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Warane kaufen und verkaufen Foto: For sale Varanus panoptes 1.1 unrelated rtb +1
Verkaufe Warane

For sale Varanus panoptes 1.1 unrelated rtb

For sale Varanus panoptes 1.1
Egg laying female
Added some random photos of the male.
Trade possible against venomous snakes
Or Boiga dendrophila species.
Handover Hamm or Houten.
Offers only, do not bother to send offers below €1000.

Available for houten 16/02

0.0.1 Varanus prasinus cb 2025 really tame and eating by hand.
1500 euros

0.1 Boiga cyanea cb 2024
200 euros

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Snakes ???? Houten table S8 +2
Verkaufe Boas

Snakes ???? Houten table S8

WhatsApp +420792772490


Corallus hortulanus 0.0.2 RED CALLICO, 0.0.2 YELLOW, O.0.2 orange
Boa constrictor 0.1 (25-35cm)
Boa constrictor 1.0 (50-60cm)
Boaedon fuliscus albino T- / 1.0
pituophis deppei jani 0.0.1 /
Heterodon nasicus
1.0 conda het.hypo
0.1 conda het.albino
Heterodon nasicus
0.1 axantik conda
3.0 anakonda het.66albino 50%lavender pc.
Boaedon lineatus 0.1
antaresia maculosa 1.2 adult!
Corn snakes 5 x 30 cm + size
corn snakes blood red? 1.0
Corns snakes scalleles 0.0.4
Eryx colubrinus 1.1 cb23
Epicrates maurus albino 1.0


ALBINO caramel 2.1
HYPO 1.1
1.0 Labyrinth 66% het caramel, albino 50% het green



1.0 hypo 66% het.CARAMEL LABYRINTH ALBINO, 50% het green /
Boiga dentrophila ADULT (verified in breeding)
0.1 yellow 0.1 white
Boiga cynodon cb22 1.2
Boa sigma Tarahumara 1.1 cb2021 ready to breed!

Bufo marinus 0.0.1 20cm
Ceratophrys cranwelli 0.0.1

Vipera ammodytes 2.1

0.0.2 Ethmostigmus trigonopus
0.0.5 Alipes multicostis
0.0.4 Archispirostreptus gigas


Tamiops swinhoei 2.2 cb24

Sugarglider mosaic 1.0, leunistic 1.0 cb24

callosciurus prevostii 1.1 / cb24

graphiurus murinus 3.1?

Phodopus roborovskii 2.1

Cavia porcellus 3.0

1.0 Boiga siamensis
Cb 2023

About 120cm

I can bring it to Hamm in March.

Nattern ungiftige  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Colubrids list for Hamm in March +2
Verkaufe Nattern ungiftige

Colubrids list for Hamm in March

- 0.1 Boiga dendrophila latifasciata CB 2021
- 1.0 Spilotes pullatus CB 2021
- 1.0 Elaphe carinata yonaguniensis CB 2024
- 3.1 Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus Leucistic CB 2024
- 0.1 Elaphe schrenkii het Melanistic CB 2023
- 3.2 Pantherophis obsoletus Hypo Whiteside CB 2024
- Pantherophis guttatus Pied sided

Nattern ungiftige  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: 1.1 Boiga dendrophila latifasciata +1
Verkaufe Nattern ungiftige

1.1 Boiga dendrophila latifasciata

1.1 Boiga dendrophila latifasciata for Hamm in December.
Male CB 2017 / Female CB 2021

Exotische Säuger kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Ziva exotika, or Houten , see you??? +2
Verkaufe Exotische Säuger

Ziva exotika, or Houten , see you???

