Terrarientiere Anzeigen Standard


Im looking for one female pardalis Nosy faly not to Young for breed soon with my male who begin to be old.

And my 2 females have soon 4 years old, so i can use her.

Best regard,

If any possibility, /32 497 89 04 28 what app ok or by email


Suche Pfeilgiftfrösche

Looking for hamm, pumilio and co

Hallo looking for friend and me this sp for Hamm.

1.0.X Histrionica bull eyes

1.0 sp. Escudo
1.0 bastimentos yellow
1.0 Nancy
1.0 cayo de agua
0.1 bastimentos

Terribilis mint

1.0 R. Variabilis southern
X.X.X R. Benedicta

What app +32 497 89 04 28

Best regard,


Chamäleons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Trioceros cristatus female
Verkaufe Chamäleons

Trioceros cristatus female


I offer my female cristatus of one year. 300eur

Hamm possible.

Best regard,

What app +32 497 89 04 28