herps standard ads [Page 7]
Corallus hortulana CB24 ATB
Last call for Hamm
Amazon tree boa, Corallus hortulana CB24 1.3 differents patterns and colors
For HAMM Chersonesometrus tristis CB i3-i4
0.0.10 Chersonesometrus tristis (ex. Heterometrus mysorensis) CB i2-i3 for sale
40€ each
Only for HAMM
Scolopendra alternans "Red Giant" Hispaniola CB plings for HAMM
CB Scolopendra alternans "Red Giant" Hispaniola
0.0.X plings for sale for HAMM.
No shipping, only for Hamm!
Last chance for Hamm - geckos
1.1. R.leachianus Pine Island adult
8.8. M.chahoua adult /sub adult
Pine Island
1.8 R.auriculatus - breeding groups red and orange stripes
0.0.4 C.sarasinorum white collar and spots
50.50.100 C.ciliatus - various morphs, many high end animals, mostly adults
Last offer for Hamm 24.12.2024
Hello,, I still have the following species to offer for Hamm next Saturday (14.12):
1.0 Heteroctenus princeps, freshly matured
0.0.3 Tityus smithii i4
0.0.1 Euscorpius concinnus i4
0.3 Charinus acosta
0.1 Eresus cf. moravicus
Osteolaemus tetraspis 1.0 adult
I am looking for an adult male Osteolaemus tetraspis. I will come anywhere.
Last call for Hamm Slings/Scolopender & Scorpions
Übergabe auf der Terraristikbörse in Hamm am 14.12.24 möglich. Reservierung nur gegen Anzahlung !
Rabatt von 10% ab einem Bestellwert von 100€ !
Unbestimmte :
0.0.2 A.geniculata ca. 2-2,5cm KL / 15€ je
0.0.xx B.hamorii DNZ 1.FH / 8€ je
0.0.xx C.cyaneopubescens 3-4.FH / 12€ je
0.0.xxx C.darlingi ca.2-2,5cm KL /12€ je
0.0.xx C.hatihati 2-3.FH / 8€ je
0.0.xx C.natanicharum 3-4.FH / 10€ je
0.0.xx D.dimantinensis (ENZ 07.24) 1-2.FH/12€ je
0.0.xx G.rosea ENZ 09.24 1.FH 20€ je
0.0.xx P.cambridgei (ENZ 05.24) 3-4.FH / 6€ je
0.0.1 P.metallica (DNZ) 01.24 4.FH 30€
0.0.xxx T.kahlenbergi (ENZ 07.24) 1-2.FH / 6€ je
0.0.xx V.chromatus (ENZ 08.22) ca.1cm KL 4€ je
Bulk: 0.0.50 T.kahlenbergi (ENZ07.24) 1-2.FH 100€
Coming soon:
Skorpione: Tiere aus Import
6.6 Scorpiops sp. Thailand adult WF pair 90€ je/female 60€ je/male 40€ je (1.1 reserviert)
0.0.xx H.laoticus Subadult (aus Import) je 20€
0.0.xx C.stockmannorum i2 8€/Stk.
Skolopender: Tiere aus Import
0.4.x S.violaceus 4-5cm GL WF 60€ je
Derzeit kein Versand! Abholung in 38518 Gifhorn.
Last call for Hamm Females/Males
Übergabe auf der Terraristikbörse in Hamm am 14.12.24 möglich. Reservierung nur gegen Anzahlung !
Rabatt von 10% ab einem Bestellwert von 100€ !
