Offer Spiders and Scorpions

diverse "true spiders" and other arachnids

clock.icon 7 months ago - KÖLN

See at for prices and details
shipment from Germany
white lady huntsman spider Cerbalus aravaensis
Whip spider undeterm Amblypygidae (Charon?) Malaysia
Phrynus whitei RARE offered!
Whip scorpion (Typopeltis?) Malaysia RARE offered!
Damon medius
Galeodes grandis camel spider
Solpugella sp. yellow hairy sun spider
Deinopis (Asianopis) sp. RARE Cameroon
Latrodectus bishopi
Latrodectus hesperus
Latrodectus mactans
Latrodectus geometricus Egypt
Undeterm. Ctenidae “Mamfe Road”
Macroctenus kingsleyi
“golden Cameroon”
Piloctenus haemastoma red fangs spider
Dolomedes sp. Red Kameroun
Olios sp.“poison green” first time offered
Bali nice pattern Heteropoda venatoria
Barylestis scutatus big species
Heteropoda sp. “red” Malaysia
Heteropoda davidbowie
Heteropoda pingtungensis
Hasarius adansoni
Phidippus regius Andros
Hogna sp. Sinai/Egypt
Nephila fenestrata
Gandanameno echinatus

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