Geckos standard ads

Jungferngecko - Lepidodactylus lugubris
Biete Jungferngeckos (Lepidodactylus lugubris) in verschiedenen Größen an.
Preis: je nach Größe zwischen 5 und 15€ (adult) VB.
Nur Abholung in 53113 Bonn.
Uroplatus phantasticus- Hamm
Search for Hamm
1.1 Uroplatus phantasticus )
special colours
offers with price, picture and age

Geckos available for Hamm (March)
Available for Hamm:
2.3 Rhacodactylus auriculatus
-Redstripe 1.1 (proven)
-Redblotched 1.2 (proven)
1.2 Bavayia Borealis
- proven
0.0.1 Correlophus Sarasinorum
-white collar cb’ 24
Trades possible for Saltuarius/Phyllurus
Different Phelsuma / Day geckos
For Hamm/ Houten/ pickup:
1,1 Phelsuma Astriata Semicarinata breeding Pair
1,1 Phelsuma Astriata Semicarinata cb23
1,2 Phelsuma Breviceps cb24
0,2 Phelsuma Borbonica Borbonica cb23
0,3 Phelsuma Borbonica Borbonica grand Étang cb24
1,1 Phelsuma Cepediana Form C cb24
0,1 Phelsuma Malamakibo cb24
1,1 Phelsuma Pronki cb24
Lygodactylus picturatus gesucht
Such für Hamm 03.2025 Lygodactylus picturatus. Würde mich über Angebot sehr freuen.

Nephrurus amyae
4,6 Nephrurus amyae cb24
Available as pairs and trios
1,1 650€
1,2 1050€
1,0 Nephrurus amyae CB 10/23
150 €
Delivery to Hamm is possible
Nephrurus asper - Knopfschwanzgecko
Suche 0,0,X Nephrurus asper.....
eventuell im Tausch gegen 0,0,2 Saltuarius kateae
Ich bin am 16.02.2025 in Houten
search 0,0,X Nephrurus asper.....
possibly in exchange for 0,0,2 Saltuarius kateae
I will be in Houten on February 16th, 2025
Phyllurus amnicola - Mount Elliot-Blattschwanzgecko
0,0,1 Phyllurus amnicola von 07/24 und 09/24
Die Tiere fressen und Häuten sich gut
Ich bin am Sonntag den 16.02.2025 in Houten auf der Börse
0,0,1 Phyllurus amnicola from 07/24 and 09/24
The animals eat and shed their skin well
I'll be at the stock exchange in Recklinghausen on Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Saltuarius kateae - Australischer Blattschwanzgecko
0,0,2 Saltuarius kateae - Australischer Blattschwanzgecko von 08 / 24
die Tiere sind agil und Fressen gut.
Auch im Tausch gegen andere Australische Geckos
Ich bin am Sonntag den 16.02.2025 in Houten auf der Börse
0,0,2 Saltuarius kateae - Australian leaf-tailed gecko from 08/24
the animals are agile and eat well.
Also in exchange for other Australian geckos
I'll be at the stock exchange in Houten on Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Geckos to Hamm and worldwide
0.1 MT Koghis Troeger
0.7 Pine Island
0.4 Nuu Ana
0.2 Nuu Ami
0.1 Moro
0.2 Brosse
0.2 MT Koghis Friedel
0.29 - Red/grey/normal stripe (0.23 PB)
1.4 - Extreme Harlequin (1.3 PB)
2.2 Super Dalmation (0.2 PB)
0.0.24 - Super/dalmation & Extreme/harlequin
0.1 Mainland PB
Wir suchen einen Leopardgecko
Wir suchen einen Leopardgecko.
Wir haben keinen konkreten Wunsch, was die Farbmorph angeht.
Wichtig ist das der Leopardgecko gesund und munter ist.
Wir freuen uns über eine Nachricht mit Angebot.
Eine Übergabe sollte möglich sein .
Wir kommen aus Berlin.
Geckos for Hamm 08.03.2025
For Hamm 08.03.2025
1.1 Nephrurus wheeleri NZ23
0.1 Nephrurus cinctus NZ24
0.1 Diplodactylus galeatus NZ24
Eurydactylodes Vieillardi Pindai
0.1 Eurydactylodes Vieillardi Pindai cb‘24

Nephrurus species available
Hello, I can offer mine Nephrurus from last year
5.6 Nephrurus levis levis - Red and Yellow lines (CB24)
2.0 Nephrurus levis pilbarensis 100% double het. Albino/Patty (CB24)
1.1 Nephrurus amyae (CB24)
Hamm, Verona, Prague delivery for free.
More info in MorphMarket
Suche Phelsuma laticauda laticauda Zuchtpaar
Ich suche ein gesundes Zuchtpaar P. laticauda. Ich suche NICHT nach der blue bline oder angularis, sondern ganz konventionelle P. laticauda.
Gerne können Sie mir auch 1.0 oder 0.1 anbieten, ich stelle mir dann das Zuchtpaar aus verscheidenen Interessenten-Herkünften zusammen.
Ganz liebe Grüße,
I am looking for Naultinus
Elegans yellow, male, female , babies , nz 23,24 or babies 2025

