spec Anzeigen Standard [Seite 7]

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Heteropteryx dialata Eier, Phasmiden +1
Verkaufe Insekten

Heteropteryx dialata Eier, Phasmiden

Gebe noch Eier meiner Malaiischen Gespenterschrecken ab. Versand möglich.

Habe auch noch Eier von
Phobaeticus serratipes,
sowie Nymphen von Diapherodes gigantea
Und Spirustreptus spec. 1

Myriapoda kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Spirustreptus spec. 1, Tausendfüssler +1
Verkaufe Myriapoda

Spirustreptus spec. 1, Tausendfüssler

Habe eigene Nachzuchten meiner Spirustreptus spec 1 abzugeben.

Auch größere Mengen stehen zur Abgabe.

Versand ist möglich und für die kalte Jahreszeit habe ich auch Styropor und Headpacks da.
—> Shipping possible with Headpack and styrofoam

Exotische Säuger kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Domestic fox, tame Silver fox - reservation for spring 2024 +2
Verkaufe Exotische Säuger

Domestic fox, tame Silver fox - reservation for spring 2024

We are legal breeders from Poland (near Opole). We can bring fox to new home or you can come to us. We speak English and Polish.

We are expecting puppies in the second half of April.

We collect reservations for puppy foxes that will appear in spring 2024, we will have following varieties:
-Smokey Red
-Arctic Marble
-There is also a chance that the golden marbled and golden platinum will appear (Sun glow - red marble)

We are a legally operating fox breeders which was created with the love and passion we have for these beautiful animals. Pets are in constant contact with humans and nature. In addition, they are provided with walks and can go to a protected yard under supervision.

We care about the proper socialization of puppies with other animals (cats, dogs) and people from an early age, which allows for easier assimilation in the new home.

Foxes grow up with their father and mother, thanks to which they acquire immunity from her and learn basic behaviors. We feed them by hand when they begin to eat solid food, so that they bond with humans.

The health of the foxes is also very important to us - of course, dewormed, vaccinated and with a health booklet go to their new home. A properly balanced diet and ensuring exercise is the basis.

We want our arctic and common foxes to find their way to conscious, responsible homes. Please familiarize yourself with the specifics of the species, because they are not easy animals. They require a lot of dedication and work. If they are loved and their needs met, they will repay the same.

Our website:

Spinnen und Skorpione kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Biete zur Übergabe am Samstag in Hamm +2
Verkaufe Spinnen und Skorpione

Biete zur Übergabe am Samstag in Hamm

Für die Übergabe in Hamm,oder Abholung in 50127 Bergheim


1.1 Xenesthis spec bright 4-4,5cm 250 Euro

1.1 Xenesthis intermedia 4-4,5cm 250 Euro

1.1 Xenesthis immanis
4-4,5cm 160 Euro

1.1 Xenesthis spec light
3-3,5cm 300 Euro

1.1 Acanthoscurria geniculata
5,5-6cm 50 Euro


0.1 Pamphobeteus petersi ( backfire) adult 120 Euro

0.1 Sericopelma sp azuero
Adult 60 Euro


10.0 Theraphosa stirmi
4-4,5cm je 50 Euro

1.0 Pamphobeteus sp cascada adult.RH 12/23 50 Euro


40x Theraphosa apophysis
2 FH je 30 Euro. Alle 1000 Euro

20x Xenesthis spec light
1 FH je 120 Euro. Alle 2000 Euro

25 Psalmopoeus victori
3-4 FH je 25 Euro. Alle 400 Euro

10 Phormictopus auratus
3-4 FH je 20 Euro. Alle 180 Euro

Es werden nur reservierte Tiere mit nach Hamm gebracht

Krebstiere terrestrisch  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: More than 20 different Geosesarma!!! +1
Verkaufe Krebstiere terrestrisch

More than 20 different Geosesarma!!!

Geosesarma - Hamm - Special
more than 20 species/ forms
first comes, first buys
reservations not possible!
See you....

Königspythons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Special Clown / Orange Dream Fire het Clown +2
Verkaufe Königspythons

Special Clown / Orange Dream Fire het Clown

Biete an:

0.1 Pastel Fire Special Clown nz.23
1.0 Special Clown nz.23
1.0 Orange Dream Fire het Clown pos het Piebald nz. 21

I am looking for different Calvisia species.

andere Wirbellose kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Brauner Tausenfüsser NZ Spec.1
Verkaufe andere Wirbellose

Brauner Tausenfüsser NZ Spec.1

Spirostreptus Spec.1
Ca 5cm
Stück 5€ 10Stück 40€
Versand möglich

Schildkröten  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Emys orbicularis                                          +2
Verkaufe Schildkröten

Emys orbicularis

Emys Orbicularis
born September 1, 2023
10 specimens left
price for 10
delivery to Hamm or Belgium

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Ballpythons pretty morphs +2
Verkaufe Pythons

Ballpythons pretty morphs

0.1 Classic 16
0.1 Specter Piebald 22
0.1 Banana Mojave Pastel 21

Verkaufe Spinnen und Skorpione

special prices for Hamm! slings wholesale

0.0.50 Birupes simoroxigorum 1FH
0.0.50 Eupalaestrus campestratus 2FH
0.0.100 Grammostole rosea (porteri) 1FH
0.0.100 Grammostola rosea RED 1FH
0.0.100 Grammostola pulchra 1FH
0.0.50 Homoeomma chilensis 1FH
0.0.100 Megaphobema robustum 1FH
0.0.200 Nhandu carapoensis 1FH
0.0.200 Phormingochilus sp. rufus 1FH
0.0.100 Theraphosa apophysis 1FH
0.0.100 Theraphosidae sp. azul 2-3FH
0.0.100 Theraphosidae sp. dorado 3FH
0.0.100 Theraphosidae sp. mandarina 2-3FH
full list, more information - alexdspiders@gmail.com

Vogelspinnen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Wir suchen Ihre Nachzuchten!!!
Suche Vogelspinnen

Wir suchen Ihre Nachzuchten!!!

