Vogelspinnen Anzeigen Standard [Seite 4]
Typhochlaena seladonia- FOR WEINSTADT ONLY
T. seladonia 0,1 (6-7. moult) cca 2cm body lenght- 250,-E. 0,1 (4-5. moult) cca 12mm body lenght- 210,-E.
Brachypelma ,caribena , cyriocosmus
Ich habe noch folgende Tiere an zu bieten:
Die Preise beziehen sich auf ein Tier,bei mehr Abnahme natürlich verhandelbar.
Brachypelma boehmei f6/f7 14€
Cyriocosmus leetzi (Venezuela) f6/f7 22€
A.geniculata f5/6 10€
T.albopilosum(Nicaragua) 3,5 cm 30€
Caribena versicolor f4 14€
P.spec.machala ca 5-6 cm 35€
Brachypelma boehmei 0.1 nz 2018 80€
Brachypelma boehmei 1.0 nz 2019 50€
Versand ist möglich für 7 €
Bei Fragen gerne melden ,
ENZ Heteroscodra Maculata 1.-2. FH
Für Weinstadt oder Versand (innerhalb DE):
ENZ Heteroscodra Maculata 9/24
1.-2. FH
(Bild zeigt die Mutter)
Frische Weibchen.............
0,1 Acanthoscuria geniculata,6cm,55€
0,1 Gramostola pulchra, 2cm,85€
0,1 Brachypelma hamorii,3cm,60€
0,1 Gramostola iheringi,ca 4cm,95€
Euathlus manicata gesucht
Suche 0.1 oder Slings von Euathlus manicata gold oder green.
zur Übergabe in Weinstadt
1.2 Pamphobeteus sp hexa
(1.0 N6/7, 0.2 adult)
zusammen 150€
0.0.4 Davus sp. Panama - für Weinstadt (12.10.)
1cm+ Körperlänge (je 50€) – alle 4 für (150€)
Übergabe auf der Vogelspinnenbörse in Weinstadt am Samstag, den 12.10.2024
For Weinstadt - B. klaasi male, A.purpurea slings
For Weinstadt
I have it
Males adult:
1.0 B.klaasi -RH 07/24 - 150€
0.0.100 A. purpurea -1FH, 100Stk. 700€
1.0 Ephebopus cyanognathus
Biete 1.0 Ephebopus cyanognathus RH 09/24 --> 40,-€
Versand und Abholung (bevorzugt) möglich.
Biete 1.0 frisch adult Grammostola porteri
Biete ein frisch adultes Männchen Grammostola porteri. Standort ist Nürnberg.
1.0 Nhandu tripepii (adult)
Fresh adult Nhandu tripepii - available for Verona 6.10.2024
Biete für die Börse in Weinstadt:
Biete für die Börse in Weinstadt:
0.1 C. cyaneopubescens 2,5 cm 40€
0.1 H. pulchripes 3 cm 40€
1.1 X. immanis 120€
0.1 C. brachycephalus WF 3 cm 40€
0.1 T. vagans 7 cm 50€
0.1 H. baviana 5 cm 60€
0.1 H. dictator 5cm 80€
0.1 B. hamorii 6 cm 60€
0.1 H. namaquensis
0.1 A. minatrix 3 cm 90€
0.1 C. versicolor 4cm 50€
0.1 Y. diversipes 4 cm 80€
1.0 Y. diversipes Rh 08/24 20€
0.1 P. sp. arusha 5 cm 50€
0.1 P. victori 5 cm 90€
1.0 Avicularia bicegoi und 0.1 Avicularia rufa peru
Biete für Hannover
1.0 Avicularia bicegoi subadult 60,-€
0.1 Avicularia rufa peru 4cm KL 80,-€
Kein Versand!
0.1 Ornithoctonus spec. KHAO SOK - (für Weinstadt oder Versand)
Biete ein sub-adultes oder adultes Weibchen. Preis: 70€
Die Übergabe kann auf der VS-Börde in Weinstadt erfolgen. Alternativ Versand für 12€ inkl. Styrobox und Heatpack möglich.
Lasiocyano sazimai DNZ 4/24
Special offer for Verona - 30% off the prices bellow
For sale slings L.sazimai (2-3 FH)
300x... 300€
100x... 150€
50x... 100€
10x... 25€
1x... 3€
Hamm, Verona, Budapest...
