Centralis Anzeigen Standard
Biete zur Übergabe auf der Börse Ulm am 15.3.25
Hätte zur Übergabe auf der Börse in Ulm oder an Selbstabholer noch folgende Tiere:
0.1.0 Phelsuma standingi
2.0.10 Phelsuma grandis, davon 2x high red
0.1.0 Phelsuma malamakibo
0.0.1 Phelsuma klemmeri
0.0.1 Phelsuma parva
0.0.5 Pogona henrylawsoni
2.0.0 Tympanocryptis centralis
0.0.7 Pristurus carteri masirah
1.0.1 Xenagama taylori
Following species i look
Look for:
Tympanocryptis centralis 1.1
Crotaphytus collaris Wichita Mountains 1.0
Phrynosoma asio 0.1 Trade with 1.0 possible
Für Hamm, Verona, Prague.
1.0. Nephrurus vertebralis 150€ CB2023 *SOLD*
1.0.Nephrurus wheeleri cinctus 80€ CB2024
1.0. Diplodactylus granariensis rex 50€ CB2023 *SOLD*
3.4.. Lucasium damaeum 300€ pair CB2024
1.1. Lygodactylus kimhowelli 160€ male CB2021, female CB2023 *SOLD*
0.0.3. Phelsuma ornata 100€ each CB2024
1.0. Phelsuma klemmeri 80€ CB2024
0.0.2. Mniarogeckko chahoua Mainland 100€ each CB2024
0.0.1. Tympanocryptis centralis CB2024 100€ *SOLD*
Suche Taubagamen tympanocryptis centralis
Ich bin auf der Suche nach 1.2 Taubagamen
Bitte alles anbieten mit Bild und Preisangabe
Suche Tympanocryptis centralis
Tympanocryptis centralis
( Taubagamen)
Übergabe in Hamm wäre super .
Search Tympanocryptis centralis
Hi !
I search 0.1 or 1.2 Tympanocryptis centralis
(Not male alone)
If you have some available, feel free to send me a message
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Tympanocryptis and Leachianus
I'm looking for adult (or subadult) pair:
- Leachianus GT (i rate all gt locality)
- Tympanoccryptis Tetraporophora (no centralis!)
Suche Gruppe Tympanocryptis centralis
Hallo, ich bin auf der Suche nach einer kleinen Gruppe 1.2 oder 1.3 Tympanocryptis centralis. Über Angebote freue ich mich.

I am offering following species for sale
5.5 Geckoella nebulosa CB 22 /23
0.0.3 Geckoella jeyporensis CB 23
0.0.7 Tympanocryptis centralis CB 23
Suche Adulten Bock Phyllurus platurus und Nachzuchten von Phrynosoma asio und
Tympanocryptis centralis Nachzuchten gerne mehrere Weibchen.
Bitte um Kontaktaufnahme
Centralis Anzeigen Premium

- Intellagama lesueurii
- Acanthosaura capra
- Acanthosaura lepidogaster
- Acanthosaura nataliae
- Tympanocryptis centralis
- Strophurus williamsi
- Varanus panoptes
- Salvator (Tupinambis) rufescens Adult
- Salamandra salamandra salamandra
- Trachycephalus resinifictrix
- Adelphobates galactonotus
- Dyscophus antongilli
- Bufo alvarius
- Phidippus regius "Bahamas" medium
- Phidippus regius "Dos gardenas" medium
- Phidippus regius "Apalachicola" medium
- Phidippus bidentatus medium
- Phidippus ardens medium
- Hymenopus coronatus
More pictures on request!
More animals you will find under:
or write us an e-mail to:
If you didn´t find the animals you are looking for, please do not hesitate and ask us.
Your Team from Reptilienkosmos

- Xenopeltis unicolor WC
- Chrysopelea ornata WC
- Ahaetulla prasina WC
- Uromastyx princeps cb24
- Intellagama lesueurii cb24 (well-grown animals)
- Acanthosaura capra WC
- Acanthosaura lepidogaster WC
- Acanthosaura nataliae WC
- Tympanocryptis centralis cb (both sex available)
- Anolis barbartus "male" cb large
- Strophurus williamsi cb large
- Pristurus carteri cb "masirah"
- Phelsuma grandis cb medium
- Phelsuma standingi cb medium - large
- Mniarogekko chahoua cb "Pine Island"
- Trioceros jacksonii jacksonii "only males"
- Trioceros hoehnelii
- Furcifer pardalis "Nosy Mitsio, Djangoo, Nosy Be, Ambilobe Blue Bar+Red Bar, Tamatave"
- Shinisaurus crocodylurus medium
- Lacerta viridis cb small
- Takydromus sexlineatus
- Egernia frerei cb
- Stigmochelys pardalis babcocki cb
- Pixidea mouhotii medium - large
- Cuora flavomarginata medium
- Chrysemys picta picta cb small
- Kinosternon leucostomum cb small
- Mauremys mutica cb medium
- Mauremys mutica kami cb medium
- Emydura subglobosa cb small
- Ambystoma tigrinum
- Pseudotriton ruber vioscai
- Neurergus crocatus
- Pleurodeles waltl
- Salamandra salamandra salamandra cb small and medium
- Tylototriton verucosus cb small
- Hynobius dunni cb small
- Chacophrys pierottii cb small
- Pyxicephalus adspersus cb small
- Bufo melanosticus
- Melanophryniscus klappenbachi cb small
- Birupes simoroxigorum
- Eresus sp. "Blue Sidni Ifni"
- Stegodyphus lineatus
- Phidippus regius med "Florida, North Florida, Bahamas, Everglades, Apalachicola,
Dos gardenas"
- Phidippus bidentatus medium
- Heterometrus laoticus
- Siliquofera grandis
- Sigmoria spec.
More pictures on request!
More animals you will find under:
or write us an e-mail to:
If you didn´t find the animals you are looking for, please do not hesitate and ask us.
Your Team from Reptilienkosmos

I am offering following species for upcoming Hamm fair
Last pairs from late summer 2023.
Tympanocryptis centralis CB 8/23
Geckoella nebulosa CB 6-10/23

Available for Hamm 9.12.23
Last pairs of Tympanocryptis centralis are available for Hamm.
Almost adult CB animals from June.

-Pedosteibes hosii CB small
-Atelopus barbotini WC
-Drymarchon melanurus WC Pair
-Xenagama taylori WC
-Orthriophis t. friesei CB small
-Zamenis scalaris CB 60-70 cm
-Tympanocryptis centralis CB female
-Pseudobranchus striatus WC medium
-Paragaleodes sp. WC
For more details, animals or any questions, please send us an email:

- Corallus hortulanus CB 23 yellow/orange
- Boaedon capensis CB small
- Orthriophis t. friesei CB small
- Zamenis scalaris CB 60-70 cm
- Tympanocryptis centralis CB female
- Uromastyx nigriventris CB small
- Atelopus barbotini WC
- Bufo alvarius WC medium-large
- Ambystoma tigrinum WC
- Scorpio maurus WC
- Scolopendra cingulate WC
For more details, animals or any questions, please send us an email:

Offering captive breed lizards
8.8 Tympanocryptis centralis 3-6/2023
10.10 Geckoella nebulosa 2/2023
Can sell them just in pairs, not single animals.

I am offering following species for sale
5.5 Geckoella nebulosa CB 22/23
0.0.7 Tympanocryptis centralis CB 23
0.0.3 Geckoella jeyporensis CB 23
Terrarientiere kaufen, verkaufen und tauschen.
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