Local CfxTr (25/75)
DNZ 09/21
Mit Terra 2300,-
Terra inkl. Beleuchtung, Beregnungsdüsen, Einrichtung.
Plug and Play gebaut. Stecker ran Beregnungspumpe anschließen fertig.

rhacodactylus leachianus neukaledonischer Riesengecko
Very beautiful colouring. Eats all common types of mash. Ready to breed.
1.0.0 male Mt. Koghis (Grand Terra)
Delivery: TERRARISTIKA in Hamm on 08.03.2025

Pristurus carteri Masirah 1.0
Verkaufe einen Männlichen Pristurus carteri Masirah.
Das Tier ist von 2023, frisst ordentlich und wird mit UV Licht versorgt.
Abgabe wegen Bestandsveränderungen, es sind keine weiteren Tiere vorhanden.
Momentan nur Abholung

0,0,1 Rhacodactylus l. leachianus Mt. Koghis Tröger line F2 CB 09/2023
0,0,1 Rhacodactylus l. leachianus Mt. Koghis Tröger line
F2 CB 09/2023
incubated for 0,1
"special colored" .....hatched in very light pink...... see pics!
Please only requests with a real name and/or comprehensible mail adress
I send no more photos!
Geckos Premium ads

Rhacodactylus Leachianus available for HAMM march 8th
Hamm, 8th MARCH . Shipping WORLDWIDE
2023- 2024
Nuu Ami (Leapin leachies) , Nuu Ana Fast Line (Leapin leachies) , Brosse Snowflake line (Leapin leachies), Bayonnaise (Leapin leachies) , Pine Island ,Moro
Poindimie (Diablo x DAisy black line) Yate Bubba and Dark Morph (Fast line) Humboldt
Koghis Troeger melanistic and het , Koghis Freidel Melòan istic and het, (STIPED MEL , HIGHBLACK mel , Color MEL)
Super mix HIGHCOLOUR on request.
Adults and subadults in limited quantities.

Rhacodactylus, Strophurus, Eurydactylodes, Mniarogekko
For Hamm show!
0,2 Cyrtodactylus peguensis, adult
1.0 Strophurus williamsi, adult
1.2 Strophurus rankini, adult
2.0 Mniarogekko chahoua, ML, adult, each
0.4.2 Mniarogekko chahoua, ML, CB24
0.2.4 Eurydactylodes agricolae CB24
1.0.5 Eurydactylodes occidentalis CB24
1.0.3 Eurydactylodes vieillardi CB24
All leachianus are pure! No mixes!!!!
1.0 Rhacodactylus leachianus, Mt. Koghis, Friedel, CB22, awesome
0.2 Rhacodactylus leachianus, Mt. Koghis, Friedel, CB23
2.2 Rhacodactylus leachianus, Mt. Koghis, Friedel, CB24
2.0 Rhacodactylus Nuu ami, CB22
Trade possible for: Gerrhonotus, Sphaerodactylus, Egernia depressa, Phyllurus caudiannulatus, Oplurus

Tokee / Gecko gecko Morphs CB 2022 - 2025
Hamm march, Houten April/June, Verona May or deliver in germany, netherlands, belgium and france:
PREORDER Tokee MORPHS CB 2022 to 2025 with CITES
0.0.5 blueberry 1350 each, for more discount
0.0.5 ghost 1350 each, for more discount
0.0.3 nightmare 2200 each, for more discount
6.6 Nominat 200 each, 380 pair
1.4 Green codom 360 each
2.6 Patternless 480 each, 900 pair
1.1 Platinum 600 each, 1100 pair
1.2 Candy pied 850 each, 2300 group
1.1 Blue berry 950 each, 1700 pair
2.6 Granit 1000 each, 1800 pair
1.0 Calico 1500 unique animal
1.2 Hypo 1650 each, 4500 group
1.0 Calico Black Eyes 1800 unique animal
1.0 Black new morph 3000
1.0 T+ albino new morph 5000
All prices are including 19% german tax. For wholesale list please contact us with company datas and VAT

Thecadactylus oskrobapreinorum for Hamm!!!
0,1,9 Thecadactylus oskrobapreinorum
CB 2024
Saint Martin Gecko- Rare and awesome!
Open for trades:
Egernia depressa
Anolis potior