Females :
0.1 A.sp.coyuca ca.3cm KL 80€
0.10 A.geniculata ca. 3cm KL 25€ je
0.2 B.simoroxigorum frisch adult (aus Import) 170€ je
0.2 B.simoroxigorum subadult ( aus Import) 150€ je (0.1 reserviert)
0.2 B.simoroxigorum ca. 3,5cm KL (aus Import) 130€
0.1 C.versicolor 4cm KL 60€
0.5 C.darlingi ca.2-2,5cm KL 20€ je
0.2 C.sp.purple zebra ca. 3-3,5cm KL (aus Import) 120€ je
0.2 C.sp.purple zebra 3,5-4cm KL 130€ je
0.11 N.tripepii ca. 2,5-3cm KL 30€ je
0.1 P.murinus (Usambara) RCF ca. 3cm 25€ je (reserviert)
0.1 O.sp.ranong blue ca.3,5 - 4cm KL (WF aus Import) 120€
1.0 B.hamorii RH30.09.24 65€ (reserviert)
1.0 B.simoroxigorum ca.2,5cm KL (aus Import) 50€
1.0 B.simoroxigorum 3-3,5cm KL (aus Import) 60€
2.0 B.simoroxigorum subadult (aus Import) 70€ (reserviert)
13.0 H.maculata subadult je 15€
9.0 N.tripepii ca.3cm KL 20€ je
1.0 O.violaceopes ca.3-3,5cm KL 30€ (reserviert)
1.0 O.sp.ranong blue subadult (aus Import) 50€
1.0 O.sp.ranong blue RH 14.08.24 ( aus Import) 60€
1.0 O.sp.ranong blue RH 24.08.24 (aus Import) 60€
3.0 O.sp.ranong blue adult (RH 30.08.24) 60€ je
1.0 O.sp.ranong blue adult (RH10.24) 60€ (reserviert)
1.0 O.sp.ranong blue RH23.11.24 60€
1.0 P.sp.rufus subadult 10€ (reserviert)
20.0 P.murinus usambara RCF semi/subadult 10€ je
1.0 P.murinus dcf mikumi ca. 2-2,5cm KL 15€
1.0 P.murinus usambara RCF adult RH 08.24 15€
1.0 P.murinus rcf adult RH 10/24 15€
3.0 P.Ornata ca.2,5cm KL (ENZ 11.22) 15€ je
2.0 T.apohysis 4.FH (ENZ 02.2024) 35€ je
Kein Versand zurzeit! Abholung in 38518 Gifhorn.
Website: www.freakyspiders.de
Mauremys rivulata (Syria) CB 2023
For Hamm 12/2024 this saturday:
0.0.5 Mauremys rivulata (Syria) CB 2023
Dentrobates Leukomelas Pfeilgiftfrösche
Verkaufe ständig Nachzuchten von Dentrobates Leukomelas.
Preis VB 35 €
Nur Abholung, kein Versand.
Tel.06894/ 956042
Breeding pair Egernia epsisolus for Terraristika Hamm
Breeding pair high red Egernia epsisolus , every year 2 till 4 babys
extreme nice high red animals
Special price only for next terraristika in Hamm this saturday
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2950,- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAMM Phidippus regius Bahamas
For Hamm!!!
Phidippus regius Bahamas (jumping spider)
3x cocoon each 90€
0.0.100 FH1/2 each 3,50€ / 10x 32€ / 100x 250€
Verkaufe Dendrobates Tinctorius awarape
ich verkaufe ein 1.0 awarape von 11/22.
Ist fleißig am rufen und würde gerne in ein neues zu Hause zu einem Weibchen.
kein Versand.
Abholung oder eine Übergabe auf diversen Messen möglich.
Reservierung nur mit 50% Anzahlung der Kaufsumme!
4,0 Elaphe carinata
NZ 2024
Good price for all.
1,2 Hemitheconyx caudicinnctus striped
CB 2023
0,0,5 Goniurosaurus kuroiwae southern CB 2024.
Last chance for Hamm.
