Terrarientiere Anzeigen Standard

Sumpfschildkröten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Testudo graeca graeca 2020 +1
Verkaufe Sumpfschildkröten

Testudo graeca graeca 2020

.Born in Spain 2020, Almería phenotype. Cites and microchipping. If you are interested ask for the price, I have more animals.

Sumpfschildkröten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Testudo graeca terrestris 0.2 +2
Verkaufe Sumpfschildkröten

Testudo graeca terrestris 0.2

Beautiful Testudo graeca terrestris females, fully adult and proven breeders. Exceptional animals. Contact if you are truly interested. elraskador@gmail.com

Sumpfschildkröten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Terrapene carolina carolina male full adult. +1
Verkaufe Sumpfschildkröten

Terrapene carolina carolina male full adult.

Bred in captivity in Spain. Fully adult, cites and microchip. Possible exchange for females of the same species, and other species of terrapene. Ask for the price.

Schildkröten  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Terrapene carolina carolina. +2
Verkaufe Schildkröten

Terrapene carolina carolina.

1.0 Adult, animal in perfect condition, N.C. Cites and microchip. Perfect conditions, please consult me ​​for more information. 1000 e.