1.0 Python regius pastel €50
0.1 Python regius €20 (small bump in the tail)
1.0 python regius sugar enchi €40
1.0 Python regius normal €40
1.0 champegned pastel piebald €120
0.1 pastel het hypo €50
1.0 Python regius normal €40
Corallus hortulanus 0.0.2 RED CALLICO €500 / pc. , 0.0.2 YELLOW €160 / pc., 0.0.2 ORANGE €180 /
Boa constrictor 0.1 (25-35cm)€50
Boa constrictor 1.0 (50 cm)€50
Boaedon fuliscus albino T- / 1.0 €30
pituophis deppei jani 0.0.1 / €100
Heterodon nasicus
1.0 conda het.hypo
0.1 conda het.albino
€120 / pair
Heterodon nasicus
0.1 axantik conda €60
3.0 anakonda het.66albino 50%lavender €60 pc.
Boaedon lineatus 0.1 €40
antaresia maculosa 1.2 adult €300 / all
Opheodrys aestivus 0.0.5 / €75 pc.
Corn snakes 5 x 30 cm + €35 pc. / €150 all
corn snakes blood red? 1.0 €80
Corn snakes Scaleless 0.0.6 €120 / pc.
Orthriophis taeniurus 0.1 €60
Eryx colubrinus 1.1 cb23 €250 pair
Eryx colubrinus 1.0 ALBINO cb21 €150 pair
Epicrates maurus albino 1.0 / €120

• all tigers €850
ALBINO caramel 2.1 €240 all
Pair €180 , male €60
HYPO 1.1 €180
1.0 Labyrinth 66% het caramel, albino 50% het green €100

0.1 100% het. CARAMEL LABYRINTH €130

1.0 100% het. CARAMEL LABYRINTH €150

1.0 hypo 66% het.CARAMEL LABYRINTH ALBINO, 50% het. GREEN €100
Scaleless Corn 0.0.8 €120 pc.
Boiga dentrophila ADULT (verified in breeding)
0.1 yellow 0.1 white / €900 together
Boiga cynodon cb22 1.2 €1600
Boa sigma Tarahumara 1.1 cb2021 / €650 pair ready to breed!

Bufo marinus 0.0.1 20cm €80
Ceratophrys cranwelli 0.0.1 €20

Vipera ammodytes 1.1 €200

0.0.2 Ethmostigmus trigonopus €30 / pc
0.0.5 Alipes multicostis €20 / pc.
0.0.4 Archispirostreptus gigas €20 / pc.

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Boiga dendrophila ssp. and Boiga flavescens +2
Verkaufe Schlangen

Boiga dendrophila ssp. and Boiga flavescens

2.0 Boiga flavescens

1.0 Boiga dendrophila latifasciata
CB2017 (Must go!)

I am searching for 1.0 Ovophis tonkinensis Adult/semi adult,a younger one would work too/,1.0 Trimeresurus insularis blue cb 22 or older./1.0 Bothriechis nigroadspersus Adult/semiadult Also looking for 1.0 big adult Boiga cyanea.0.1 Boiga nigriceps adult.Pick up at Hamm in march can be arranged.

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Boiga Nigriceps 1.0 subadult +2
Verkaufe Schlangen

Boiga Nigriceps 1.0 subadult

I am selling this subadult Blackhead Cat snake (Boiga nigriceps). Give an offer. He is CB and works perfectly, very food happy and eats thawed mouses 1-2 times a week.

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Availability for Hamm - March 8th
Verkaufe Schlangen

Availability for Hamm - March 8th

Available for Hamm in March

0.1 Boiga Dendrophila Latifasciata
CB 2019 - Proven

Animal that lets itself be handled, eat regularly.
Eat defrosted

Warane kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Varanus for Hamm Dec. 14th
Verkaufe Warane

Varanus for Hamm Dec. 14th

1.0 Varanus glauerti 2022
can bring to Hamm this Saterday.
Exchange for snake possible (ratsnake, boiga, trimeresurus, atheris, ...).

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Boiga dendrophila divergens
Verkaufe Schlangen

Boiga dendrophila divergens

1.0 Boiga dendrophila divergens CB2024 . Hamm december, MRM Milan genuary

Hello, i’m looking for:

Montivipera kuhrangica
Boiga cyanea 0.1 and other boiga species
Causus sp.
Atractaspis sp.
Azemiops sp.

