spec Anzeigen Standard [Seite 3]

For sale
1.1 Bitis cornuta cb23 700
0.0.1 Bitis caudalis cb23 250
1.0 Crotalus pricei adult 200
1.1 Crotalus polystictus cb23 700,'
1.1.2 Cerrophidion tzotzilorum adult breeders and yearling offspring 1200
1.1 Elapsoidea sundevalli sundevalli semi adults 500,-
1.1 Aspidelaps lubricus lubricus cb23 200

Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Varanus gouldii flavirufus +2
Verkaufe Echsen

Varanus gouldii flavirufus

Dkcb 2024,
From unrelated parents ( US X Canadian).
Possible trade against other monitor lizards ( no tree monitors), or other Australian reptiles ( most species is of interest except large snakes ).

Worldwide export possible

Verkaufe Vogelspinnen

Vogelspinnen Recklinghausen 9.6

Biete für die Börse Recklinghausen am 09.06
Für Vorbestellungen gibt es 15% Rabatt!
(Vorbestellungen bis Samstag 22.00 Uhr)


Diverse Zuchtdosen auf Lager

Special Offer für Recklinghausen (kein zusätzlicher Rabatt):
0.1 Theraphosa apophysis 2,5cmKL, 80€
1.0 Heterothele villosella adult, 5€
10x Catumiri parvum 0,5cmKL, 40€
10x Cyriocosmus aueri 3.-4.FH, 120€
5x Neoholothele incei 1,5cmKL, 50€
5x Kochiana brunnipes 1,5cmKL, 50€
5x Bumba cabocla 1cmKL, 50€

Cyriocosmus perezmilesi, RH 05/24, 50€
Heterothele villosella, RH 02/24, 10€
Xenesthis immanis, RH?, fit und frisst, 80€

Acanthoscurria geniculata, 3cmKL, 30€
Aphonopelma seemanni, adult, 60€
Caribena versicolor, 2,5cmKL, 45€
Catumiri argentinense, adult, 30€
Cyclosternum familiare, adult, 80€
Cyriocosmus leetzi „Venezuela“, adult, 85€
Cyriocosmus perezmilesi, sub, 75€
Cyriocosmus sellatus, adult, 85€
Eupalaestrus campestratus, 4cmKL, 90€
Euthycaelus colonica, adult, 40€
Grammostola pulchripes, 4cmKL, 45€
Heterscodra maculata, 2,5cmKL, 30€
Heterothele villosella, adult, 20€
Lasiocyano sazimai, 2,5cmKL, 30€
Neischnocolus sp Chica, adult, 95€
Neischnocolus sp Kolumbien, 85€
Neoholothele incei, adult, 30€
Nhandu coloratovillosus, 3cmKL, 35€
Nhandu tripepii, 2-2,5cmKL, 30€
Ornithoctonus aureotibialis, adult, 60€
Pamphobeteus sp Machala, 2,5cmKL, 30€
Plesiopelma longisternale, 1,5cmKL, 70€
Psalmopoeus irminia, 2,5cmKL, 25€
Pseudhapalopus sp Blue, adult, 100€
Pterinochilus murinus RCF, 4cmKL, 40€
Theraphosa apophysis, 2,5cmKL, 100€
Theraphosinae sp Cuna, adult, 70€
Theraphosinae sp Villa Tunari, 3cmKL, 75€
Tliltocatl albopilosus „Nicaragua“, adult, 50€
Trichopelma sp Kolumbien, 85€

I‘m looking for differents species, specially babys but any age is welcome… like Terrapene o.o., c.c, c.t.,
Cuora amboinensis, trifasciata, mouhotii, galbinifrons, flavomarginata,
Geoemyda spengleri, japonica,
Glyptemys insculpta,
Manouria emys emys,
Geochelone chilensis.

Futtertiere kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Panchlora spec. Grüne Schabe
Verkaufe Futtertiere

Panchlora spec. Grüne Schabe

Zuchtansätze der Grünen Schabe ( Panchlora spec. ) abzugeben. Versand ist kein Problem.
Zuchtansatz, alle Größen gemischt 10 €

Warane kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Varanus niloticus for new home
Verkaufe Warane

Varanus niloticus for new home

Male probably, huge eater, when full not hungry ,Nice for a niloticus, if you can provide good home , we can make Nice price ,NOT FREE , but lower price when you have a good home
, some trade in excepted, lacerta or lizard species that can live outside, thamnophis species, russian ratsnake, Whatsapp for fotos only serious breeders Only as group fore sale

Warane kaufen und verkaufen Foto: VARANUS INDICUS ADULT BREEDING PAIR +2
Verkaufe Warane


Big proven breeding pair varanus indicus 1.1 , 1.0 is almost 1,5 meters been breeding for years , 2 X some years 3x a year usualy 6 eggs, 18 in totall, they live together , only for serieus people trade in excepted blue insularis , moderate lizard lacerta species , thamnophis ,only semi or adult pairs ,
All papers for indicus oké and in order
Price 1650 euro only whatsapp +31624363303

Adult group 1 male 3 female age 6 -12 years ,the live to 24 years , some trade in excepted, lacerta or lizard species that can live outside, thamnophis species, russian ratsnake, Whatsapp for fotos only serious breeders Only as group fore sale

I looking for Protobothrops spp only CB snakes all species of genus
P. tokarensis
P. elegans
P. mucrosquamatus
P. sieversorum
P. trungkhanhensis
P. ...

