Offer Snakes

Last call to hamm show in march

clock.icon one year ago - Madrid

0.0.30 Chelus fimbriatus perfect condition
3.3 Uromastyx ornata philbyi young cb21
1.1 Uromastyx dispar flavifasciata cb20
1.1 Uromastyx acanthinura flame
0.0.5 Uromastyx thomasi cb23
2.1 Varanus Glauerti (subadult female/adult males)
1.6 Lophosaurus dilophus (5 subadult, 2 adult)
1.3.1 varanus Reisingeri cb22
0.0.30 Rachodactylus auriculatus cb23
0.0.50 Correlophus ciliatus different morphs cb22
0.0.11 Mniarogekko chahoua cb22
0.0.4 Rachodactylus leachianus mt koghis troeger
0.0.5 Rachodactylus leachianus bayonaise
0.0.4 Nu ana High pink
0.2 Gastroteca peruana cb2021 ready for breed
1.2 Polychrurus peruvianus
1.1 Egernia depressa
2.1 Amphisbaena fuliginosa
1.1 amerothyplos reticulatus
2.2.4 Tiliqua gigas evanescense reduced pattern
1.1 Microlophus albernaiensis cb22
1.2 Timon Princeps cb 22
0.0.4 Tiliqua nigrolutea lowland
3.3.10 Pogona vitticeps high end red trans and het trans and het thunderbolt some of them
70 leopard geckos adult ready for breed (20 black night in the pack)
2.3 nephrurus levis levis
2.4 Chondrodactylus angulifer
1.1 Nephrurus vertebralis
0.0.1 Nephrurus w wheeleri connected band
1.1 Anolis e Potior ready for breed virgin
1.1 Anolis Guamuhaya adult proven
2.2 Anolis barbatus adult male and young 2.1
1.1 Corucia zebrataa

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