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Sell - bird spiders

Abgabeliste für Hamm 14.12

Abgabeliste für Hamm

Eigene Nachzuchten:
[Versand ab 3 Slings]

Heterothele gabonensis 0.0.XX
Kokon von 09/24
1Stk / 2Fh / 13€
ab 10Stk / 2Fh / je 11€
Kokon von 10/24
1Stk / 1Fh / 13€
ab 10Stk / 1Fh / je 11€
ab 25Stk / 1Fh / je 9,50€
ab 40Stk / 1Fh / je 8€


Heterothele vilosella ENZ 1.0
1,5cm Kl / sub-adult / 10€

Psalmopoeus victori 1.0
sub-adult / 70€


Cyriopagopus sp hati hati 0.1
~3cm Kl / 10/2022 / 30€

Bald verfügbar Eigene Nachzucht:

Stromatopelma calceatum 0.0.XX
1Stk / 1Fh

Abholung in Remscheid 428xx oder in Hamm 14.12
Versand nur bei über 10° Nachts, Risiko trägt Käufer, Abholung bevorzugt.

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Rhagodes, Harmonicon, Linothele, Eresus etc. für Weinstadt +1
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Rhagodes, Harmonicon, Linothele, Eresus etc. für Weinstadt

Biete für Weinstadt:
(Tausch gegen Haploclastus devamatha slings möglich)
0.0.xx Harmonicon oiapoqueae FH2-3 10 Stk: 150€
0.0.xx Linothele fallax FH3 10€
0.0.x Schwarze Walzenspinne Rhagodes melanus FH2 35€
0.0.x Kumonga Speispinne (große Art) Scytodes kumonga FH2 15€
0.0.xx Eresus walckenaeri FH1 10 Stk: 100€

0.1 Chilobrachys andersoni adult 60€
0.1 Chilobrachys guangxiensis adult 60€
0.1 Monocentropus balfouri adult 40€
0.1 Chilobrachys dyscolus black adult 35€

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: For Weinstadt - B. klaasi male, A.purpurea slings
Sell - bird spiders

For Weinstadt - B. klaasi male, A.purpurea slings

For Weinstadt
I have it

Males adult:
1.0 B.klaasi -RH 07/24 - 150€

0.0.100 A. purpurea -1FH, 100Stk. 700€


Sell Spiders and Scorpions

for sale weinstadt table nr 32

For weinstadt pre order
Table 32
Allot of rare species
Females / pairs
1.1 euathlus sp smaragd tiger fh5 350€
1.1 euathlus manicata black 1cm body 200€
1.1 sericopelma sp. veraguas 4.5cm body 100€
0.1 chilobrachys natanicharum adult 75€
0.1 pterinochilus murinus rcf 1.5cm 20€
0.1 holothele villosella adult 15€
0.1 chromatopelma cyaneopubescens adult 55€
0.1 Haplopelma schmidti dcf adult 120€
0.1 acanthoscurria geniculata adult 45€
0.1 Sericopelma angustum adult 50€
0.1 Nhandu carapoensis adult 50€
0.1 Pamphobeteus fortis adult 70€
0.2 Pamphobeteus antinous adult 120€
0.1 Pamphobeteus sp nevado adult 120€
0.1 Tliltocatl vagans adult 35€
0.1 tliltocatl kahlenbergi adult 40€

Juvi unsexed
0.0.3 Sericopelma sp "santa Catalina 4.5cm body 35€
0.0.1 Sericopelma veraguas 4.5cm body 35€

0.0.5 Anqasha picta fh1 40€
0.0.5 eupalaestrus weijenberghi fh3 25
0.0.2 Euathlus sp smaragd tiger fh5 100€
0.0.2 Grammastola mendozae fh5 150€
0.0.xx orphnaecus sp negros 5€
0.0.xx heterothele gabonensis 7€
0.0.xx lampropelma nigerrimum 8€
0.0.xx Chilobrachys sp "laosforest" brown 5€
0.0.xx Harpactira baviana 8€

2.0 Sericopelma sp "santa Catalina 4.5cm body 30€
1.0 Sericopelma veraguas 5.5cm bdy 30€
1.0 Pamphobeteus nigricolor equador 5cm 20€
1.0 Pamphobeteus nigricolor equador 7cm 30€

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Lasiocyano sazimai DNZ 4/24 +1
Sell - bird spiders

Lasiocyano sazimai DNZ 4/24

Special offer for Verona - 30% off the prices bellow

For sale slings L.sazimai (2-3 FH)
300x... 300€
100x... 150€
50x... 100€
10x... 25€
1x... 3€

Hamm, Verona, Budapest...

