Ephebopus caribena chilobrachy standard ads [Page 3]

Search Spiders and Scorpions

E. cyanognathus, Ps. irminia

Suche dringend Böcke von
Ephebopus cyanognathus sub oder adult

10 Psalmopoeus irminia 5. bis 6. FH 40,- €

Versand per DHL Normal 10,-
per Express 15,- €

Search Spiders and Scorpions

Suche adulte Männchen für Versand

Suche adulte Männchen für Versand nach NL oder DE

Aphonopelma chalcodes
Brachypelma auratum
Brachypelma hamorii
Cyriopagopus doriae
Cyriopagopus sp. Bach Ma
Dolichothele exilis
Ephebopus cyanognathus
Euthycaelus colonica
Holothele sp. French Guyana
Homoeomma chilensis
Neostenotarsus sp. French Guyana
Omothymus nigerrimum
Ornithoctonus costalis
Orphnaecus sp. blue Panay
Psalmopoeus ecclesiasticus
Scopelobates sericeus
Tapinauchenius plumipes
Tapinauchenius polybotes
Theraphosinae sp. Colombia

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Tarantula’s to trade/swap +2
Trade - bird spiders

Tarantula’s to trade/swap

Following tarantula's to swap/trade:

1.1 Chilobrachys sp. electric blue juvenille
2.1 Poecilotheria metallica sub-adult
1.1 Harpactira pulchripes fresh adults

0.1 Xenesthis immanis fresh adult
0.1 Xenesthis megascopula juvenille
0.1 Tlitocatl vagans sub-adult
0.1 Idiothele mira fresh adult
0.1 Theraphosa apophysis

Unsexed:0.0.x Xenesthis immanis juvenille
0.0.x haplopelma vonwirthijuvenille
0.0.x Birupes simoroxigorum i4
0.0.x Lasiodora paryhbana i4
0.0.x Pterinipelma sazimai i3
0.0.x Monocentropus balfouri i4
0.0.x Theraphosa apophysis
0.0.x Heteroscodra maculata
0.0.x Crycosmus elegans
0.0.x Sahydroaraneus raja
0.0.x Citharacanthus cyaneus
0.0.x pseudhapalopus sp shorthair
0.0.x Ephebopus murinus
0.0.x Acanthoscurria geniculata
0.0.x poecilotheria subfusca "lowland"
0.0.x Psalmopoeus emeraldus
0.0.x Psalmopoeus victori
0.0.x neostenotarsus sp surinam
0.0.x Heterothele gabonensis
0.0.x Haploclastus devamatha

Shipping possible within Europe.
I'm interested in (rare) tarantula's, praying mantis and other great offers.

Dm me here or on my instagram- Exotixpetss

Aus eigener Nachzucht:

Psalmopoeus irminia NZ 8/20 0.0.10 Stk 5,- / alle 10 Stk 40,-

Ich suche:
Böcke von

Ephebopus cyanognathus
Thrixopelma cyaneolum

Versand mit DHL normal 10,- / Express 15,-
oder Abholung

Sell Spiders and Scorpions

E. cyanognathus, Ps. irminia

Aus eigener Nachzucht:

0.0.X Ephebopus cyanognathus NZ 9/21
Stk 18,- / 5 Stk 85,- / 10 Stk 160,-

0.0.X Ephebopus cyanognathus NZ 2/22
Stk 15,- / 5 Stk 70,- / 10 Stk 130,-

Psalmopoeus irminia NZ 8/20 Stk 5,- /
10 Stk 40,-

Versand mit DHL normal 10,- / Express 15,-
oder Abholung

Search - bird spiders

Suche verschiedene Vogelspinnen

X.0.0 Typhochlaena seladonia
X.x.xx Typhochlaena curumim
X.x.xx Typhochlaena costae
X.x.xx Davus sp. panama
X.x.xx Psednocnemis brachyramosa
X.x.xx Chilobrachys sp. tropical blue

0.X Ornithoctoninae sp. Hon-Sej
0.1 Avicularia avicularia
0.1 Acanthoscurria juruenicola

1.0 Avicularia sp colombia
1.0 Omothymus violaceopes RH
1.0 Neischnocolus panamanus
1.0 Ephebopus rufescens RH

Abholung je nach Angebot in Deutschland und Nachbarländer möglich.
Lieferadresse in Deutschland vorhanden.

