Offer Venomous snakes

For the Houten snakeday Venom room table 12

clock.icon 7 months ago - Saint-girons

Hello for the Houten snake day i offer the following animals:
-1.0 Naja nigricincta cb 2021 150€
-1.1 Naja nigricincta 1.0 cb 2014 0.1 cb 2020 400€
-X.X unrelated pairs of Aspidelaps lubricus cowlesi 120€/pair
-X.X aspidelaps lubricus cowlesi 50€/head
-0.1 Naja annulifera cb 2023 50€

-1.0 Aspidelaps lubricus adult
-1.0 Naja pallida
-0.1 Bitis arietans Nakuru(colored and contrasted animals only)

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