batesii Anzeigen Standard
1.0 Gonyosoma oxycephalum / 0.1 Psammodynastes pulverulentus
Last call for Hamm
1.0 Gonyosoma oxycephalum, grey form, his color is greenish/ brownish/ yellowish, stunning snake. WC acclimated at my place. Treated for external and internal parasites, very clean snake eating on defrozen mices or rats, shedding perfectly. Approx. 150cm, sexually mature.
0.1 Psammodynastes pulverulentus, WC, acclimated at my place. Very cool and active female, approx. 50 cm, treated for external parasites and eating on defrozen Hemidactylus.
trade possible with 1.0 Gonyosoma frenatum, 1.0 Morelia azurea/viridis or Corallus batesii (all boids nido negatives) (I can add).
Handover in or around Paris, France, or maybe in Hamm or Houten next show.
1.0 Corallus batesii HQ Stripped cb15
Adult mâle HQ Stripped cb2015
Perfect animal
Partiel trade possible for female
Suche 1.0 corallus batesii
Suche 1.0 corallus batesii cb 21 od 22
Momentan keine Tiere zur Abgabe.
Searching for 1,1 corallus batesii
I am searching for 1,1 corallus batesii
trades against Egernia epsisolus or Egernia stokesii badia are possible and prefered
I'm Looking for C. Batesii Male
Iam looking for adult male Corallus Batesii.Please offer to my email - or FB Filip Duhajský
Gonyosoma oxycephalum "grey form", Psammodynastes pulverulentus
Due to changes in my breeding project, I'm letting go some of my colubrids.
1.0 Gonyosoma oxycephalum, grey form, his color is greenish/ brownish/ yellowish, stunning snake. WC acclimated at my place. Treated for external and internal parasites, very clean snake eating on defrozen mices or rats. Approx. 150cm, sexually mature.
0.1 Psammodynastes pulverulentus, WC, acclimated at my place. Very cool and active female, approx. 50 cm, treated for external parasites and eating on defrozen Hemidactylus.
trade possible with 1.0 Gonyosoma frenatum, 1.0 Morelia azurea/viridis or Corallus batesii (all boids nido negatives).
Handover in or around Paris, France, or maybe in Hamm or Houten next show.
C. batesii, E. moellendorffi, Lampro. alterna
Hi, I'm quitting the hobby and I'm selling
0.0.1 Lampropeltis alterna (I think it's a male) CB 2018
1.0 Elaphe moellendorffi CB 2018
1.0 Corallus batesii CB 2019
You'll have to come pick the animal in Brussels, Belgium.
Corallus Batesii 1.0 abzugeben
Gebe ab 1.0 Batesii von 2023.
Übergabe in Hamm wäre möglich.
Corallus batesii - Deutsche Nachzucht
Gebe wegen Männerüberschuss ein schön gezeichnetes Männchen aus Dezember 2022 ab.
Lieb und handzahm und frisst zuverlässig tote Mäuse und Ratten.
Elterntiere sind blutsfremd.
Bei Fragen gern fragen.
Preis VB. Bitte nur seriöse Anfragen
Suche corallus caninus/batesii
Looking for:
corallus batesii
corallus caninus
Pls send a picture and Price
Greetings Max
Corallus Batesii NC 2017
Corallus batesii N.C 2017
Perfect male
Hamm show or french
Suche Morelia viridis/Corallus Caninus
Hallo, bin auf der Suche nach Morelia Viridis, gerne alles anbieten!
Corallus Caninus/Corallus Batesii
Am besten 1.1, aber auch einzeln.
Genaueres bitte per Mail
Corallus batesii CBB '22/'23
For sale:
8.6.11 corallus batesii cbb 2022 and 2023
Unrelated from 4 litters (actually 3, because the 4th needs to be born hopefuly next week). Please only serious requests and no time waisters or pic collectors
For more info: email
Whatsapp +31 (0)6 13601667
I try to answer as soon as possible, but usually i only answer 1 or 2 days
a week. And requests that come with an offer will get priority
I can not recieve email through (i can only read my send emails, not my incoming emails)
Corallus Batesii 1.1, no age minimum.
I’m looking for 1.1 corallus Batesii. Contact pm please for a quickly response. Thanks.
Corallus batesii 1.0 CB 17
A vendre 1.0 corallus batesii N.C 2017
Me contacter pour plus de renseignements.
France , Espagne.
Varanus prasinus male 3ans
Varan émeraude (varanus prasinus) mâle 3 ans né en captivité, mange à la pince sans problème. Animal identifié IFAP et non soumis au certificat de capacité. Ne vendras qu'à une personne sérieuse et bien renseigné sur l'espèce.2900 euros ou Possibilité d'échange contre couple morelia spilota spilota, Bothrochilus albertisii, Malayopython timoriensis, ptyas carinata ou mâle batesii, autres proposition sérieuse sur un couple de serpent arboricole.
1,1 Megacrania batesii 'Cape Tribulation'
Length 7,5 cm 300 euro
Rare species. Food is exclusively Pandanus!!!
Hi, i search Female corallus batesii
I looking for :
0.1 corallus batesii
I’m serious and i have a male
batesii Anzeigen Premium
Ghana-Germany-company F & F
Our offer of what we can deliver this month.
The prices for this are available on request.
Lizards / Skinks
Hemidactylus albituberculatus
Hemitheconyx caudicinctus
Ptychodactylus ragazzi
Mabuya quinquetaeniata
Hemidactylus frenatus
Riopa fernandi
Bufo regularis
Nectophryne batesii
Hyperolius bolifambae
Hysterocrates gigas
Nephilia ssp.
Damon medius
Achatina ssp.
Cosmoderus fermoralis
Alalomantis muta
Archispirostreptus gigas
Cardisoma armatum
Terrarientiere kaufen, verkaufen und tauschen.
Tiere und Zubehör finden oder kostenlos oder als Premium Inserat inserieren.Kontakt mit Züchtern und Händlern aus dem In- und Ausland aufnehmen.