Biete für Weinstadt 12.10 / Versand / Abholung 71159 Mötzingen
Biete für Weinstadt 12.10 / Versand / Abholung 71159 Mötzingen:
0.0.10 Caribena versicolor, 4.FH, Stk. 15.- / 10 Stk. 130.-
1.4 Avicularia purpurea, ca. 2,5-3cm KL, 30.- / Stk. 65.- / zus. 250.-
0.1 Ephebopus murinus, ca. 3cm KL, Stk. 60.-
0.2 Yberapora diversipes,, ca. 2,5cm KL, Stk. 40,-
0.5 Caribena versicolor, adult, Stk. 65.-
0.X Monocentropus balfouri, sub-adult, Stk. 40.-
0.3 Theraphosa apophysis, adult, Stk. 220.-
0.1 Theraphosa blondi, sub., Stk. 190.-
0.5 Xenesthis immanis, sub-adult, Stk. 150.- / zus. 700.-
0.8 Xenesthis intermedia, ca. 5cm KL, Stk. 160.- / 5 Stk. 720.-
0.3 Xenesthis intermedia, ca. 6cm KL, Stk. 175.- / 3 Stk. 480.-
1.0 Xenesthis immanis, RH 07/24, Stk. 85.-
0,4 Caribena versicolor adult
0,4 Caribena versicolor adult
haben schon Scheinkokons gebaut
alle frisch gehäutet im September 2024
60 Euro/Stck.
200 Euro/alle
zzgl. Versand
Kein Tausch.
Monocentropus balfouri mit Terrarium
Biete ein Terrarium mit 19 Monocentropus balfouri an. Sie haben sich ein schönes großes Gespinst aufgebaut...
Deswegen gebe ich es njr komplett ab.
Für Selbstabholer 600€
Kann es auch nach Hamm mit bringen für 700€
Searching for Weinstadt 12.10
0.1 Grammostola anthracina (adult)
1.0 Pamphobeteus sp. Conani (any size)
1.0 Pamphobeteus sp. Light (adult)
1.0 Pamphobeteus sp. Arana polita (adult)
Suche: Theraphosa blondi & Theraphosa stirmi
Suche folgende unbestimmte Theraphosa Arten:
0.0.5 Theraphosa blondi
0.0.5 Theraphosa stirmi
Vogelspinnen Anzeigen Premium [Seite 4]
SpiderwebZ.eu Vogelspinnen
Automatisch 15% Rabatt an der Kasse
Auto-Rabatt 10€ an der Kasse beim Kauf von 5 oder mehr Spinnen
Vogelspinnen und passendes (Terraristik) Zubehör sofort verfügbar!
Tarantulas and accessories available now!
-DE + EU Express Versand und Abholung (Sachsen)-
-Express Shipping to DE+ EU and pickup from Saxony-
Detaillierte Infos unter: / Detailed Infos under: www.spiderwebz.eu
.............. www.Exotic-Spiders.com ..............
Www.Exotic-Spiders.com Retail/ Wholesale
Safely shipping with UPS express (24-48h max) in all EU.
Avicularia hirschii/ variegata/ minatrix/ rufa (Brazil)/ urticans green/ marienae
Homoeomma chilensis/ Davus sp Panama / Cyriopagups sp Valhalla
Ornithoctoninae sp Phan Cay/ Vietnam silver/ Cho Chi Minh
Grammostola rosea/iheringi/actaeon/pulchra
Theraphosa blodni/ apophysis
Ybyrapora diversipes/ sooretama
Phormingochilus pennellhewlettorum/ Akcaya
and many more on www.Exotic-Spiders.com
+31633489306 (what's app)
Unsexed, males and females + searching adult males
Adult males:
Chilobrachys sp. Electric blue - 4/23 - 40€
Typhochlaena seladonia - 5/23 -120€
3x Ybyrapora diversipes - 5-6/23 - 40€
Cardiopelma cf. mascatum - 3. FH
Cyriopagopus cf. longipes "Kanchanaburi" - 2. FH
Cyriopagopus cf. longipes "Sai Yok" - 2. FH
Cyriopagopus lividus "Hua Hin" - 2. FH
Cyriopagopus minax "Erawan" - 2. FH
Grammostola pulchra - 2cm BL
Grammostola pulchripes - 2cm BL
Megaphobema robustum - 1cm BL and 3cm BL
Ornithoctoninae sp. "Chiang Rai" - 2. FH
Ornithoctoninae sp. "Kaeng Krachan" - 2. FH
Searching for adult males:
Acanthoscurria geniculata
Avicularia braunshauseni, bicegoi, geroldi
Aphonopelma seemanni
Brachypelma klaasi, hamorii, albiceps, boehmei, emilia
Cyriopagopus sp. Hati Hati
Cyriopagopus albostriata
Ephebopus cyanoghnatus
Eupalaestrus weijenberghi
Grammostola pulchra
Harpactira baviana
Pamphobeteus antinous, vespertinus
Psalmopoeus cambridgei, reduncus
Tapinauchenius violaceus
Thrigmopoeus sp. Kali
Xenesthis intermedia
full offer with example of adult females of Asian sp. on www.hades-spiders.cz
Male Theraphosa blondi sub-adult or adult
PREMIUMFor Hamm on June 10, 2023 looking for 1 male theraphosa blondi sub adult or young adult make an offer
Houten (A3) / Hamm (ROW- 5 main hall) www.Exotic-Spiders.com
Houten (04.06) and Hamm (10.06) All pre orders above 100e get 1-2 freebies (high amount)
Offer available on the website and fully list can be send on the email.