0,2,10 Pachydactylus tigrinus
1,0 Strophurus williamsi
0,1 Cyrtodactylus peguensis
2,2 Goniurosaurus orientalis
2,2 Goniurosaurus hainanensis
1,1,3 Goniurosaurus hainanensis axantic
2,0 Paroedura picta xanthic
0,0,10 Rhacodactylus leachianus
1,0 Lygodactylus conraui
0,0,2 Oedura castelnaui
0,0,1 Hemidactylus triedrus
0,0,2 Bavayia geitaina
0,0,1 Bavayia robusta
0,0,5 Gastropholis prasina
Morelia viridis - Wamane Sorong - Hamm / Trade
Offer for Hamm 14.12.24
Morelia viridis Wamane Yellow Spot x Sorong high yellow (sibling)
1.0 CBB 2020 - rtb
eats frost in suitable size
Nido negative
Swap for Uroplatus phantasicus or Varanus prasinus 0.0.1 possible
Picture 1/2 current Picture 3/4 Neonant / Juvenile
Xenodon pulcher / Tricolor Hognose
Hamm 14.12.:
X.X Xenodon pulcher
Boa c. imperator VPI , Blood, Sharp
Boa c imperator
1.0 100 %het VPi 66% het Blood 2018 (110,-)
1.1 Aztec 100% het VPI 66% het Anery 1
NZ 2023 (110,- St.)
0.1 Blood 100% VPI 2024
1.0 VPI 100%het Blood 2024
0.1 Red Salmon Sharp Albino 66% het Blood 2022
Fressen Frostfutter
Übergabe in Hamm am 14.12. möglich
Drymarchon m. melanurus/ corais
0.1 Drymarchon Corais (yellowtail)WF 2022
Ca 160cm
Negativ auf paramyxo getestet!! FP 850€
1.0 Drymarchon m melanurus NZ 2023
Fressen Frostfutter
Übergabe in Hamm am 24.12.und Versand möglich
herps Premium ads [Page 7]
#treemonitor #varanusprasinusgroup
0,1 Varanus prasinus CB 2022
0,1 Varanus beccarii CB 2023
1,0 Varanus macraei CB 2023
0,0,3 Varanus kordensis CB 11.2024
Weissbüscheläffchen ,weiblich
geboren 7/23 in artgerechte Haltung abzugeben.
Sie ist topfit, ohne Fehler und lebt noch in der Gruppe,
Herkunftsnachweis vorhanden
Last chance for Hamm Schildkröten
0.0.8 Testudo kleinmanni CB24
0.0.7 Testudo g. terrestris CB24
0.0.2 Testudo h. hermanni 'Puglia' CB24
0.0.1 Pyxis a. arachnoides CB24
0.0.1 Pyxis a. brygooi CB24
0.0.1 Pyxis a. brygooi CB23
Afrikanische Fettschwanzgeckos / Nephrurus
2,0 African Fat-Tail Gecko poss. het. Oreo, Patternless, Zulu (incubated on males) CB 2024
0,9 African Fat-Tail Gecko poss. het. Oreo, Patternless, Zulu (incubated on females) CB 2024
0,3 African Fat-Tail Gecko Oreo poss. het. Patternless, Zulu (incubated on females) CB 2024
0,6 African Fat-Tail Gecko Oreo Whiteout poss. het. Patternless, Zulu (incubated on females) CB 2024
0,1 African Fat-Tail Gecko Oreo Whiteout Zulu poss. het. Patternless (incubated on females) CB 2024
0,1 African Fat-Tail Gecko Zulu poss. het. Patternless, Zulu (incubated on females) CB 2024
0,6 Eublepharis fuscus (incubated on females) CB 2024
0,6 Eublepharis hardwickii (incubated on females) CB 2024
0,10 Leopardgecko F2 Pakistan (incubated on females) CB 2024
1,0 Nephrurus amyae CB 2023
1,0 Nephrurus levis pilbarensis poss. het. Albino CB 2022
1,0 Paroedura picta Xanthic Striped CB 2024
Übergabe in Hamm ist möglich / Pick up in Hamm is possible
Fotos und Preise auf www.snakeguy.de / Pictures and prices on www.snakeguy.de
verschiedene Riesenschlangen / Boas und Pythons
1,1 Argentine Rainbow Boa (alvarezi) 500 grams
4,5 Brazilian Rainbow Boa Hypo CB 2024
2,1 Dwarf Burmese Python 75 % progschai Albino CB 2024
0,1 Dwarf Burmese Python 75 % progschai het. Albino CB 2024
1,1 Dwarf Burmese Python 75 % progschai Pearl CB 2024
0,1 Eastern Stimson's Python (orientalis) 225 grams