Biete für Weinstadt 12.10 / Versand / Abholung 71159 Mötzingen:


0.0.10 Caribena versicolor, 4.FH, Stk. 15.- / 10 Stk. 130.-


1.4 Avicularia purpurea, ca. 2,5-3cm KL, 30.- / Stk. 65.- / zus. 250.-
0.1 Ephebopus murinus, ca. 3cm KL, Stk. 60.-
0.2 Yberapora diversipes,, ca. 2,5cm KL, Stk. 40,-

0.5 Caribena versicolor, adult, Stk. 65.-
0.X Monocentropus balfouri, sub-adult, Stk. 40.-
0.3 Theraphosa apophysis, adult, Stk. 220.-
0.1 Theraphosa blondi, sub., Stk. 190.-
0.5 Xenesthis immanis, sub-adult, Stk. 150.- / zus. 700.-
0.8 Xenesthis intermedia, ca. 5cm KL, Stk. 160.- / 5 Stk. 720.-
0.3 Xenesthis intermedia, ca. 6cm KL, Stk. 175.- / 3 Stk. 480.-

1.0 Xenesthis immanis, RH 07/24, Stk. 85.-

Im looking for C.ritae slings with pick up in Weinstadt.

I also have:
50 x C.leetzi Venezuela fh2-300e
50 x H.himalayana fh2-200e

adult male:

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Asian&African tarantulas. Females, males, slings. Shipping to EU +2
Sell - bird spiders

Asian&African tarantulas. Females, males, slings. Shipping to EU

Only bulk orders. Shipping to EU from Poland.

22.22 P. metallica 3-4cm 65€/for one pair
11.11 H. lividum 3-4cm 45€/for one pair
20.20 P. lugardi 2-3cm 20€/for one pair
ALL Photos mine.

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: SPIDERS FOR SALE - wholesale slings
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

SPIDERS FOR SALE - wholesale slings

0.0.100 Ch.cyaneopubescens fh1 - 500€
0.0.100 P.victori fh1/2 - 1000€
0.0.100 L.sazimai fh3/4 - 100€
0.0.100 L.parahybana fh1/2- 50€
0.0.100 Ph.atrichomatus fh1 - 500€
0.0.100 Ph.sp.Rufus fh1 - 500€
0.0.100 P.pulcher fh1 - 200€
0.0.100 T.vagans fh1/2 - 100€
All information at:
and more at

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Cyriocosmus, Acanthoscurria, Kochiana and more +2
Sell - bird spiders

Cyriocosmus, Acanthoscurria, Kochiana and more

0.1 Kochiana brunnipes proven 35€
0.1 Psalmopoeus pulcher adulta 65€

0.0.19 Acanthoscurria geniculata 4cm ls
0.0.8 Psalmopoeus cambridgei 6cm ls
0.0.10 Cyriocosmus elegans fh4
0.0.x Kochiana brunnipes
0.0.3 Pterinochilus murinus juveniles 70€ for all

Big discounts for more specimens

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: C.versicolor 2. FH zu verkaufen +2
Sell - bird spiders

C.versicolor 2. FH zu verkaufen

Hallo, ich habe einige C.versicolor slings zur Abgabe aktuell in der 2.FH. (inkl. HKN)
Pro Tier 5€, bei Abnahme von mehr als 10 Tieren natürlich weniger, alles VB.
Meldet euch gerne bei Interesse:)
Abholung, Hamm oder Versand ab 10 Tieren möglich.

Sell - bird spiders

Vogelspinnen abzugeben

Eigene Nachzuchten:
[Versand ab 3 Slings]

Heterothele gabonensis 0.0.XX
1Stk / 1Fh / 13€
10Stk / 1Fh / 100€

Avicularia minatrix 0.0.XX
1Stk / 1Fh / 20€
10Stk / 1Fh / 150€
20Stk / 1Fh / 250€


Heterothele vilosella ENZ 1.0
1,5cm Kl / sub-adult / 10€

Psalmopoeus victori 1.0
sub-adult / 70€


Cyriopagopus sp hati hati 0.1
~3cm Kl / 10/2022 / 30€

Bald verfügbar Eigene Nachzucht:

Stromatopelma calceatum 0.0.XX
1Stk / 1Fh
10Stk / 1Fh

Abholung in Remscheid 428xx oder in Hamm 14.9
Versand bei passenden Temperaturen möglich????

