Nephrurus standard ads [Page 7]

Nephrurus levis pilbarensis
For Hamm September:
I am currently selling:
1.0 Nephrurus Levis Pilbarensis patternless het Albino cb23 500€
trade possible again nephrurus, diplodactylus & egernia species
German, European and International transport possible.

Nephrurus Amyaes CB 2023 September
For hamm September
6.4 nephrurus amyaes cb 2023
Very nice animal, healthy, Bright animal.
Parents are hypo/orange

Nephrurus amyae baby and adult pair
Hamm :
1.2 Nephrurus amyae 2023
2.2 Nephrurus amyae adult ready for next season
I can trade with Tympanocryptis, Egernia, Chalcides other desert geckos, lizards skink all cb please.
Thank you

Nephrurus levis levis 6.5 nz 2023
Schone Levis von 2023 fur Hamm show oder Houten show , mail biete for info

Suche Nephrurus Deleani adult/nz
Jungtiere oder Adulte
Ich weiß, dass Nephrurus Deleani nicht billig sind.
Freundliche Grüße

Nephrurus levis levis & Nephrurus Wheeleri Wheeleri
I am currently selling:
2.0 Nephrurus Wheeleri Wheeleri 150€ each
1.0 Nephrurus Levis Pilbarensis patternless het Albino 500€
German, European and International transport possible.

Nephrurus cinctus, amyae, levis levis
1.1 Nephrurus cinctus CB23
1.1 Nephrurus amyae CB23
1.2 Nephrurus levis levis RED CB22
For Hamm September.
Shipping may be possible to Austria, Slovakia and Czech Republic (Ziva Exotika).

Uvidicolus sphyrurus and Nephrurus laevissimus
0.1 Uvidicolus sphyrurus
0.1 Nephrurus laevissimus
Both virgin perfect females.
Not for sale, only trade for banded Nephrurus asper.
PM if interested,

Nephrurus Amyae a vendre 220 euro
Bonjour je vend mon nephrurus contre bon soin il a tois ans
220 euro

Nephrurus asper pairs and reversed trios
Some nice asper from last year; no HB, can come to Houten or Hamm, or available for international shipping (Export CITES possible).

0.2 Nephrurus amyae from May 2023
0.2 Nephrurus amyae available
Born in May 2023
Can be delivered to Houten
I also consider (partial) trade with snakes (Oreocryptophis species, Python anchietae,...)

Nephrurus Amyae CB 23 - pairs
For Houten 02.06.24/ September hamm
Nephrurus Amyae - 11 months old (next spring ready to breed)

Nephrurus levis levis (orange/yellow, dark red, red and red hypo)
I offer males or pairs from different bloodlines (dark red, red hypo, orange, …). All of them are cb23 from my breeding (tose’s.chams). Prices differs from the different line you choose and go from 150 for a single male to 600/700 for pairs. Delivery to Houten can be arranged.

Nephrurus amyae 0.1 cb22
Available 0.1 Nephrurus amyae cb22.
Weight 40 gr.
Delivery to Houten.

Nephrurus Amyaes CB 2023 September
For Houten 02.06.24/ September hamm
5.3 Nephrurus amyae
1.1 hypo
Other normal/orange

Searching for Australian geckos.
I search for Nephrurus stellatus 1.0 or 0.1, 1.1 etc etc, pairs or more of Nephrurus laevissimus, and 0.1 Saltuarius cornutus.
If interested in trades I have the following: adult Nephrurus levis levis pairs, nice hold back 2023 amyae and asper males.
All the best,

Nephrurus Amyaes unrealated pairs
8.3 nephrurus amyae
Recherche pour bourse verone
0.1 cordylus tropidosternum
Cordylus ssp
1.1 lygodactylus williamsi
0.1 nephrurus amyae
Sphaerodactylus super.
Pelusios nanus
Nephrurus cinctus Cb 23 availability
1.0 Nephrurus cinctus Cb 23 for Verona show or Hamm june ,nice animal

Nephrurus Amyae 10.10.
Nephrurus Amyae 10.10. - CB 07/2023 - 30g
Nephrurus Premium ads [Page 7]
herps buy, sell and exchange.
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