Acanthochelys Anzeigen Standard

Schildkröten  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Turtles for sale or trade +1
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Turtles for sale or trade

1.1 Chelodina sp. "Ipudnabi" dwarf
Proven pair. "Reserved"
1.3 Claudius angustatus small form, 2
females are LTC (pictures on request)

Also trades are welcome for the following species;
K.leucostomum red, male
K.creaseri, male
Abronia taeniata, female
Breviceps, all species

Hallo, ich suche Acanthochelys pallidipectoris und Acanthochelys radiolata, gerne auch im Tausch gegen Acanthochelys macrocephala oder spixii Nachzuchten.
Kontakt auch über WhatsApp 0170/2126212

Schildkröten  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Acanthochelys macrocephala, CB 2021 +2
Verkaufe Schildkröten

Acanthochelys macrocephala, CB 2021

I am offering for sale five last year's ACANTHOCHELYS MACROCEPHALA juveniles.
The youngsters are from two completely unrelated breeding pairs. They are 6 - 10 cm carapace lenght. Nice smooth carapace, no scute abnormalities.
I prefer sales as a whole group. Animals accept all animal food, including granules, and they are nicely growing.