Caramel Anzeigen Standard [Seite 4]

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Python bivitattus Albino granite poss het caramel CB18 female
Verkaufe Pythons

Python bivitattus Albino granite poss het caramel CB18 female

Sex: female
Age: own CB18
Genetics: albino granite poss het caramel
Length: 180 - 200cm
Food: rats, rabbits and guinea pigs ( prekilled / frozen tawned )

Very easy to handle, great appetite as well. Disease and mite free, comes with state of transfer.

150 euro

For more info, feel free to contact

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Hognose babies 2023 wholesale list +2
Verkaufe Schlangen

Hognose babies 2023 wholesale list

Babies 2023:

0.1 super arctic conda 66% albino

1.0 super arctic 66% albino

0.3 arctic albino het axanthic

0.1 albino het. Axanthic

1.0 arctic conda het. Albino

1.0 arctic conda het. Snow

2.4 normal het. Axanthic 50% albino

1.1 conda het. Axanthic 50% albino

1.2 axanthic 50% albino

1.0 toffeebelly 66% Snow

1.0 toffeebelly conda 66% Snow

0.1 super conda het. Albino 66% frosted

1.0 albino conda 66% frosted

1.0 conda albino hypo 66% caramel

0.1 conda het. Albino 66% frosted

1.0 axanthic conda 50% albino

2.0 Wildtype

2.1 Wildtype 66% albino

3.0 conda

5.2 Arctic

3.4 Arctic 66% albino

8.3 Arctic conda

0.1 Arctic conda 66% albino

1.2 Albino

2.3 Axanthic

3.1 Axanthic conda

6.3 Het. snow

0.1 Arctic albino

For Hamm show.

Contact at

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Morelia spilota variegeta caramel het axanthic +2
Verkaufe Pythons

Morelia spilota variegeta caramel het axanthic

Offering my Morelia spilota variegeta caramel het axanthic female.
120€ preferably pickup 49090 osnabrück
Or hamm handover december.

Asseln (immer 12 Stück)

Porcellio laevis: 5,-

Porcellio "Sevilla Caramell": 20,-

Porcellio Scaber "lava": 20,-
Porcellio haasi "high Yellow": 15,-
Porcellio magnificus: 35,-
Porcellio Bolivari "Lemon": 45,-
Porcellio Bolivari "Yellow Ghost" 60,-
Porcellio spatulatus "Coros": 10,-
Porcellio hoffmanseggi: 15,-
Porcellio ornatus "Yellow": 10,-
Porcellio scaber "Dalmation": 12,-
Porcellio pruinosus "Koi": 7,-
Armadillidium Maculatum Mix: 18,-
Armadillidium Peraccae: 5,-
Armadillidium granulatum: 10,-
Armadillidium "gestroi": 10,-
Armadillidium "castelldaccia": 15,-
Armadillidium frontetriangulum 20,-
Armadillo officinalis (
Griechenland,Spanien,Frankreich) je 5,-
Armadillo officinalis orange: 15,-


Cubaris Grey Tiger: 20,-
Cubaris "Murina" : 5,-
Cubaris Rubber Ducky: 45,-
Cubaris "Red Edge Mix"
(Orange,Weiß,Albino Normal) 45,-
Cubaris "Panda King" 10,-
Cubaris "White Head Ducky " 90,-
Cubaris "White Side"(Pak Chong Träger) 40,-
Cubaris "Jupiter" 60,-
Cubaris "White Shark" 45,-
Cubaris "Lemon Blue" 90,-


Merulanella "Red antenna": 25,-
Merulanella "Vietnam": 45,-


Glomeris marginata: 35,-
Glomeris pustulata 60,-

Tausendfüßer: (pro Stück)

Archispirostreptus gigas 14,-
Spirobolus caudulanus 3,-

Versand aus Österreich

Nattern ungiftige  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: 1.0 Sunkissed Lavender Caramel Hypo het. Anery Striped - 2022 +2
Verkaufe Nattern ungiftige

1.0 Sunkissed Lavender Caramel Hypo het. Anery Striped - 2022

Dieser Schnürsenkel sucht einen neuen Mäusespender.
Er ist gut zu handhaben, wächst sehr gut, frisst problemlos Frostfutter, häutet sich zuverlässig an einem Stück.

Stammt von Future Morphs und sucht nur aufgrund veränderter Zuchtpläne ein neues Zuhause.
Wiegt zurzeit 80 Gramm.

