Terrarientiere Anzeigen Standard

Looking for all kind of Agkistrodon contortrix with different colours, morphs or pattern.

Looking also for red and yellow Crotalus pyrrhus

Offers please with Price and pictures

Suche Nattern ungiftige

Looking for Zamenis situla

Looking for 0.1-0.2 Zamenis situla CB22 or older and im looking for all Zamenis situla with unusual colour or pattern. Please let me know if you have something (Price and pictures)

Krebstiere terrestrisch  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Cubaris,Armadillium,Porcellio & Co +1
Verkaufe Krebstiere terrestrisch

Cubaris,Armadillium,Porcellio & Co

Laevis Orange Giant 50+ 40€
Laevis white 50+ 45€
Laevis black 100+ with some Panda 40€
Laevis Milkback 40+ 45€

Peraccae 100+ 60€
Werneri 60+ 70€
Vulgare magic potion 50+ 60€
Klugii Montenegro 60+ 50€
Nasatum Peach 50+ 70€
Gestroi 50+ 50€
Maculatum Zebra ca 20 20€

Cubaris spec Panda 100+ all sizes 80€

P.pruinosus 100+
Orange Koi 50€
Oreo 50€

Shipping possible if you take more.