Terrarientiere Anzeigen Standard
First legal import of Amereega ingeri
We are confirming the shipping of the first ever legal group of Amereega ingeri to the EU in our next fall shipment.
We are also offering the first astonishing Amereega bilinguis (Colombian line) Please PM for more information
Phyllobates aurotania "Yellow" tesoros linage
0.0.5 Phyllobates aurotania "yellow".
Adults imported direct from Tesoros de Colombia
Hamm, row 7
Oophaga histrionica "Pacasi"
Selling 0,0,2 own CB Oophagsa histrionica Pacasi.
Growing really well.
Parents are direct import from Tesoros de Colombia, and comes with legal paperwork.
Different helodermas for hamm
0,0,3 Heloderma h. exasperatum 01/24
0,0,9 Heloderma h. horridum "Colima" superblack 02/24
Swap for naultinus elegans, Abronia or cash :-)
Heloderma horridum "Colima superblack"
0.0.x Heloderma horridum "Colima" locality, superblack from Steve Angeli linage
Babies are from feb 2024.
Swap with cash or Abronia or Naultinus elegans
Heloderma horridum "oaxaca"
1.1 adult heloderma horridum horridum "Oaxaca" locality for hamm
Open for serious offers
Exchange possible with naultinus sp, abronia sp
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