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Suche Schildkröten

Kinixys zombensis zombensis

I keep Kinixys zombensis and I am looking for females and juveniles.
I offer 2500€ for juveniles and 4500€ for confirmed females.

Suche Schildkröten

Kinixys zombensis zombensis

I am looking for females and young unsexed animals.
I offer 2500€ for juveniles and 4000€ for confirmed females.

Suche Schildkröten

Kinixys zombensis zombensis

I have 1.1 Kinixys zombensis zombensis, i am looking for other people holding this species for future exchange of bloodlines/knowledge.
I am also looking for more animals. I am offering 2500€ for unsexed juveniles and 4000€ for confirmed female or you give an offer.

Suche Schildkröten

Kinixys zombensis zombensis

I am looking for Kinixys zombensis zombensis, preferably a female but also unsexed juveniles.
I am offering 2500€ for unsexed juveniles and 4000€ for confirmed female or you give an offer