Safely shipping with UPS express (48h max) in all EU.
Avicularia hirschii/ variegata/ minatrix/ rufa (Brazil)/ urticans green/ marienae
Homoeomma chilensis/ Davus sp Panama / Cyriopagups sp Valhalla
Ornithoctoninae sp Phan Cay/ Vietnam silver/ Cho Chi Minh
Grammostola rosea/iheringi/actaeon/pulchra
Theraphosa blodni/ apophysis
Ybyrapora diversipes/ sooretama
Phormingochilus pennellhewlettorum/ Akcaya
and many more on www.Exotic-Spiders.com
+31633489306 (what's app)
Houten/ Hamm.... www.Exotic-Spiders.com
To every preorder nice freebies for high amount. :)
Terraria Houten (26.02) Table- A3. Terraristika Hamm (11.03) Table ROW- W (main hall)
Offer available on the website and fully list can be send on the email.
Safely shipping with UPS express (48h max) in all EU.
Avicularia variegata minatrix/ rufa (Brazil)/ geroldi/ urticans green/ marienae
Brachypelma auratum, smithi (ex annitha)
Ornithoctoninae Vietnam silver/ Cho Chi Minh
Grammostola rosea/iheringi/actaeon/pulchra/porteri
Theraphosa blodni/ apophysis
Ybyrapora diversipes/ sooretama
Phormingochilus pennellhewlettorum, Sabah blue
and many more on www.Exotic-Spiders.com
+31633489306 (what's app)
SpiderwebZ.eu Vogelspinnen + Zubehör
Automatisch 15% Rabatt an der Kasse
Auto-Rabatt 10€ an der Kasse beim Kauf von 5 oder mehr Spinnen
Vogelspinnen und passendes (Terraristik) Zubehör sofort verfügbar!
Tarantulas and accessories available now!
-DE + EU Express Versand und Abholung (Sachsen)-
-Express Shipping to DE+ EU and pickup from Saxony-
Detaillierte Infos unter: / Detailed Infos under: www.spiderwebz.eu
Rare animals, Avicularia, Xenesthis, Theraphosa and much much more...
All deals are on the poster,
Houten 27.11 Pick UP possible,
DOOR-TO-DOOR Delivery on my road to show (26.11):
Oława -> Legnica -> Berlin -> Magdeburg -> Hanover -> Houten
And back though this road (27.11):
Houten-> Hanover -> Mageburg -> Leipzig -> Dresden -> Oława
We starts ours journey tomorrow (25.11) at 13.00 ????
If you takes a part of the Houten show remember to visit ours table!!
Worldwide Shipments ;)
We use animals transport express, 24hours to Germany, Austria. Rest Europe 48/72hours.
Stay Tunned
Rare animals, Avicularia, Xenesthis, Theraphosa and much much more...
Houten 27.11 Pick UP possible,
DOOR-TO-DOOR Delivery on my road to show (26.11):
Oława -> Legnica -> Berlin -> Magdeburg -> Hanover -> Houten
And back though this road (27.11):
Houten-> Hanover -> Mageburg -> Leipzig -> Dresden -> Oława
We starts ours journey tomorrow (25.11) at 13.00 ????