No cornutus, no mangshan and no jerdonii

Suche Spinnen und Skorpione

Looking for males !!!!!!!

Looking for following males (sub/adult would be great)

1.0 Grammostola rosea
1.0 Chilobrachys spec Sai Yok
1.0 Brachypelma albiceps

Please let me know if you have some for sale

Verkaufe Vogelspinnen

Bestandsauflösung Hobbyaufgabe

A. geniculata 1.0 Subadult
E. murinus 0.1 Adult
H. gigas 0.1 Adult
P. pulcher 0.1 Adult
P. reduncus 0.1 Adult
T. albopilosus nicaragua 0.1 Subadult
G. pulchripes 0.1 Subadult
H. spec blue peru 2 0.0.1
M. balfouri 0.0.1
T. pruriens 0.0.1
O. violaceopes 0.0.2
P. spec. machalla 0.0.2
P. arboricola 0.0.1
Inklusive terrarien bzw boxen

Gerne gebe ich auch meine Schabenzucht dazu

Alles zusammen 200€
Bei Fragen gerne melden.

Kein Versand. Nur Abholung

Vogelspinnen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Ornithoctoninae spec Vietnam Silver
Verkaufe Vogelspinnen

Ornithoctoninae spec Vietnam Silver

Biete wegen Hobbyaufgabe:

0.0.30 Ornithoctoninae spec Vietnam Silver 6.-7.Fh…40€

Versand ist möglich

Email an: baltic-spiders@gmx.net

Verkaufe Spinnen und Skorpione


1.0 Phormigohilus sp. rufus RH 30.03.24
1.0 Phormigohilus sp. arboricola 3,5cm KL
1.1 Phormigohilus sp. rufus 3cm KL
0.1 Haplopelma spec. bach ma 3,5cm KL
0.1 Cardiopelma cf mascatum adult
0.2 Theraphosa apophysis 4,5cm KL
0.1 Psalmopoeus victori adult
0.5 Bumba horrida (ex cabocla)

I offer Dermestes maculatus (Speckkäfer) starting colonies.
They are flesh eating Beatles used to clean up gently skeletons by taxidermists and museums. However, they can also be used as clean up crew in cricket boxes or in colonies of live bearing roaches (es. Blaptica dubia). I do not recommend to add them to Blatta lateralis colonies because the small larvae can infiltrate the oothecae.

I use them also as clean up crew in my Assassin bugs, they eat the beatles, both adults and larvae, as well so the Assassin bugs enclosure does not get overrun by the D. maculatus.

They can eat dry carnivorous pellets (I used dry cat food), but it is good to offer raw meat at least once per month.

They reproduce very quickly, especially if they get raw meat and they neither can climb smooth surfaces nor can fly at any of the life stages. Therefore, I keep mine in an open plastic container, relatively deep, with some cotton for them to lay eggs and find hide when they pupate.

Inbox me for more information. I can ship anywhere within the EU.

Verkaufe Spinnen und Skorpione

Biete Phormingochillus spec Sabah Blue

0.0.3 Phormingochillus spec Sabah Blue 1.Fh…125€

Express Versand ist möglich

Email an:

Spinnen und Skorpione kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Ricinulei & Pseudoscorpiones
Suche Spinnen und Skorpione

Ricinulei & Pseudoscorpiones

Looking for any species of Ricinulei and Pseudoscorpiones. Possibly whole colonies.

Warane kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Varanus macraei 1.0 proven breeder +1
Verkaufe Warane

Varanus macraei 1.0 proven breeder

For sale.
Cb 2019 proven breeder.
(dear, fit and healthy)
At a favorable price.
You might be interested in an exchange! (primarily for Varanus species)

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Phyllomimus sp thailand Orthoptera Heuschrecke +2
Verkaufe Insekten

Phyllomimus sp thailand Orthoptera Heuschrecke

L1/2 = 5€
Adult Pair = 40€
Shipping in EU from germany

Versand (15€) ab 40€ Einkaufswert (ohne Versandkosten). Tote Tiere im Versand werden ersetzt

Auf dem letzten Bild ist die komplette Abgabenliste

You can see all species on the last pic

Verkaufe Spinnen und Skorpione

Biete 0.1 Xenesthis spec white

Biete für Versand oder Recklinghausen

0.1 Xenesthis spec white adult NZ18


Molche kaufen und verkaufen Foto: O. v. vittatus Jungtiere / juveniles
Verkaufe Molche

O. v. vittatus Jungtiere / juveniles

Ich biete Jungtiere von O. v. vittatus (Südlicher Bandmolch) mit bekanntem Fundort. Die Art ist im Hobby, wenn überhaupt, nur noch sehr selten vertreten. Übergabe gerne in Gersfeld oder per Tiertransport.

I'm offering juveniles of O. v. vittatus (Southern Banded newt) with known locality. This species is only kept on a very small scale (if at all) in the hobby. They can be brought to Gersfeld in october.