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Boiga dendrophila dendrophila CB'24 +1
Verkaufe Schlangen

Boiga dendrophila dendrophila CB'24

For december Hamm:
2.1 Boiga dendrophila dendrophila CB'24
180€/male, 350€/pair

Verkaufe Schlangen

Boiga cyanea CB 2024.

0.0.1 Boiga cyanea CB 08/2024
Assist feeding

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Rare lizards and snakes, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia +2
Verkaufe Geckos

Rare lizards and snakes, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia

Direct export from our company in Malaysia, wholesale quantity and fast shipping available.

Malaysia :
Ptychozoon sp.
Cyrtodactylus elok
Cyrtodactylus bintangrendah
Acanthosaura bintangensis

Thailand / Vietnam :
Erpeton tentaculatum
Gonyosoma boulengeri
Gonyosoma coeruleum
Elaphe moelendorfii
Elaphe taeniura callicyanous
Elaphe taeniura mocquardi
Lycodon laoensis

Dixonius melanostictus
Dixonius siamensis
Dixonius hangseesom
Dixonius pawangkhananti
Dixonius kaweesaki
Dixonius chotjuckdik
Tropidophorus microlepis
Tropidophorus laotus
Lygosoma koratense
Acanthosaura cardamomensis
Cyrtodactylus auribalteatus
Cyrtodactylus oldhami
Cyrtodactylus sanook
Cyrtodactylus kunyai
Cyrtodactylus chanhomeae
Cyrtodactylus interdigitalis
Cnemaspis kumpoli
Cnemaspis biocellata
Cnemaspis chanthaburiensis
Gekko pradapdao
Gekko nutaphandi
Isopachys anguinoides
Isopachys gyldenstolpei

China :
Pseudoxenodon bambusicola
Pseudagkistrodon rudis rudis
Pseudagkistrodon rudis multiprefrontalis
Cyclophiops major
Gonyosoma prasinum
Gonyosoma frenatum
Elaphe moelendorfi
Elaphe taeniura yunnanensis
Elaphe carinata carinata
Elaphe cf. carinata
Elaphe mandarinus
Elaphe cf. mandarinus
Boiga kraepelini
Dinodon rufozonatus
Dinodon flavozonatum
Ptyas dhumnades

Eremias przewalski
Teratoscincus przewalski
Tropidophorus sinicus

Locality data available for most species we supply.
For other species or more info, please contact us.

Giftschlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: A.squamigera                             . +2
Verkaufe Giftschlangen

A.squamigera .

Adult,green adult female 400(maybe pregnant),dark green male adult 260 for Hamm,Houten,and it is possible to obtain reptiles,amphibians ..bungarus,gonyosoma ,boiga,erpeton,rare ptyas, tropidolaemus,trimeresurus,elaphe,gonocephalus,goliatus,toxodera mantis,amphibians.write, I'll send the stock now only squamigera .please only whats app +421905469145

Giftschlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: A.squamigera                             .
Verkaufe Giftschlangen

A.squamigera .

Adult,green adult female 400(maybe pregnant),dark green male adult 260 for Hamm,Houten,and it is possible to obtain reptiles,amphibians ..bungarus,gonyosoma ,boiga,erpeton,rare ptyas, tropidolaemus,trimeresurus,elaphe,gonocephalus,goliatus,toxodera mantis,amphibians.write, I'll send the stock now only squamigera .please only whats app +421905469145

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Night tigers, Boiga fusca (irregularis)
Verkaufe Schlangen

Night tigers, Boiga fusca (irregularis)

Pairs and single males available from our breeding of australian night tigers (Boiga fusca). First time offered to the reptile hobby outside australia.
Possible trades are Cordylus giganteus and cataphractus with legal paperwork (will be thoroughly checked). Possibly other high end rare reptiles.

Pictured is one of the adult males!