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I am still desperately searching for an adult male chuckwalla, any colour, in good health.

Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: I am searching for Chucks and Iguanas
Suche Echsen

I am searching for Chucks and Iguanas

I am desperately searching for male Sauromalus Ater of any of the following varieties: Black, Red Back, Carrot Tail, Granite, Yellow Tail, Zebra, Fire, Albino.
I search also for Dipsosaurus and for Ctenosaura Palearis, Melanosterna, Conspicuosa and other rare Ctenosaura species.

Literatur kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Searching for the book  “Reptiles en Chile”
Suche Literatur

Searching for the book “Reptiles en Chile”

Hello, I am desperately searching for this book, if you have it in mint conditions I will do to you a very good offer. Thanks.