Suche für Weinstadt:

Haploclastus devamtha 1.0
T. sp. cinnamon 1.0
Cyriopagopus sp. purple zebra 1.0
Ephebopus uataman 1.0
Haplopelma sp. namnung 1.0
Ornithoctoninae sp. HCM 1.0

0.0.1 oder 0.1:
Haplopelma Robustum
Chilobrachys tropical blue
Phormingochilus sp. sabah red
Haploclastus kayi
Ornithoctoninae sp. Malthai, Ornithoctoninae sp. mindanao (all)
Ornithoctoninae sp. laos
Phormingochilus sabah blue 0.1

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Spiers for sale! Males and slings… +2
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Spiers for sale! Males and slings…

0.0.30 Harpactirella overdijki 1Fh

Mature males:
Cyriopagopus sp. hati hati 09/2024
Haplopelma sp. TY-YT 05/2024
Ornithoctoninae sp. jaroslava 09/2024
Ornithoctoninae sp. vietnam silver 09/2024

Shipping within EU is possible

Biete für Weinstadt 12.10 / Versand / Abholung 71159 Mötzingen:


0.0.10 Caribena versicolor, 4.FH, Stk. 15.- / 10 Stk. 130.-


1.5 Avicularia purpurea, ca. 2,5-3cm KL, 30.- / Stk. 65.- / zus. 320.-
0.1 Ephebopus murinus, ca. 3cm KL, Stk. 60.-
0.3 Yberapora diversipes,, ca. 2,5cm KL, Stk. 40,-

0.5 Caribena versicolor, sub-adult, Stk. 65.-
0.X Monocentropus balfouri, sub-adult, Stk. 40.-
0.1 Tliltocatl albopilosus Nicar., adult, Stk. 40.-
0.3 Theraphosa apophysis, adult, Stk. 220.-
0.3 Theraphosa blondi, sub., Stk. 190.-
0.4 Xenesthis immanis, sub-adult, Stk. 150.-
0.8 Xenesthis intermedia, ca. 5cm KL, Stk. 160.- / 5 Stk. 720.-
0.3 Xenesthis intermedia, ca. 6cm KL, Stk. 175.- / 3 Stk. 480.-
0.5 Xenesthis sp. megascopula, adult, Stk. 270.- / zus. 1250.-

1.0 Xenesthis intermedia, RH 08/24, Stk. 120.-
1.0 Xenesthis sp. white, RH 08/24, Stk. 140.-
1.0 Xenesthis sp. white, RH 06/24, Stk. 120.-

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Slings | Juvenile | Weinstadt OCT 12.
Sell - bird spiders

Slings | Juvenile | Weinstadt OCT 12.

