Biete Landschildkröten

Testudo marginata ablino T+ ger CB 2020

clock.icon vor 3 Jahren - Stadthagen

2x Testudo marginata Albino T+ born 2020 - 700 € /each
4x Testudo marginata 66% HET Albino T+ born 2020 150 € / each
Successfully hibernated for 3 months with Cites + photo documentation

Am liebsten im Tausch gegen adnere Farbvarianten (Albino T+ / T- , leuzistisch, melanistisch, ...) verschiedener Schildkröten / HETS / 0.1 - 0.2 kleinmanni /

Prefered trade for other color morphs (albino, leucistic, melanistic, ...) of different kinds of Tortoises (Turtles) / HETS / 0.1 - 0.2 kleinmanni

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