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: E. cyanognathus, Ps. cambridgei, irminia
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

E. cyanognathus, Ps. cambridgei, irminia

Aus eigener Nachzucht:

0.0.X Ephebopus cyanognathus NZ 9/21
Stk 18,- / 5 Stk 85,- / 10 Stk 160,-

0.0.X Ephebopus cyanognathus NZ 2/22
Stk 15,- / 5 Stk 70,- / 10 Stk 130,-

Psalmopoeus cambridgei NZ 7/20 Stk 4,- /
10 Stk 35,-

Psalmopoeus irminia NZ 8/20 Stk 5,- /
10 Stk 40,-

Versand mit DHL normal 10,- / Express 15,-
oder Abholung

Search Spiders and Scorpions

Only for Weinstadt börse may 7.

Looking for:
1.0 Avicularia aurantiaca sub/adult
1.0 Avicularia merianae sub/adult
0.1 Avicularia metallica adult (young, fresh)
0.1 Caribena versicolor sub-adult (young, fresh)
1.0 Chilobrachys sp. "electric blue" sem-sub-adult
0.1 Coremiocnemis hoggi sub/adult (young, fresh)
0.1 Ephebopus cyanognathus sub/adult (young, fresh)
1.0 Ephebopus murinus sub/adult
1.1 Eucratoscelus pachypus
0.1 Harpactira pulchripes adult (young, fresh)
1.0 Omothymus violaceopes sub/adult
0.1 Ornithoctoninae sp. “Phan Cay” adult (young, fresh)
1.0 Ornithoctonus sp. malthai
0.1.x Poecilotheria formosa semi/sub/juvenil
0.1.x Poecilotheria rufilata semi/sub/juvenil

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: E. cyanognathus, Ps. cambridgei, irminia
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

E. cyanognathus, Ps. cambridgei, irminia

Aus eigener Nachzucht:

0.0.X Ephebopus cyanognathus NZ 9/21
Stk 18,- / 5 Stk 85,- / 10 Stk 160,-

0.0.X Ephebopus cyanognathus NZ 2/22
Stk 15,- / 5 Stk 70,- / 10 Stk 130,-

Psalmopoeus cambridgei NZ 7/20 Stk 4,- /
10 Stk 35,-

Psalmopoeus irminia NZ 8/20 Stk 5,- /
10 Stk 40,-

Versand mit DHL normal 10,- / Express 15,-
oder Abholung

1.0 Ephebopus cyanognathus > biete 35 €
1.0 Cyriopagopus lividus (ex Haplopelma lividum) > biete 25 €
1.0 Pamphobeteus fortis > biete 30 €

Wir können uns auch auf eine Anzahl von Jungtieren einigen falls die Verpaarung klappt :)

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: E. cyanognathus, Ps. cambridgei, irminia
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

E. cyanognathus, Ps. cambridgei, irminia

Aus eigener Nachzucht:

0.0.X Ephebopus cyanognathus NZ 9/21
Stk 18,- / 5 Stk 85,- / 10 Stk 160,-

0.0.X Ephebopus cyanognathus NZ 2/22
Stk 15,- / 5 Stk 70,- / 10 Stk 130,-

Psalmopoeus cambridgei NZ 7/20 Stk 4,- /
10 Stk 35,-

Psalmopoeus irminia NZ 8/20 Stk 5,- /
10 Stk 40,-

Versand mit DHL normal 10,- / Express 15,-
oder Abholung

Aus eigener Nachzucht:

0.0.X Ephebopus cyanognathus NZ 9/21
Stk 18,- / 5 Stk 85,- / 10 Stk 160,-

0.0.X Ephebopus cyanognathus NZ 2/22
Stk 15,- / 5 Stk 70,- / 10 Stk 140,-

Psalmopoeus cambridgei NZ 7/20 Stk 5,- / 10 Stk 40,-

Psalmopoeus irminia NZ 8/20 Stk 6,- /
10 Stk 50,-

Versand mit DHL normal 10,- / Express 15,-
oder Abholung

Search Spiders and Scorpions

T. cyaneolum, E. cyanognathus

Ich bin auf der Suche nach Böcken von

Thrixopelma cyaneolum und

Ephebopus cyanognathus

Am besten Sub oder kurz vor RH.