1,3 Eastern Stimson's Python (orientalis) CB 2024
1,0 Reticulated Python Motley Tiger Sunfire het. White Phase Albino CB 2023
1,1 Reticulated Python White Phase Albino Tiger CB 2023
Übergabe in Hamm ist möglich / Pick up in Hamm is possible
Fotos und Preise auf www.snakeguy.de / Pictures and prices on www.snakeguy.de
For Hamm only with reservation retics and anacondas boas
PREMIUM Python reticulatus netpythons
1,0 platinium 4 meter 450 euro
1.0 golden child cb22 250
1.0 leopard from bob clark cb22 150
1.0 mochina subfire cb23 200
1.0 dwarf cb22. 195
1.0 gold dark bob clark cb22 250
1.0 aztec cb22 175
1.0 gold from bob clark 250
Lichanura trivirgata rosy boa cb 23 het albino 195
Gongylophis (eryx) colubrinus zandboas babies 95
Gongylophis (eryx) colubrinus zandboas adults breeders 195
Aspidites ramsayi woma python 1,5m cb 450
Eunectes murinus Groene anaconda, 2 m cb 500
Eunectes notateus gele anaconda 2 m cb 375
Epicrates cenchria maurus bruine regenboogboa adult cb 165
Epricrates cenhria cenhria rode regenboogboa 1m cb 350
1,0 Python sebea rotspython 1 m green 195
Python Molurus Bivittatus hypo caramel albino 1,5m 250
Python curtus bloedpython medium large cb 195 red extra large 250
Boa constrictor afgodslang cb24 125
Boa constrictor afgodslang het albino125
Boa constrictor lipstick albino +1,2m afgodslang 395,00
Boa constrictor dwergboa adult breeding pair 500 pair
Boa constrictor afgodslang 1,5m calico salmon red vrouw 395
Boa constrictor afgodslang +3m 500
Boa constrictor afgodslang +1,5m 250
Boa constrictor afgodslang +1m 225
scolopendra gigantea white legs captivity bred biggest species
PREMIUM Many scolopendras for Hamm or shipping or pick up in Belgium .
Scolopendra dehaani vietnam duizendpoot large 27.50 5x 100 euro
Scolopendra spec Cherry red duizendpoot large 150
Scolopendra spec Piece of lava large beautyfull 195,00
Scolopendra spec Sumatra red duizendpoot medium 100,00
Scolopendra gigantea reuze duizendpoot white legs cb23 12-13cm 170 euro
Scolopendra gigantea reuze duizendpoot white legs cb23 150 euro
biggest species of the world to 40cm
Scolopendra galapagoensis reuze duizendpoot dark cb 23 12-13cm 180 euro
Scolopendra galapagoensis reuze duizendpoot dark cb23 160 euro
Scolopendra galapagoensis reuze duizenpoot orange cb23 135 euro
Scolopendra galapagoensis reuze duizendpoot orange cb 23 115 euro
scolopendra morsitans duizendpoot green headed luzon medium 40 euro
scolopendra hainanum Chinese reuze duizendpoot cb babies 30 euro
Scolopendra cinculatum egyptische duizendpoot 25 euro
Whole sale prices on demand
many scorpions for Hamm or pick up in Belgium
PREMIUM Heterometrus cyaneus giant black scorpions large 15 euro 10 x 130 20x 220
Heterometrus longimanus giant black scorpions mediums 35 euro
Centruroides gracilis cubaanse schorpioen large 25
Typopeltis spec zweepschorpioen of vinegaroons 25 euro 5 x 20 euro
Hadruroides sp White Hook schorpioen new species 50,00
Lychas scultilus Langstaart schorpioen 25
Lychas muronatus schorpioen 25
Chaerilus celebensis schorpioen 30
Hadrurus arizonensis giant desert hairy scorpion adults 49,95
Lurus dufoureius europese reuze schorpion cb24 25
Paravaejovis spinigerus duivelschorpioen adults 25
CB babies 9.5 10 x 7.50