If you takes a part of the Houten show remember to visit ours table!!
Worldwide Shipments ;)
We use animals transport express, 24hours to Germany, Austria. Rest Europe 48/72hours.
Stay Tunned
www.Exotic-Spiders.com Houten/Hamm/Shipping
Houten/ Hamm/ Shipping
Offer available on the website and fully list can be send on the email.
Safely shipping with UPS express (48h max) in all EU.
Avicularia variegata/ rufa (Brazil)/ geroldi/ urticans green/ marienae
Brachypelma auratum, smithi (ex annitha)
Ornithoctoninae Vietnam silver/ Cho Chi Minh
Grammostola rosea/iheringi/actaeon/pulchra/porteri
Theraphosa blodni/ apophysis
Ybyrapora diversipes/ sooretama
Phormingochilus pennellhewlettorum, Sabah blue
and many more on www.Exotic-Spiders.com
+31633489306 (what's app)
Caribena versicolor slings
0.0.xx Caribena versicolor (FH2/3) - 8€ each
Shipping Worldwide
SpiderwebZ.eu Vogelspinnen + Zubehör
Vogelspinnen und passendes (Terraristik) Zubehör sofort verfügbar!
Tarantulas and accessories available now!
-DE + EU Versand und Abholung (in Sachsen)-
-Shipping to DE+ EU and pickup from Saxony-
Detaillierte Infos unter:
Detailed Infos under:
0.30.0 Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens ADULT
0.30.0 Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens SUBADULT
0.50.0 Avicularia Rufa ADULT
0.40.0 Avicularia Rufa SUBADULT
0.40.0 Aviuclaria Auriantaca ADULT
0.30.0 Avicularia Auriantaca SUBADULT
0.10.0 Avicularia Urticans Green ADULT
0.20.0 Avicularia Urticans Green SUBADULT
0.10.0 Aphonopelma Mihoacan M1 ADULT
0.80.0 Caribena Versicolor ADULT
0.30.0 Caribena Versicolor SUBADULT
30.0.0 Caribena Versicolor ADULT
50.0.0 Caribena Versicolor SUBADULT
0.10.0 Poecilotheria Metallica 3-4cm Body Lengh
0.10.0 Poecilotheria Miranda 4cm Body Lengh
0.10.0 Poecilotheria Tigrianawesseli 3-4cm Body Lengh
0.10.0 Poecilotheria Formosa 4-5cm Body Lengh
0.20.0 Avicularia Metallica British Guyanna ADULT
0.0.100 Brachypelma Hamorii FH1
0.0.150 Avicularia Peru Purple FH1
0.0.300 Avicularia Rufa FH1
0.0.250 Avicularia Bicegoi FH1 – RARE!
0.0.150 Avicularia Merianae FH1
0.0.150 Avicularia Braunshauseni FH1
0.0.180 Avicularia Purpurea FH1
0.0.200 Caribena Versicolor FH1
0.0.200 Avicularia Urticans Green FH1
0.0.600 Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens FH1
0.0.100 Chilobrachys Electric Blue FH1
0.5.0 Pamphobeteus Antinous Big Black ADULT (We have some males sub/adult)
0.5.0 Pamphobeteus Petersi ADULT (We have some males sub/adult)
SpidersForge for Weinstadt 01.10/Verona 02.10/Budapeszt16.10
Below the wholesale offer as well as female and male. For larger orders, prices can be negotiated :). Do you have something for exchange? Write! :)
We invite you to visit the store: https://www.spfshop.pl/ We carry out shipments throughout the European Union.
Possibility to order through the store and pick up at the exchange.