Bei Fragen gerne jederzeit eine Nachricht schicken.

Abholung nähe Hagen oder Übergabe auf einer Reptilienmesse

Asseln (immer 12 Stück)

Porcellio laevis: 5,-

Porcellio "Sevilla Caramell": 20,-

Porcellio Scaber "lava": 20,-
Porcellio haasi "high Yellow": 15,-
Porcellio magnificus: 35,-
Porcellio Bolivari "Lemon": 45,-
Porcellio Bolivari "Yellow Ghost" 60,-
Porcellio spatulatus "Coros": 10,-
Porcellio hoffmanseggi: 15,-
Porcellio ornatus "Yellow": 10,-
Porcellio scaber "Dalmation": 12,-
Porcellio pruinosus "Koi": 7,-
Armadillidium Maculatum Mix: 18,-
Armadillidium Peraccae: 5,-
Armadillidium granulatum: 10,-
Armadillidium "gestroi": 10,-
Armadillidium "castelldaccia": 15,-
Armadillidium frontetriangulum 20,-
Armadillo officinalis (
Griechenland,Spanien,Frankreich) je 5,-
Armadillo officinalis orange: 15,-


Cubaris Grey Tiger: 20,-
Cubaris "Murina" : 5,-
Cubaris Rubber Ducky: 45,-
Cubaris "Red Edge Mix"
(Orange,Weiß,Albino Normal) 45,-
Cubaris "Panda King" 10,-
Cubaris "White Head Ducky " 90,-
Cubaris "White Side"(Pak Chong Träger) 40,-
Cubaris "Jupiter" 60,-
Cubaris "White Shark" 45,-
Cubaris "Lemon Blue" 90,-


Merulanella "Red antenna": 25,-
Merulanella "Vietnam": 45,-


Glomeris marginata: 35,-
Glomeris pustulata 60,-

Tausendfüßer: (pro Stück)

Archispirostreptus gigas 14,-
Spirobolus caudulanus 3,-

Versand aus Österreich

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Burmese / Retics Het pied / pied / poss het pied +2
Verkaufe Pythons

Burmese / Retics Het pied / pied / poss het pied

Burmese python:
2.0 het pies het caramel
1.0 caramel het pied
0.2 hypo het pied poss 66%. het caramel

1.0 pied poss 66% het ogs
0.1 poss 66% het pied/ogs

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Champagne Burmese Python 2023
Verkaufe Pythons

Champagne Burmese Python 2023

Available for HAMM december Last
1.0 Champagne het Green 66% Caramel price 750€ free deliver to Hamm

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: last call for houten ‘23 heterodon +2
Verkaufe Schlangen

last call for houten ‘23 heterodon

Heterodon ‘23 last call for houten also shipping world wide
super arctic super conda
super arctic conda
super arctic het alb
arctic super conda
arctic conda
arctic het albino
het swiss
super red phase
red phase
… for more morphs please sent email
dh axantic sable
dh axantic lavendel
dh sable lavendel

Verkaufe Schlangen

Hognoses WHOLESALE!!!!!!!

2.0 Wildtype
2.1 Wildtype 66% albino
3.0 conda
5.2 Arctic
3.4 Arctic 66% albino
8.3 Arctic conda
0.1 Arctic conda 66% albino
0.1 Albino
2.3 Axanthic
3.1 Axanthic conda
6.3 Het. snow
1.2 Arctic albino
1.3 Super arctic albino
0.3 super arctic conda 66% albino
1.0 super arctic 66% albino
0.4 arctic albino het axanthic
0.2 albino het. Axanthic
1.0 arctic conda het. Albino
2.3 wildtype het. Axanthic 50% albino
1.2 conda het. Axanthic 50% albino
1.2 axanthic 50% albino
1.0 toffeebelly 66% Snow
1.0 albino conda 66% toxic
1.0 conda het. Snow
1.0 toffeebelly conda 66% Snow
0.1 super conda her. Albino 66% frosted
1.0 albino conda 66% frosted
1.0 conda albino hypo 66% caramel
0.1 conda het. Albino 66% frosted
1.0 axanthic conda 50% albino

Will be going to Snakeday and Hamm december.