We are going to Weinstadt fair at OCT 12. Table numbers are 5-6-7
0.0.6 Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 1-2Fh 18€
0.0.x Proshapalopus amazonicus 4Fh 44€
0.0.x Psalmopoeus cambridgei 4-5Fh 6€ (Bulk Possible)
0.0.x Psalmopoeus irminia 5-6Fh 9€
0.0.4 Psalmopoeus victorii 4-5 Fh 25€
0.0.5 Pseudhapalopus sp. Blue 2-3Fh 17€
0.0.x Pseudhapolopus sp. cundinamarca 2-2,5cm body 26€
0.0.x Pseudhapalopus sp. Yellow Blue 2-3Fh 18€
0.0.x Pterinochilus murinus DCF „Mikumi” 1,5-2cm body 20€
0.0.x Pterinochilus murinus TCF „Kenya” 3-4-5Fh 13€
0.0.x Pterinochilus murinus RCF 1Fh 4€ (Bulk Possible)
0.0.1 Pterinochilus murinus RCF 5Fh 7€
0.0.x Selenocosmiinae sp. albognathus 4-5Fh 15€
0.0.1 Sericopelma sp. Darien 2,5-3cm body 55€
0.0.x Stromatopelma calceatum 4-5 Fh 9€
0.0.x Tapinauchenius polybotes 1,5-2cm body 15€
0.0.1 Tapinauchenius sanctivincenti 3Fh 26€
0.0.x Theraphosa blondi 3 Fh 60€
0.0.x Theraphosa stirmi 3 Fh 55€
0.0.4 Theraphosidae sp. Dorado 4-5Fh 95€
0.0.3 Theraphosidae sp. Firestripe 4-5Fh 73€
0.0.4 Theraphosidae sp. Kingfisher 3-4Fh 100€
0.0.x Thrixopelma pruriens 3-4Fh 8€
0.0.1 Thrixopelma sp. Cuzco 4Fh 38€
0.0.x Tliltocatl albopilosus 1Fh 2€ (Bulk Possible)
0.0.x Tliltocatl albopilosus „Nicaragua” 2-2,5cm body 7€
0.0.x Tliltocatl schroederi 5-6Fh 29€
0.0.x Tliltocatl sp. „Golden Back” 3-4Fh 44€
0.0.x Tliltocatl vagans 4-5 Fh 6€ (Bulk Possible)
0.0.3 Tliltocatl vagans 2-2,5cm body 10€
0.0.x Tliltocatl verdezi 5-6 Fh 7€ (Bulk Possible)
0.0.x Tliltocatl verdezi 2,5cm body 11€
0.0.x Vitalius (ex. Nhandu) chromatus 1-2Fh 2,5€ (Bulk Possible)
0.0.x Vitalius (ex. Nhandu) chromatus 2-2,5cm body 9€
Full list:

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Slings | Juvenile | Weinstadt OCT 12.
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Slings | Juvenile | Weinstadt OCT 12.

We are going to Weinstadt fair at OCT 12. Table numbers are 5-6-7
0.0.x Davus pentaloris 2-2,5cm body 17€
0.0.6 Davus sp. Panama 3-4Fh 60€
0.0.x Davus sp. Veracruz „Mexiko” 5-6Fh 13€
0.0.6 Dolichothele diamantinensis 3 Fh 17€
0.0.x Dolichothele exilis 3Fh 5€
0.0.5 Euathlus sp Tiger 2-3Fh 87€
0.0.5 Euathlus sp Truculentus blue 2-3Fh 70€
0.0.x Eupalaestrus campestratus 1Fh 20€
0.0.9 Eupalaestrus larae 2-3Fh 33€
0.0.x Eupalaestrus weijenberghi 2-3Fh 49€
0.0.x Grammostola actaeon 2-2,5cm body 60€
0.0.9 Grammostola anthracina 2-3Fh 52€
0.0.x Grommsotola porteri / rosea „NCF” 2Fh 22€
0.0.x Grammostola rosea „RCF” 2Fh 33€
0.0.x Hapalopus sp. Columbien Big 3-4Fh 10€
0.0.9 Hapalopus sp. Guerilla 3-4Fh 25€
0.0.8 Haplocosmia himalayana 5Fh 11€
0.0.9 Homoeomma chilense (ex Euathlus sp Red) 2-3Fh 65€
0.0.x Hysterocrates gigas 5-6Fh 8€
0.0.x Kochiana brunnipes 5-6Fh 9€ (Bulk possible)
0.0.x Lasiocyano (ex. Pterinopelma) sazimai 5-6Fh 7€
0.0.x Lasiodora parahybana 1 Fh 2€ (Bulk possible)
0.0.x Lasiodorides polycuspulatus 5-6Fh 26€
0.0.x Lasiodorides striatus 5-6Fh 23€
0.0.x Lyrognathus giannisposatoi 2-2,5cm body 21€
0.0.x Megpahobema robustum 2-3Fh 20€ (Bulk possible)
0.0.5 Monocetropus balfouri 5-6v. 13€ (Colony)
0.0.3 Neischnocolus sp Panama (ex. Ami sp Panama) 3Fh 23€
0.0.x Nhandu carapoensis 2-3Fh 7€
0.0.x Nhandu tripepii 5-6Fh 10€
0.0.x Ornithoctoninae sp. Vietnam Silver 2-2,5cm body 60€
0.0.x Ornithoctonus aureotibialis 4-5Fh 22€
0.0.x Orphnaecus sp Quezon blue Luzon” 3-4Fh 7€
0.0.4 Pamphobeteus sp. Costa 2-3Fh 33€
0.0.4 Pamphobeteus sp. Manganegra 3Fh 55€
0.0.x Pamphobeteus sp. mascara 2-3Fh 19€
0.0.x Poecilotheria regalis 2-3Fh 8€ (Colony) (Bulk possible)
Full list:

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Slings | Juvenile | Weinstadt OCT 12.
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Slings | Juvenile | Weinstadt OCT 12.