Smeringurus mesaensis reuze zandschorpioen adults 27.50
Charon orientalis zweepspin baby 35
Real spiders/spinnen
Cyclocosmia latusicosta oreo trapdoor spin large 95
Kulkimania hibernalis spin adults 30
Wholesale prices on demand
Many lizards for Hamm or pick up in Hasselt Belgium or shipping
PREMIUM Takydromus sexlineatus longtail lizards 9.50 each 12 piece for 100 euro
Hemidactylus spec Asian House geckos 6.50 each 12 piece 60 euro 25 piece 110 euro
Gecko baddeni golden geckos big 9.50 each 12 piece 100 euro
Liolepis belliana butterfly agama small 30 euro 4 x 100 euro
Acanthosaura capra mountain agama big 30 euro
Acanthosaura lepidogaster dwarf mountain agama 37.50 euro
Stenodactylus stenodactylus sandgeckos 17.50 each
Tarantolla annularis and mauritanica wall geckos 17.50 each
Eumeces schneideri berber skinks 45 euro
Scincus scincus sand skink 25 euro
Tiliqua scincoides chimerea cb 24 blue tong skinks 225 euro
Chalcides occelatus skinks 25 euro
Mabuya macularia dwarf skinks 15 euro
Iguana iguana green iguana cb24 70 euro red 80 euro blue 250 euro
Anolis carolinensis green anolis 17,50 euro
Varanus panoptes Argus monitor lizards 750 euro 80-100 cm
Varanus salvator Water monitor lizard extra large male +30kg 2m 2500 euro
Salvator meriana Black white teju + 1m 650 euro
Salvator rufuscens purple red teju +1.2 m male 750 euro
Wholesale prices on demand
Varanus Macraei aus 11/22 DNZ
Biete / For sale Varanus Macraei 1.0
DNZ 11/2022
perfect age, ready for Breeding
Boa constrictor longicauda het. anery. DNZ24
Ich biete Nachzuchten meiner Boa constrictor longicauda vom 13.8.2024 an. Alle angebotenen Tiere haben mehrmals gefressen. Die Verpaarung war 1.0 Stöckl/Russo anerytristisch X 0.1 Stöckl/Stöckl.
Das Muttertier habe ich nach Geburt der Babies auf Nidovirus getestet. Das Ergebnis war negativ.
Die Übergabe kann vor Ort in Minden/Deutschland oder auf der Terraristika in Hamm im Dezember erfolgen. Wir sind außerdem ab dem 23. bis 26.Dezember in der Region Nantes, Frankreich und können auch dort Übergaben gegen Vorauskasse vereinbaren.
Gegen Vorauskasse der Zusatzkosten kann jedes Jungtier noch einmal auf Nidovirus und/oder verschiedene andere Erkrankungen getestet werden (ab 50€).
Des Weiteren arbeitet hier bei uns 500m entfernt eine fachkundige Veterinärin, die gegen Honorar die Tiere ebenfalls in Augenschein nehmen kann.
Instagram: Serpassion
Spoken languages: Deutsch, Français, English
Je propose une progéniture de mon Boa constrictor longicauda à partir du 13 août 2024. Tous les animaux proposés ont mangé plusieurs fois. L'accouplement était de 1,0 Stöckl/Russo anerytrist X 0,1 Stöckl/Stöckl.
J'ai testé la mère pour le nidovirus après la naissance des bébés. Le résultat fut négatif.
La remise peut avoir lieu sur place à Minden/Allemagne ou au Terraristika à Hamm en décembre. Nous serons également présents dans la région nantaise du 23 au 26 décembre et pouvons également y organiser des remises contre paiement à l'avance.
En payant les frais supplémentaires à l'avance, chaque jeune animal peut être à nouveau testé pour le Nidovirus et/ou diverses autres maladies (à partir de 50 €).
Nous avons également un vétérinaire expert travaillant à 500 mètres qui peut également inspecter les animaux moyennant des frais.