0.3 Cyriocosmus elegans adult je 27€
0.0.5 Cyriocosmus leetzi 1cm je 20€
1.2 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens (1.0 adult 35€ 0.2 adult 80€ je Pärchen 110€
4.3.6 Phormictopus cancerides 3,5 cm KL 0.1 25€ 1.0 15€ 0.0.1 20€
0.2.10 Neoholothele incei 1cm KL je 10€
0.0.5 Neoholothele incei gold 1cm KL je 13€
0.0.5 Heterothele villosella 2cm KL je 13€
0.0.10 Ceratogyrus darlingi ca 2cm KL je 19€
0.0.5 Pamphobeteus platyomma 3cm KL je 25€
2.1.2 Holoconia insignis 0.1 50€,1.0 20€ 0.0.1 25€
0.0.30 Lasiodora parahybana 1,5 cm Kl je 6€
0.0.4 Acanthoscurria geniculata ca 3cm KL
0.0.12 Tliltcatl vagans ca 2cm KL je 15€
1.1 Nhandu chromatus evtl subadult 60€
0.0.1 Ceratogyrus marshalli 3cm KL 25€
0.0.1 Ephebopus murinus 2cm KL 20€
0.0.3 Monocentropus Balfouri 3cm KL 50 für alle
Archispirostreptus gigas 15€
Spirostreptus spec 1 ENZ 10 Stck. 5€
Spirostreptus servatius 10stck. 60€
Diverse Asseln
Samia Ricini Raupen,Eier,Kokons
Kenia Zwergschaben

Gerne bin ich auch zu einem Tausch gegen Käferlarven,Käfer ,Tausendfüsser oder Asseln bereit.

Looking for:
– Ephebopus cyanognathus
– E. foliatus
– E. uatuman
– Brachypelma auratum
– B. baumgarteni

and other rare species!

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Rare spiders from POLAND to Netherlands HOUTEN - trip
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Rare spiders from POLAND to Netherlands HOUTEN - trip


On Friday 25.02 I will travel form Poland to Houten Terraristic show (27.02) – I will be in Belgium, Netherlands and Germany.

Choose spiders from my list and probably I will be able to meet with you and deliver the spiders DIRECTLY TO YOU!

Also you can meet with me on Houten Terraria Show ;D

A lots of interesting and rare spiders from imports and my private breeding.

Pamphobeteus, Avicularia, Harpactira, Brachypelma, Tapinauchenius, Aphonopelma, Theraphosa, Phormictopus, Psalmopoeus, Pseudohapalopus, Ephebopus, Cyriopagopus

With BIG order discounts and free shipping.

List of available spiders below:

My facebook fanpage:

Best regards

Search - bird spiders

Suche einige Vogelspinnen

X.x.xx Typhochlaena seladonia
X.x.xx Typhochlaena curumim
X.x.xx Typhochlaena costae
X.x.xx Theraphosinae sp. panama
X.x.xx Psednocnemis brachyramosa
X.x.xx Chilobrachys sp. tropical blue

0.1 Ornithoctoninae sp. Hon-Sej

1.0 Pelinobius muticus
1.0 Carribena Versicolor
1.0 Psalmopoeus victori
1.0 Avicularia sp colombia
1.0 Cyriocosmus bicolor
1.0 Ephebopus cyanognathus
1.0 Chilobrachys sp electric blue

X.x. Birupes simoroxigorum

Lieferadresse in Deutschland oder abholung möglich :)

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Offered for collection at Houten
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Offered for collection at Houten

1.1 Lyroghnatus Giannisposatoi 3cm
1.1 Pamphobeteus Nigricolor Affinis I 4,5cm
1.1 Sericopelma Veragus N5
0.1 Pamphobeteus Sp Goliath Semi Adult
1.1 Xenesthis Sp Bright 4cm
0.1 Neoholothele Fasciaaurinigra Adult
0.3 Xenesthis Megascopula N4
0.1 Ornithoctinus Costalis 3.5cm
0.1 Xenesthis Intermedia N5
0.1 Ephebopus Uatuman Adult

Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Males for sale / Eu shipping possible

1.0 Ephebopus uatuman 10/21
5.0 Neoholothele incei oliv sub/adult RH 11/21
5.0 Neoholothele incei gold sub
2.0 Chilobrachys fimbriatus RH 10/21

EU shipping possible..!

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 0.1 Ephebopus murinus adult\sub adult
Search Spiders and Scorpions

0.1 Ephebopus murinus adult\sub adult


I'm looking for one\two female of Ephebopus murinus.
Write me in private if you have any to give.