Nephrurus / African Fat-Tail / Leopardgeckos / Eublepharis
1,0 African Fat-Tail Gecko het. Oreo, Zulu poss. het. Caramel CB 2019
0,4 African Fat-Tail Gecko Oreo poss. het. Patternless, Zulu (incubated on females) CB 2024
0,6 African Fat-Tail Gecko Oreo Whiteout poss. het. Patternless, Zulu (incubated on females) CB 2024
0,2 African Fat-Tail Gecko Oreo Whiteout Zulu poss. het. Patternless (incubated on females) CB 2024
0,1 African Fat-Tail Gecko Striped het. Caramel, Oreo, Zulu CB 2019
2,0 African Fat-Tail Gecko Zulu poss. het. Oreo, Patternless (incubated on males) CB 2024
0,2 African Fat-Tail Gecko Zulu poss. het. Oreo, Patternless (incubated on females) CB 2024
1,3 Eublepharis fuscus CB 2023 / 2022
0,6 Eublepharis fuscus (incubated on females) CB 2024
0,7 Eublepharis hardwickii (incubated on females) CB 2024
1,3 Leopardgecko Blizzard CB 2022
1,0 Nephrurus amyae CB 2023
1,0 Nephrurus levis pilbarensis poss. het. Albino CB 2022
1,1 Nephrurus vertebralis CB 2023 / 2021
1,0 Paroedura picta Xanthic Striped CB 2024
Übergabe in Hamm ist möglich / Pick up in Hamm is possible
Tierversand ist möglich.
Fotos und Preise auf / Pictures and prices at

Underwoodisaurus and Nephrurus
2.2 U. husbandi (albino), Cb-23. Breedable
0.1 N. levis pilbarensis (patternless het albino), Cb-24.
Can bring to Hamm

Looking for 1.1 Pristurus carteri
I‘m looking for 1.1 Pristurus carteri no preference in what locality (but definitely want to know which one it is)
Leopardgeckos Bandit, Black Night, Patternless
PREMIUM 0.3 Black Night Adult je 500€
0.1 Patternless Adult 50€
1.0 Bandit Adult 50€
Abholung, Versand und Börsen

High-end Crested Geckos
1.0 Lillywhite 100% Het Axanthic RTB £500
0.10 100% Het Axanthic RTB £650 Ea
4.0 100% Het Axanthic RTB £80 Ea
4.0 Frappuccino RTB £600 Ea
0.4 Frappuccino £750 Ea
0.0.15 Cappuccino £350 Ea
2.0 Axanthic RTB £600 Ea
Shipping UK - March Hamm £150 upto 3 Animals £50 addional every animal after
Various Crested Geckos
Leaping Cresties -
Animal Activities Licence (AAL) licence number - LN/009412479

Male Axanthic Crested Geckos
Ready to breed adult Male Axanthic Crested Gecko £600
Shipping £150 upto 3 animals
£50 additional for any animals after
Leaping Cresties -
Animal Activities Licence (AAL) licence number - LN/009412479

15 x Female Mniarogekko Chahoua
15 x Female Mainland Chahoua
Ready to breed, 45Grams +
Red & Hi-Red
£260 Ea
Shipping UK to March Hamm
£150 for 3
£50 addional after 3rd animal

Strophurus, Eurydactylodes, Rhacodactylus. Mniarogekko
1.2 Strophurus rankini, adult
1.0 Strophurus williamsi, adult, 50,-
1.0.1 Strophurus intermedius adult , CB24
1.2.3 Eurydactylodes occidentalis CB24
1.0 Eurydactylodes agricolae CB24
1.3.3 Eurydactylodes vieillardi CB24
0.3.3 Mniarogekko chahoua, ML, CB24
2.0 Mniarogekko chahoua, ML, adult
!!!!!! All leachianus are pure! No mixes !!!
1.0 Rhacodactylus leachianus, Mt. Koghis, Friedel, CB22, awesome!
2.2.2 Rhacodactylus leachianus, Mt. Koghis, Friedel, CB24
2.0 Rhacodactylus Nuu ami, CB22
Trade possible for: Gerrhonotus, Phyllurus caudiannulatus, Oplurus, Egernia depressa

Caledonian geckos for Hamm 14.12. main hall row 9
Correlophus ciliatus
Babies 2-5g
Males 10-14g
Females 10-14g
Correlophus ciliatus LW
Males 8-14g
Females 8-14g
Correlophus ciliatus 100%het axa
Males LW 100% het. Axa 10-20g 6pcs
Babies normal 100% het. Axa 2-5g
Correlophus ciliatus axanthic
1,2 10-15g
Eurodactylodes agricolae
2,2 cb 2024

Hamm 14.12 oder Abholung in Mannheim
1.2 Phelsuma pusilla pusilla
1.2 Phelsuma nigristriata
1.2 Phelsuma lineata bombetokensis
2.2 Phelsuma pasteuri
1.2 Phelsuma dorsivittata paradoxa
1.1 Phelsuma mutabilis
1.1 Phelsuma breviceps
1.1 Phelsuma pronki
1.1 Phelsuma cepediana
1.1 Phelsuma klemmeri
2.0 Phelsuma guttata
Schlupf 2023/2024
Telefon und WhatsApp 004915125388556

2.2 Gekko pradapdao .
Offer for Houten, Hamm or Export woldwide
2.2 Gekko pradapdao
For individual pictures and further information please get in touch with me.
Geckos buy, sell and exchange.
Find animals and accessories or sell them free of charge or with a paid classified.Contact breeders and dealers from Germany and abroad.