Contact at
or Evilowlexotics messenger/Facebook

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Green 66% het Champagne Caramel
Verkaufe Pythons

Green 66% het Champagne Caramel

For Hamm - houten - Verona
Python Bivittatus 2023
1.2 Green 66% Champagne Caramel price 250€

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Hypo Green 66%  Het Champagne Caramel
Verkaufe Pythons

Hypo Green 66% Het Champagne Caramel

Available 1.1 Hypo Green 66% het Champagne Caramel price 350€ free deliver to Hamm Houten Verona

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Het pied / pied / poss het pied +1
Verkaufe Pythons

Het pied / pied / poss het pied

For sale:

Burmese python:

2.0 classic het pied het caramel 22
1.0 caramel het pied

Retics pyton:

1.0 pied poss 66% het. OGS
0.1 classic poss 66% het. Pied 66% het ogs

Hamm December availble
Best Regards

For Snakeday

Hognoses 2023:

Super arctic conda 66% albino
Super arctic albino
Super arctic 66% albino
Arctic conda
Arctic albino het axanthic
Arctic albino
Arctic conda het. Albino
Normal het. Axanthic 50% albino
Normal 66% albino
Normal het snow
Conda het. Axanthic 50% albino
Conda 66% albino
Axanthic conda
Axanthic 50% albino
Toffeebelly 66% Snow
Albino conda 66% toxic
Arctic conda het. Snow
Toffeebelly conda 66% Snow
Super conda her. Albino 66% frosted
Albino conda 66% frosted
Conda albino hypo 66% caramel
Conda het. Albino 66% frosted
Axanthic conda 50% albino

Contact at

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Caramel Green Proven Breeder Male 2014
Verkaufe Pythons

Caramel Green Proven Breeder Male 2014

Available adult Python Bivittatus Caramel Green 2014 proven breeder animal
price 500€ free deliver to Hamm - Houten - Verona

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Caramel Green Granit Burmese Python
Verkaufe Pythons

Caramel Green Granit Burmese Python

Available for Hamm-Houten-Verona
1.0 Caramel Green Granit 2022
The only One available in Europe, he will be ready to breed soon, probably for this winter price 2500€

Krebstiere terrestrisch  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Ispods for sale ,EU shipping +2
Verkaufe Krebstiere terrestrisch

Ispods for sale ,EU shipping

Armadillidium pallasi 'orange'
Armadillidium granulatum
Armadillidium kluggi 'Albania'
Armadillidium werneri
Armadillidium gestroi
Armadillidium vulgare 'magic potion'
Armadillidium vallombrosae
Armadillidium scaberrimum
Armadillidium peraccae
Armadillidium corcyareum 'silver'
Armadillidium sp. Orange stripe

Porcellio hoffmannsaegi
Porcellio flavomarginatus

Cubaris sp. Panda King
Cubaris sp. White Shark
Cubaris sp. White Side
Cubaris sp. Yellow Tiger
Cubaris sp. White head ducky
Cubaris sp. Caramel cream
Cubaris sp. Thai Angel Blue
Cubaris sp. Platinum Tung Song
Cubaris sp. Silver ghost
Cubaris sp. Mandarin
Cubaris sp. Bumblee Bee
Cubaris sp. Mango sticky rice

Nattern ungiftige  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Hakennasennatter Heterodon nasicus 1.0
Verkaufe Nattern ungiftige

Hakennasennatter Heterodon nasicus 1.0

Gebe mein Adultes Hakennasennatter Männchen ab Nz 21
Ein Superconda Frosted ( Caramel Hypo) 66 % het Axantic

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Hypo „Snow“ het Caramel Tigerpython CB 2020
Verkaufe Schlangen

Hypo „Snow“ het Caramel Tigerpython CB 2020

1.0 CB2020 Hypo „Snow“ het Caramel Tigerpython (Python bivittatus / Burmese Python) -ready to breed - Nido free -

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: hognose - heterodon ‘23 list +2
Verkaufe Schlangen

hognose - heterodon ‘23 list

Available for hamm - houten or world wide shipping .
hognose born 2023 different morphs all eaten defrost baby mousse .
wholesale possible with nice price reduction .

super arctic super conda
super arctic conda
arctic super conda
super arctic het albino
evans hypo
arctic het lavender
arctic het caramel
DH axantic x sable
albino conda
het swiss
arctic conda het lavender
triple het caramel , evans hypo, toffee
arctic conda het albino
red phase
caramel hypo

and more
if you have questions please don’t hesitate