We invite you and see you :)
Slings :
Ami.sp.Panama 2fh 10x 100€ /50x 400€
Acantosuria geniculata 1fh 10x 20€/50x 75€/200x 200€
Avicularia braunshauseni 1fh 10x 220€/50x 900€
Cyriopagopus albostriatus ratchaburi 2fh 10x 100€
Chilobrachys fimbriatus 1fh 10x 35€/50x 125€/100x200€
Chilobrachys sp.blue vietnam 2fh 10x 30€/50x 100€
Chilobrachys sp.Keang krachan 1fh 10x 30€
Chromatopelma cyanopubescens 1fh 10x 120€/50x500€/100x900€(need more? ask for price :)
Cyriocosmus elegans 1fh 10x 30€
D.diamantinensis 1fh 10x 160€
Ephebopus cyanognathus 1fh 10x 150€
Grammostola pulchripes 1fh 10x 60€/50x 250€/100x 400€
Haplocosmia himalayna 1fh 10x 50€
Heterothele villosella 1fh 10x 30€/50x 100€
Harpactira marksi 1fh 10x 70€/50x 250€
Hysterocrates gigas 1fh 10x 15€/50x 60€/100x 100€
Heteroscodra maculata 1fh 10x 20€/50x 75€/100x 100€
Kochaiana brunnipes 1fh 10x 20€/50x 75€/100x 100€
Lasiodora parahybana 2fh 10x 15€/50x 60€/100x80€
Lasiodora klugi 2fh 10x 50€/50x 200€
Linothele sericata ( ex.megatheolides 3fh 10x 50€/50x 200€/100x 350€
Monocentropus balfouri 3fh 10x 60€/50x 200€/100x350€
Neoholothele incei 1fh 10x 15€/50x 60€/100x80€/200x 130€
Neoholothele incei gold 1fh 10x 25€/50x 100€
Ornithoctoninae auerotibialis 1fh 10x 100€
Orphnaecus philippinus 2fh 10x 60€/50x 225€
Pternopelma sazimai 1fh 10x 30€/50x 150€/100x220€/200x 320€/500x500€/1000x 800€
Pternochilus lugardi 10x 50€/50x 200€
Pterinochilus murinus usambara 1fh 10x 20€/50x 60€/100x 100€
Pterinochilus murinus DCF KIGOMA 10x 100€/50x 350€
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 1fh 10x 15€/50x 60€/100x 100€/200x 170€
Psalmopoeus irminia 1fh 10x 22€/50x 100€/100x 150€/200x 240€
Psalmopoeus reduncus 1fh 10x 15€/50x 60€/100x 100€/200x 170€
Psalmopoeus pulcher 1fh 10x 30€/50x 100€
Psalmopoeus victori 2fh 10x 250€/50x 650€
Poecilotheria ornata 1fh 10x 40€/50x 125€
Poecilotheria regalis 1fh 10x 30€
Poecilotheria rufilata 2fh 10x 100€/50x 370€
Poecilotheria striata 1fh 10x 40€/50x 150€/100x 250€
Phormingohilus sp.rufus 1fh 10x 80 €
Phormingohilus everetti L1 10x 200€
Phormingohilus arboricola (ex.Borneo black) 10x 40€
Pamphobeteus cascada 2fh 10x 250€
Pamphobeteus sp. machala 3fh 10x 200€
Pamphobeteus platyomma 1fh 10x 200€
Pamphoebetus mascara 2fh 10x 200€
Pamphobeteus sp. hexa 1fh 10x 350€
Pamphobeteus sp.costa 1fh 10x 350€
Pamphobetus sp.Insignis ekwador 10x 1fh 350€
Phormictopus sp.Dominican purple 1fh 10x 300€
Pseudoclamoris gigas 1fh 10x 40€/50x 90€/100x 150€/200x 250€
Stromatopelma calceatum 1fh 10x 30€/50x 90€/100x 130€
Tapinauchenius rasti 1fh 10x 120€
Thrixopelma ockert 1fh 10x 140€/50x 520€
Tliltocatle vagans 2fh 10x 20€/50x 70€
Tliltocatle albopilosus nicaragua 1fh 10x 30€/50x 100€
0.4 A. Hirshii sub 1200 (Photos added to gallery)
0.20 A. Rufa sub 180 / adult 200
0.10 A. Auriantaca sub 180 / adult 200
0.10 A. Urticans green sub 150 / adult 180
0.5 A. Merianae sub 140 / adult 160
0.5 P. Metallica 4.5bl 70
0.10 P. Tigrianawesseli 4bl 50
0.5 P. Miranda 4bl 55
0.8 A. Mihoacan adult 100
0.25 C. Cyaneopubescens sub 45 / adult 55
0.1 P. Rufilata adult 70
0.1 A. Braunshauseni adult 150
Lets meet on my Table - Spiders Empire
Or whatsapp: +48783262453
Best regards
Vogelspinnen kaufen, verkaufen und tauschen.
Tiere und Zubehör finden oder kostenlos oder als Premium Inserat inserieren.Kontakt mit Züchtern und Händlern aus dem In- und Ausland aufnehmen.