We are going to Weinstadt fair at OCT 12. Table numbers are 6-7-8
0.0.x Acanthoscurria geniculata 3-4 Fh 5€
0.0.x Acanthoscurria geniculata 5-6 Fh 6€
0.0.6 Acanthoscurria gomesiana 3-4Fh 50€
0.0.7 Acanthoscurria maga 6-7Fh 27€
0.0.x Aphonopelma anax 2cm body 25€
0.0.x Aphonopelma chalcodes 2 Fh 21€
0.0.x Aphonopelma chalcodes 6 Fh 29€
0.0.x Aphonopelma chalcodes „Payson” 4-5Fh 33€
0.0.x Aphonopelma crinirufum 4-5Fh 36€
0.0.9 Aphonopelma johnnycashi 2-3Fh 65€
0.0.7 Aphonopelma sp. El Grullo 2cm body 65€
0.0.x Birupes simoroxigorum 3Fh 44€
0.0.3 Birupes simoroxigorum 2cm body 70€
0.0.x Brachypelma albiceps 3Fh 9€
0.0.x Brachypelma albiceps 5-6Fh 13€
0.0.x Brachypelma auratum 3-4Fh 44€
0.0.x Brachypelma boehmei 3-4Fh 10€
0.0.x Brachypelma boehmei 5-6Fh 13€
0.0.x Brachypelma emilia 4-5Fh 13€
0.0.x Brachypelma hamorii 4 Fh 10€
0.0.x Brachypelma hamorii 5-6 Fh 13€
0.0.x Brachypelma smithi (ex annitha) 4-5 Fh 46€
0.0.x Caribena versicolor 2-3Fh 8€ (Bulk possible)
0.0.x Ceratogyrus darlingi 1-2Fh 5€
0.0.x Ceratogyrus darlingi 4-5Fh 9€
0.0.x Chaetopelma olivaceum 2-3Fh 10€ (Bulk possible)
0.0.x Chilobrachys fimbriatus 4-5Fh 8€
0.0.x Chilobrachys natanicharum (ex Electric Blue) 4-5Fh 12€
0.0.4 Chilobrachys sp. Vietnam blue 4-5Fh 11€
0.0.x Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 1 Fh 10€ (Bulk possible)
0.0.x Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 4-5 Fh 13€
0.0.2 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 6-7 Fh 17€
0.0.x Cyriocosmus elegans 3-4 Fh 7€ (Bulk possible)
0.0.7 Cyriopagopus longipes 3Fh 18€
0.0.1 Cyriopagopus sp. Hati-Hati 5 Fh 9€
0.0.x Cyriopagopus vonwirthi 3Fh 17€
0.0.x Davus pentaloris 1-2Fh 5€ (Bulk possible)

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Latrodectus renivulvatus "Oman" +2
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Latrodectus renivulvatus "Oman"

Latrodectus renivulvatus oman
slings available, even in large quantities

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: C. natanicharum, O. sp. “Hati Hati” Bulk +1
Sell - bird spiders

C. natanicharum, O. sp. “Hati Hati” Bulk

Hallo zusammen!

Momentan kann ich zwei Bulk Angebote anbieten.

Ca. 150 Slings von Chilobrachys natanicharum in Fh1 für 350€

Ca. 30 Slings von Ornithoctoninae sp. “Hati Hati” (Cyriopagopus) in Fh2/3 für 85€

Gegebenenfalls sind auch andere Gruppengrößen möglich, einfach mal anfragen.

Beide Arten sind in Filmdosen vereinzelt und fressen Drosophila, kleine lateralis Schaben oder kleine Heimchen.

Eine Abholung wäre mir am Liebsten.
Versand mit Heatpack ist bei Übernahme der Kosten möglich. Ich biete allerdings keine Lebendankunftgarantie. Das Risiko beim Versand liegt alleine beim Käufer.