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Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Avaible List of Geckonidae +2
Verkaufe Geckos

Avaible List of Geckonidae

2.2 Correlophus ciliatus (NC 218/2020)
(1.0 YellowDalma + 1.2 ExtremeHarlequin)
150€ / male, 250€ / female, 300€/Couple

0.0.13  Correlophus ciliatus (NC 2023/24)
(Extreme Harlequin × Dalmatien)
60€/1, 100€/2, 150€/3, 180€/4

1.0  Strophurus taenicauda NC 2022

1.0 Eurydactylodes agricolae NC 2020
1.0 Phelsuma pasteuri NC 2020

Hand delivery only (FRANCE), Chuzelles (38200)
With deposit, delivery to Elbeuf (76500) or Mulhouse (68100)

Nattern ungiftige  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Pituophis catenifer sayi adult male +1
Verkaufe Nattern ungiftige

Pituophis catenifer sayi adult male

1.0  Pituophis catenifer sayi NC 2016
Hand delivery only (FRANCE), Chuzelles (38200)
With deposit, delivery to Elbeuf (76500) or Mulhouse (68100)