Instagram: Serpassion
I am offering offspring of my Boa constrictor longicauda from August 13th, 2024. All animals offered have eaten several times. The mating was 1.0 Stöckl/Russo anerytrist X 0.1 Stöckl/Stöckl.
I tested the mother for nidovirus after the babies were born. The result was negative.
The handover can take place on site in Minden/Germany or at the Terraristika in Hamm in December. We will also be in the Nantes region, France, from December 23rd to 26th and can also arrange handovers there against payment in advance.
By paying the additional costs in advance, each young animal can be tested again for Nidovirus and/or various other diseases (from €50).
We also have an expert veterinarian working 500m away who can also inspect the animals for a fee.
Instagram: Serpassion
V. prasinus, V. macraei, V. beccari, V. acanthurus, N. amyae
0.0.X Varanus prasinus, CB/2024. With chip and Spanish "Captive Born Certificate".
0.1 Varanus beccari, CB/2023. With chip and Spanish "Captive Born Certificate".
0.0.2 Varanus macraei, CB/2023. With chip and Spanish "Captive Born Certificate".
0.0.X Varanus acanthurus RED ACKIE, CB/2024, With chip and Spanish "Captive Born Certificate"
0.0.6 Nephrurus amyae CB/2024.
0.0.2. R.l.leachianus GT MONT KOGHIS
Aldabrachelys gigantea available
3.2 Aldabrachelys gigantea, 70 - 100 kg.
0.0.X Aldabrachelys gigantea CB/2023. 10 cm. with perfect scutes.
LIST 2. Some spiders to Hamm and for shipping!
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - 6€ (0.0.2)
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 0,8-1 cm body 1pc - 5€ (0.0.51)
Psalmopoeus irminia 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - 7 € (0.0.20)
Pseudohapalopus sp. „blue” 0,3-0,5 cm body 1pc - 10 € (0.0.13)
Pseudohapalopus sp. „yellow-blue” 0,3-0,5 cm body 1pc - 20 € (0.0.15)
Pterinochilus murinus DCF 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 10€ (0.0.3)
Pterinochilus murinus RCF clear 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 5€ (0.0.120)
Pterinopelma sazimai 2-2,5 cm body 1pc - 9€ (0.0.23)
Theraphosinae sp. „Roatan island purple” 1 cm body 1pc - 15€ (0.0.1)
Therphosa apophysis 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 45€ (0.0.13)
Thrixopelma cyaneolum 1 cm body 1pc - 34€ (0.0.5)
Thrixopelma puriens 0,8-1 cm body 1pc - 12 € (0.0.4)
Thrixopelma sp. „Cuzco” 0,5 cm body 1pc - 32€ (0.0.2)
Tliltocatl albopilosus „Nicaragua” 2-2,5 cm body 1pc - 9€ (0.0.180)
Tliltocatl kahlenbergi 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - /4€ (0.0.130)
Tliltocatl schroederi 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - /25€ (0.0.9)
Tliltocatl sp. „Golden back” 0,5-1 cm body 1pc - 20€ (0.0.27)
Tliltocatl vagans 2 cm body 1pc - 6€ (0.0.5)
Xenesthis intermedia 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 50€ (0.0.11)
0.4.0 Acanthoscurria geniculata 4 cm body 1pc - 25€
0.1.0 Caribena laeta ADULT 1pc - 30 €
0.1.0 Chilobrachys natanicharum ADULT 1pc - 45 €
0.2.0 Chilobrachys natanicharum 4 cm body 1pc - 40 €
0.1.0 Nhandu chromatus 4-5 cm body 1pc - 30 €
0.1.0 Pamphobeteus sp. „Paisa” ADULT 1pc - 70 €
1.0.0 Amazonius germani RH 2024.11. 1pc - 20€
5.0.0 Caribena laeta RH 2024.11 1pc - 15€
2.0.0 Caribena versicolor RH 2024.11 1pc - 30€
1.0.0 Harpactira pulchripes RH 2024.08 1pc - 15€
1.0.0 Lasiodora parahybana KL 5-6 cm 1pc - 10 €
1.0.0 Nhandu carapoensis RH 2024. 1pc - 25 €
1.0.0 Nhandu carapoensis RH 2024.08. 1pc - 20 €
1.0.0 Megaphobema robustum RH 2024.08. - 40€
1.0.0. Phormictopus cancerides RH 2024.07- 35€
1.0.0. Phormictopus sp. „Dominican purple” - 40€
1.0.0. Phormictopus sp. „El Salvador” - 40€ (reserved)
1.0.0. Phormictopus sp. „Green-gold carapace” -.40€
2.0.0 Pamphobeteus sp. „Mascara” 5-6 cm body 1pc - 35 €
1.0.0 Poecilotheria miranda RH 2024.07. 1pc - 20 €
1.0.0 Tliltocatl vagans RH 2024.11 1pc - 15€
1.1.0 Bumba horrida 3-4 cm body – pair 50€
1.1.0 Chilobrachys natanicharum 3-4 cm body - pair 60€
1.1.0 Pamphobeteus sp. „Mascara” 5-6 cm body – pair 60€
LIST 1. Some spiders to Hamm and for shipping!
