bitis Rhinoceros 0.1

Boiga dendrophila 0.1

Dendroaspis viridis 0,0,1

Naja siamensis 1,0

Naja nigrocincta woodi 2,0

Naja samarensis 1,1

Aspidelaps lubricus lubricus 1,0

Naja nubiae 1,1

Naja nigricincta 0,1

Naja arabica 1,1

Naja pallida 1,1

Helping a friend to sell his animals. Cheap if you buy in bigger numbers. Or maybe someone wants all. Contact me and we discuss.

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Venomous to UK crotalus and vipera
Search Venomous snakes

Venomous to UK crotalus and vipera

I'm searching for crotalus and vipera species to be delivered to the UK.
Thanks Jessy

I am looking for crotalus sp and vipera sp to be sent to the UK.

Thanks Jessy

I'm searching for some particular venomous species and I'm looking for venomous snake breeders that will ship them to me in the UK.
Please contact me if you can help.

Thank you

Search Venomous snakes

wanted the following venomous

Looking for ophiophagus hannah any size

also other venomous species are of interest.
Ideally within the UK