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echte Webspinnen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Phidippus regius locality +1
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Phidippus regius locality

0.0.XX Phidippus regius bahamy andros 2 fh
0.0.XX Phidippus regius apalachicola 2 fh
1 x 16 euros
5 x 70 euros
10 x 120 euros
Ship in all europe country

echte Webspinnen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Widow Spiders (Latrodectus) spiderlings +2
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Widow Spiders (Latrodectus) spiderlings

Hello, I have available:

Latrodectus hesperus 2-3FH

Latrodectus pallidus 2-3FH

Latrodectus obscurior 1-2FH

Possible shipping within EU.

echte Webspinnen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Steatoda grossa(false black widow)
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Steatoda grossa(false black widow)

Available Steatoda grossa(false black widow.........
Fh 1/2

I'm looking for males P. regius Apalachicola nad Soroa subadults or juveniles 6-7 fh.
Prefer a personal pick up at Terraristika Hamm in december.

Contact by mail or WhatsUp +420732831748

echte Webspinnen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Latrodectus geometricus offer
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Latrodectus geometricus offer

Hi! I have latrodectus geometricus eggsacs and spiderlings
Eggsac 80€ for one
Spiderlings 2€ each

Shipping in Europe possible

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Looking for Male Tarantulas


We are looking for the next SUB-ADULTS MALE TARANTULAS:

Grammostola Rosea red
Pelinobius muticus
Heterothele gabonensis
Xenesthis sp. Blue
Xenesthis inmanis
Xenethis white
Teraphosa blondi
Teraphosa apophysis
Apuonopelma bicoloratum
Grammostola pulchra
Avicularia Hirschi
Hysterocrates gigas
Poecilotheria tigrina.
Poecilotheria striata
Nhandu carpoensis
Poecilotheria Metallica

Shipping to Spain or possible pick up in Hamm 9.12.


echte Webspinnen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Latrodectus hesperus slings
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Latrodectus hesperus slings

Hello, I have Latrodectus hesperus 1-2FH:

Possible shipping within EU.

echte Webspinnen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Latrodectus geometricus eggsac
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Latrodectus geometricus eggsac

Hi! I offer whole eggsac of latrodectus geometricus for 80€, shipping international. Laid at 22.10

echte Webspinnen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Latrodectus Menavodi Kokon/Sling
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Latrodectus Menavodi Kokon/Sling

N1/2 1x 4€
N1/2 10x 30€
N3/4 1x 5€
N3/4 10x 40€

Females and males on request.

Bulk possible.
For shipping or pickup on request.

Ich bin auf der Suche nach folgenden Tieren (alles ab N2/3)

Idiothele mira
Linothele sericata
Holothele longipes
Holothele sericea
Heterothele gabonensis
Heteropoda davidbowie
Cupiennius salei
Eresus walckenaeri
Fufius Lanicius
Piloctenus haematostoma!!!!

Halli hallo,

ich suche eine adulte/subadulte Eresus am liebsten Weiblich, die süßer sollte aber bitte nicht schonmal verpaart worden sein, da wir keine Spinnenbabies wollen

Hey there!

im looking vor an adult or subadult Eresus.
We would prefer a female but dont want her to be breeded already(we dont want babies)

Suche echte Webspinnen

i'm looking for Steatoda sp

Hello, I am looking for Steatoda sp and mainly Steatoda paykulliana from different origins.

Thanks in advance

echte Webspinnen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Latrodectus cf. cinctus spiderlings
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Latrodectus cf. cinctus spiderlings

I have available slings Latrodectus cf. cinctus (from Oman):
1 piece- 5€
10 pieces- 35€

Possible shipping for 17€.

echte Webspinnen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: I offer Sicarius gracilis (Ecuador) +2
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I offer Sicarius gracilis (Ecuador)

I offer FH 1 of Sicarius gracilis (Ecuador) F2 generation:

echte Webspinnen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Searching for jumping spiders
Suche echte Webspinnen

Searching for jumping spiders

Hello :)
I’m looking for jumping spiders - any subspecies is fine by me, but I’m searching for both a male and a female :)

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Looking for Latrodectus sp.

I am interested in buying whatever subadult/adult Latrodectus sp.

echte Webspinnen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Sicarius thomisoides slings +2
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Sicarius thomisoides slings

I just got a new egg sec so I offer 0.0.21 Sicarius thomisoides F2 generation:

I can only send within Europe, and the shipping is €10

echte Webspinnen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Phoneutria Nigriventer 4/5 , Fera 5/6 +2
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Phoneutria Nigriventer 4/5 , Fera 5/6

Phoneutria. For sale
-Nigriventer [4/5 molt]
-Fera [5/6 molt]

Pick up in Belgium , NO shipping

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Looking for Piloctenus haematostoma!

Hello there!
I am looking for Piloctenus haematostoma sling ;) I live in Poland so only shipping, please.

Suche echte Webspinnen

Looking for these spiders

Hello there!
I am looking for spiders:
- Cyclocosmia spp.
- Atypus spp.
- Calommata spp

Please let me know!
I am from Poland so only shippent option