Some spiders for Hamm(transport) or for shipping (in polystyrenebox with heatpack)! For full pricelists plz send pm!
Acanthoscurria geniculata 1 cm body 1pc - 6€ (0.0.27)
Acanthoscurria maga 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - 20€ (0.0.6)
Amazonius germani 1,5 cm body 1pc - 8€ (0.0.18)
Aphonopelma hentzi 1 cm body 1pc - 25€ (0.0.5)
Aphonopelma seemani 1-1,5 cm 1pc - 12€ (0.0.5)
Aphonopelma sp. Diamondback FH1-2 1pc - 30€ (0.0.1)
Avicularia braunshauseni 0,8-1,2 cm body 1pc - 15€ (0.0.10)
Birupes simoroxigorum 1-1,2 cm body 1pc - 25€ (0.0.16)
Birupes simoroxigorum 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 50€ (0.0.7)
Brachypelma albiceps 0,5 cm body 1pc - 9€ (0.0.22)
Brachypelma boehmei 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - 10€ (0.0.11)
Brachypelma boehmei 3-4 cm body 1pc - 25€ (0.0.77)
Brachypelma emilia 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - 11€ (0.0.45)
Brachypelma hamorii 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - 10€ (0.0.20)
Brachypelma hamorii FH1/2 1pc - 5€ (0.0.36)
Brachypelma klaasi 0,8-1 cm body 1pc - 20€ (0.0.31)
Bumba horrida 1-1,2 cm body 1pc - 8€ (0.0.6)
Bumba horrida 2-3 cm body 1pc - 20€ (0.0.5)
Caribena laeta 1 cm body 1pc - 7,5 € (0.0.38)
Caribena laeta 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 10€ (0.0.1)
Caribena versicolor 1 cm body 1pc - 8€ (0.0.52)
Ceratogyrus darlingi 1-1,2 cm body 1pc - 9€ (0.0.6)
Ceratogyrus darlingi 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 11€ (0.0.14)
Chilobrachys fimbriatus 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 9€ (0.0.2)
Chilobrachys fimbriatus 0,5-1 cm body 1pc - 5€ (0.0.26)
Chilobrachys fimbriatus 2-2,5 cm body 1pc - 10€ (0.0.4)
Chilobrachys natanicharum 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 11€ (0.0.20)
Chilobrachys natanicharum 3-4 cm body 1pc - 19€ (0.0.24)
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 2-2,5 cm body 1pc - 13€ (0.0.18)
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 3,5-4 cm body 1pc - 25€ (0.0.14)
Cyriocosmus elegans 0,5 cm body 1pc - 11€ (0.0.10)
Cyriopagopus albostriatus 0,5-1 cm body 1pc - 15€ (0.0.1)
Cyriopagopus lividus 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - 12€ (0.0.14)
Cyriopagopus sp. „Hati Hati” – 1 cm body 1pc - 5€ (0.0.42)
Davus pentaloris 0,8-1 cm body 1pc - 10€ (0.0.4)
Ephebopus cyanognathus 0,7-1 cm body 1pc - 25€ (0.0.4)
Euathlus sp. valpasiano 0,5-1 cm body 1pc - 36 € (0.0.5)
