Giftschlangen Anzeigen Standard [Seite 6]
Atheris squamigera
For Hamm:
Atheris squamigera:
A-D are CB 23 and F1 Congo 300 € each 550 € pair 1000 € all.
CB 22 male 300 €
Breeding male 400 €.
All 1700 €.
Wholesale 0.0.10 Bothriechis nigroadspersus | Hamm
0.0.10 B. nigroadspersus (form. schlegelii) available for wholesale at 600€
Born 09/24
Pictures of parents for reference only
Looking for Gloydius halys caraganus
ISO 3.3 Gloydius h. caraganus for Hamm or Houten
Considering to buy any available size. Red form only.
Barnetti u. Schlegeli Lanzenotter, rot,
Gebe ab: 2,1 Bothriechis schlegeli rot, NZ/CB, 7.9. 2023, u. and 1,1 Bothrops barnetti NZ/CB,
23.6.2022, die schlegeli werden richtig rot, Eltern sind rot !!! the schlegeli turn really red, parents are red !!! The photo per WattsApp !!! The pictures is not good here,....The photo here is the adult red mother, das Foto hier ist die rote Mutter...
Very relaxed adult Naja nivea male
Offer for Hamm
1,0 Naja nivea adult 350€
Very relaxed, eats frozen rats
Offer for Hamm Alternatus
Offer for Hamm
1.0 Bothrops alternatus cb 09
Pn for more informations
Trade against rare bothrops possible
Bitis cornuta ‘springbok’
0.1 Bitis cornuta ‘springbok’ female - €400
Feeds very well!
Meet up at Hamm
Black headed bushmaster, Schwarzkopfbuschmeister
1,0 Lachesis melanocephala CB2018, about 1,8m, layed-back animal, feeding on f/t rats, 1600 Euro, pick-up at my place.
New list. Reducing my collection
To be sold due to change of stock; pick-up at my place. Total price (Euro)
4,3 Acanthophis antarcticus, juvenile, CB24, each 350
1,1 Acanthophis rugosus, Dajarra, adult, 700
1,1 Crotalus durissus terrificus, Brazil, adult, 350
1,1 Dendroaspis viridis, subadult, 700
1,1 Echis sochureki, 200
1,1 Naja nivea, 500
1,0 Naja melanoleuca, adult, relaxed, 200
0,1 Oxyuranus scutellatus canni, subadult, 400
2,0 Pseudechis colletti, adult & juvenile, 400, 300
1,0 Pseudonaja mengdeni, subadult, 2000
0,1 Thelotornis capensis, subadult, 300
Normal trade prices; no distress sale.
Vipera dinniki(Lake Kardyvach) wanted ...
Hello ,
I am looking for 1,0 Vipera dinniki Lake Kardyvach.
I can offer for a trade adult female V.kaznakovi (HOPA) as an option, if this would be more interesting for You than money.Otherwise this kaznakovi is not for sale ! Only for a trade with the dinniki male.
Pseudocerastes fieldi for Houten Snakeday
Adult female (3 years) Pseudocerastes fieldi for the Snakeday Houten show (October 6).
Last call for Hamm
Only to Hamm in September
1.0 cb-24 Bitis parviocula
Crotalus adamanteus ”Withlacooche state forest“ CB24, Hamm
Crotalus adamanteus
Locality: Withlacooche state forest, Florida
1.1 - CB 07.2024 - feeding on f/t
Trades with Crotalus localities possible! (Klauberi, Pyrrhus, ...)
Hamm December!
aus eigener Nachzucht abzugeben
2,1 Hopi Prärieklapperschlange (Crotalus v. nuntius), südl. Tuba City, AZ. NZ 8/22
1,2 Wagners Bergotter (Montivipera wagneri)/Osttürkei, NZ 6/24
1,0 Gebänderte Felsenklapperschlange (Crotalus lepidus klauberi), Florida Mts. New Mexiko
Die Abgabe von Gifttieren erfolgt ausschliesslich an volljährige, GifttierhalterInnen, mit fachlicher Kompetenz und Haltungsgenehmigung!
Nachzuchttiere aus meiner NZ 2023
1,1 Bitis rubida (Sutherland/Süd-Afrika) Nz 7/23
Abgabe nur an volljährige, kompetente PflegerInnen
Zuchtpaar aus meinem Bestand abzugeben
1,1 Südafikanische Schildnasenkobra (Aspidelaps lubricus cowlesi), (adult)
die Abgabe von Gifttieren erfolgt ausschließlich an volljährige PflegerInnen, mit entsprechenden Gifttiererfahrungen!
Übergabe in Hamm am 14.12. möglich!
Atheris squamigera CB 2023
Offering Atheris squamigera from 08/23.
All animals already take baby rats, feeding readily, growing like hell.
See pictures below. Adults are not for sale. Female already gravid again. Both adults are rather small. I assume the ancestors are from western Africa. No Congo animals.
Please contact me for more information.
Vipera aspis - Aspisviper
- frisch abgesetzte Aspisnachzuchten
- Herkunft der Vorfahren: Zentralfrankreich
- keine Abgabe von Einzeltieren
- Übergabe in Hamm möglich
Search bitis peringueyi and atheris
Looking :
bitis piringueyi
Atheris nitschei
Atheris hispida
Offer mp thanks
Frostschlangen, kleinere tiere
Frostschlangen abzugeben als futter , überwiegend kleinere, am besten abholung
Giftschlangen Anzeigen Premium [Seite 6]
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