Guten Tag,

Wir haben großes Interesse an Ihren Nachzuchten.
Abnahme ab 30 Tieren pro Art mindestens F/3
Psalmopoeus cambridgei

Tliltocatl albopilosus
Neoholothele incei het Gold
Pamphobeteus spec. “Machala”
Theraphosa apophysis “Venezuela-Riesenvogelspinne”
Thrixopelma pruriens
Aphonopelma seemanni
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
Haplopelma minax
Heteroscodra maculata “Marmorvogelspinne”
Hysterocrates gigas “Afrikanische Riesenvogelspinne”
Hysterocrates hercules “Herkules Vogelspinne”
Avicularia huriana
Harpactira pulchripes

Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Angebot.

Mit besten Grüßen

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Various gecko species for Houten/Hamm +2
Verkaufe Geckos

Various gecko species for Houten/Hamm

1.1 Tarentola chazaliae CB'22/CB'23
1.1 Pachydactylus rangei CB'23
1.1 Strophurus aberrans CB'23

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Last call Hamm - Pachydactylus (=Colopus) kochii +2
Verkaufe Geckos

Last call Hamm - Pachydactylus (=Colopus) kochii

I am offering 3,3 LTC subadult "Namib ghost" gecko and 2,2 with tail regenerated.
Slender very cryptic species that is glowing in UV more than rangei.

Verkaufe Krebstiere terrestrisch

Diverse Asselarten.

Ich habe die folgenden Arten wieder zur Abgabe....☺️ 41515
Übergabe in Hamm auch möglich

P. Laevis Black 4€
P. laevis Panda 3€
P. Laevis Milkback 4€
P. Laevis Orange 4€
P. Selomai 18€
P. Baeticenis orange 25€
P. Echinatus 8€

A. Vulgare Tangerine 20€
A. Vulgare St. Lucia 10€
A. vulgare Magic potion12€
A. Maculatum 10€
A. Gestroi 14€
A. Spec Albino 14€
A. Kugli Montegreno
A. Pallasi Orange 15€
A. Nasatum peach 10€
A. Tirolense Lake garda 35€
A. Depressum Yellow 8€
A. Officinalis 8€
A. Granatum 10€

Cubaris Panda King 10€
Cubaris Pinguin 15€

Pro Ansatz 12 stück

Porcellionides pruinosus orange 4€(20)
Porcellionides pruinosus koi 4 50 (20)

Krebstiere terrestrisch  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: First time in hobby Armadillo sp. Cyprus!
Verkaufe Krebstiere terrestrisch

First time in hobby Armadillo sp. Cyprus!

Never before available in the hobby!
Armadillo sp. Cyprus 10pcs - 80€

This is an undescribed species originating from Cyprus. A large species, growing up to 2cm. Easy to breed, with requirements similar to Armadillo officinalis.

International shipping (in EU) 8-15€ + Heatpack 72h 2€

Additionally, I have rare species of isopods and scorpions

Schildkröten  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Testudo graeca terrestris +1
Verkaufe Schildkröten

Testudo graeca terrestris

Young specimens of Testudo graeca terrestris, cb 2023, probable pair.
Jordanian origin.

Junge Exemplare von Testudo graeca terrestris, cb 2023, wahrscheinliches paar.
Jordanischer Herkunft.

Myriapoda kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Diplopoda, Archispirostreptus gigas, Spirostreptus gregorius ...
Verkaufe Myriapoda

Diplopoda, Archispirostreptus gigas, Spirostreptus gregorius ...

Archispirostreptus gigas, NZ, 0.0.2, 10 cm, both 15€
Spirostreptus spec. 1 NZ, Adult, 4 €
Spirostreptus gregorius, 0.0.5-6 ? Group 15€ vhb

All 20 €

Handover Hamm or Göttingen

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Phasmids for Hamm Biggest Offer +2
Verkaufe Insekten

Phasmids for Hamm Biggest Offer

Hi I have table.
Many species, eggs, nymphs, adults.
Phyllium letiranti tataba, Extatosoma tiaratum and next 75!!!!! species phasmids. Current offer in message

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Available isopods in Hamm!! (Cubaris, other species)
Verkaufe Insekten

Available isopods in Hamm!! (Cubaris, other species)

Cubaris sp murina “borneo”
Cubarus sp murina “papaya”
Cubaris sp “white side”
Cubaris sp “red side“
Cubaris sp “miyako“
Cubaris “rubber ducky”
Cubaris sp “Blond ducky”
Cubaris sp “white head ducky”
Cubaris sp “Jupiter”
Cubaris sp “Lemon Blue”
Cubaris sp “shiro utsuri”
Cubaris sp “panda king”
Cubaris sp “salmon”
Cubaris sp “pak chong”
Cubaris sp “white shark”
Cubaris sp “Platin tung song”
Cubaris sp “Thai angel blue”
Cubaris Firefly
Cubaris “orange fizzy“
Cylisticus convexus “Ukraine pied”
Hyloniscus sp.”canariensis”
Helleria Brevicornis
Cristarmadillidium muricatum
Angara madagascariensis “north Tailand”
Sinodillo “vietnam”(merunella)
Trachelipus Ratzeburgii “gosau“
Trachelipus “Trilobatus“
Trachelipus “caucasius“