Euathlus sp. parda 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - 50€ (0.0.4)
Euathlus sp. Smaragd tiger 0,5-0,8 cm body 1pc - 70€ (0.0.5)
Euathlus sp. tiger 0,5 cm body 1pc - 70€ (0.0.5)
Euathlus trunculentus blue 0,5-1 cm body 1pc - 54€ (0.0.10)
Euathlus trunculentus hermosa 0,5-1 cm 1pc - 90€ (0.0.10)
Eupalaestrus campestartus 0,5-0,8 cm body 1pc - 20€ (0.0.16)
Eupalaestrus larae KL 0,5 cm body 1pc - 30€ (0.0.5)
Grammostola pulchripes – 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - (0.0.23)
Hapalopus formosus – 1-1,2 cm body 1pc - (0.0.4)
Haploclastus devamatha 0,7-1 cm body 1pc - 36 € (0.0.10)
Harpactira pulchripes 1,5-1,8 cm body 1pc - 13€ (0.0.8)
Heteroscodra maculata 1,5 cm 1pc - 5€ (0.0.52)
Heterothele gabonensis 0,5-1 cm 1pc - 17€ (0.0.5)
Homoeomma chilensis 0,8 cm body 1pc - 75€ (0.0.8)
Hysterocrates gigas 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 6,5€ (0.0.5)
Idiothele mira 0,5-1 cm 1pc - 12€ (0.0.17)
Kochiana brunnipes 0,7-1 cm body 1pc - 7€ (0.0.28)
Lasiodora parahybana 2-3 cm body 1pc - 7€ (0.0.81)
Megaphobema robustum – 2-3 cm body 1pc - 30€ (0.0.2)
Monocentropus balfouri 1,5 cm body 1pc - 7€ (0.0.30)
Neoholothele incei 0,8-1,2 cm 1pc - 4€ (0.0.27)
Nhandu carapoensis 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - 7€ (0.0.4)
Nhandu chromatus 1-2 cm body 1pc - 3€ (0.0.42)
Nhandu coloratovillosus 0,8-1,2 cm body 1pc - 8€ (0.0.29)
Nhandu tripepi 1 cm body 1pc - 9€ (0.0.8)
Nhandu tripepi 2,5 cm body 1pc - 11€
Omothymus schioedtei 1-2 cm body 1pc - 10€ (0.0.11)
Ornithoctonus aureotibialis 1,5 cm body 1pc - 17€ (0.0.2)
Orphnaecus philippinus 1 cm body 1pc - 8€ (0.0.38)
Pamphobeteus sp. „Fortis” – 1,5 cm 1pc - 20€ (0.0.2)
Pamphobeteus sp. „Machalla” 1,5-2 cm 1pc - 12€ (0.0.7)
Phormictopus auratus 0,5-1 cm 1pc - 10€ (0.0.49)
Phormictopus cancerides 1 cm 1pc - 11 € (0.0.34)
Phormictopus sp. „Dominican purple” 2-3 cm body 1pc - 30€ (0.0.18)
Phormictopus sp. full green 1 cm body 1pc - 40€ (0.0.15)
Phormingochilus sp. „rufus” 1 cm body 1pc - 8€ (0.0.2)
Poecilotheria formosa 1-1,2 cm body 1pc - 17€ (0.0.14)
Poecilotheria ornata 1,5 cm body 1pc - 11€ (0.0.9)
Poecilotheria ornata 0,8-1 cm body 1pc - 9€ (0.0.89)
Poecilotheria regalis 2,5-3 cm body 1pc - 15€ (0.0.3)
Poecilotheria subfusca "Lowland" 1-1,2 cm body 1pc - 20€ (0.0.5)
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 1,2 cm body 1pc - 14€ (0.0.7)
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