Reptilien Anzeigen Standard [Seite 6]
Axanthic Morelia spilota harrisoni CB24
Axanthic Morelia spilota harrisoni CB24
Sinlge animal: 500€
Pair (paar): 800€
Für Hamm 14.09.
1,3 Bombina variegata adult ZG
Anguis fragilis NZ08/24
1,2 Natrix natrix NZ22/23
Got a bunch of Anolis roquets roquet
I have a good amount of CB of Anolis roquet roquet this year.
For sale at the moment are 5.3 anolis roquet roquet. But there will be more in Dezember.
There fathers are WF roquet roquet "mapu"
And the mothers are captive breed roquet roquet from the "line" trois ilet.
Grüne Strauchnattern (Gonyosoma / Rhadinophis prasinum)
1,1 NZ 24 futterfest abzugeben, tagaktiv,
werden nur ca.80-120cm groß,
Übergabe in Hamm ist möglich.
Anolis last offer for Hamm, chance for reservation until thursday
These animals are still availlable:
1.1 Anolis terraealtae
5.5 Anolis roquet salinei
5.3 Anolis roquet zebrilus
6.3 Anolis leachii
1.1 Anolis pogus
1.1 Anolis wattsi
1.0 Anolis trinitatis
1.1 Anolis roquet summus
1.1 Anolis marmoratus capesterre
Hello I am selling one Adult male and one semi adult female of Anolis marmoratus marmoratus "capesterre"
The male has a high yellow head.
Male Anolis sabanus for sell
I am selling some of my Anolis sabanus males.
Some of them have somehow a dewlap with spots in them. They are all brothers so it means that they all should have the genetic.
No idea how special that is but I haven't seen a sabanus with spots in his dewlap before.
Rare anole 1.0 Anolis Aequatorialis
I am offering one adult male (about 5 years).
He has lived with me the last couple of years, so no fresh WC or something unstable.
I am not looking so much for money rather a good last home for him.
1.1 Anolis baracoae subadult
Hello I am offering a semiadult pair of Anolis baracoae.
Pick up would be at the Hamm expo
Ouroborus(cordylus) cataphractus
Looking for 1.0 Hamm.
testudo hermanni boettgeri
Biete eigene Nachzuchten 07/2024 testudo hermanni boettgeri mit Cites-Papieren gemeldet bei RP Giessen für 38€/Stk
Looking for disposaurus dorsals (desert iguana)
Looking for babies or 1.2 desert iguanas (disposaurus dorsals).
Will be in Hamm on September 14.
Varanus macraei 1.2 proven breeder
1.2 Varanus macraei CB 2019
Proven breeder for sale.
Shipping world wide possible
Ctenosaura palearis CB2024
For delivery to Houten Snake Day or Hamm December:
0.0.X CB24 Ctenosaura palearis, 225€ per animal. 4 for 800€
Will trade for:
Egernia sp.
Cachryx sp
Chilabothrus sp. (no inornatus, angulifer or subflavus)
Corallus annulatus
Corallus ruschenbergerii
1,0 Corallus batesii, ENZ April 2022
Zu verkaufen:
1,0 Corallus batesii, ENZ April 2022
Gesundes, problemloses, verfressenes Tier aus Blutsfremder Verpaarung
Abholung oder Übergabe, Übergabe in Hamm möglich.
VB 1700,- Euro
Abgabe nur innerhalb der EU
2.2 Anaconda het albino nz 07/24
0.1 nominat het albino nz 07/24
2.0 Ananconda ph lavender 06/24
2.0 Artic anaconda ph lavender nz 06/24
Alle zus. 400€
Übergabe raum Hamburg möglich
Bin auf keiner Börse
Bitis caudalis CB2024
Bitis caudalis (Rosh Pinah, Namibia) .... 200€
Griechische Landschildkröten Nachzucht abzugeben
Biete Nachzucht Griechischer Landschildkröten - Testudo Hermanni. Die Tiere sind sehr agil und fressen gut. Habe momentan 5 Jungtiere zum Verkauf. Die erforderlichen EU/Cites Bescheinigungen sind vorhanden.
T.: 02041-63285
M.: 01631536225
Netzpython Platinum Marbel het Anthrax 1.0 HAMM
Für Hamm biete ich ein Platinum Marbel het Anthrax Netzpython an
Bei Fragen einfach schreiben
Egernia depressa
0,0,1 CB 7/24 from beautiful high contrast pair
Reptilien Anzeigen Premium [Seite 6]
Miami Okeetee corn snake CB/24 wild
Pantherophis guttatus Miami Okeetee F1 parents US import caught in the wild.
1.0 Boa constrictor constrictor Iquitos-PERU- CB 2016
1.0 Boa constrictor constrictor Iquitos Peru CB 2016
Klaus Bonny Line - Breeder Sandro Giordano-
220 cm - super healthy and fit.
Location Germany - Handover Hamm possible
as long as you see this add the Boa is still available - Anzeige ist aktuell solange sie hier online ist
For the next Hamm in September
PREMIUM For the Next Hamm
1.1 Corucia Zebrata 3000€
2.0 Corucia Zebrata 1000€ each
0.0.1 Corucia Zebrata 1000€
The complete group of Corucia 5000€
4.4 Rhinoclemmys Pulcherrima manni c.b
120 pair 400 -4 pairs
0.1 Pantherophis guttatus scaleless 90cm
Hamm 14.09 oder Abholung in Mannheim
Folgende Geckos sind zur Abgabe:
2.2 Phelsuma cepediana
1.3 Phelsuma nigristriata
2.2 Phelsuma pusilla pusilla
2.2 Phelsuma pasteuri
1.3 Phelsuma pronki
0.3 Phelsuma dorsivittata paradoxa
2.2 Phelsuma mutabilis
1.1 Phelsuma klemmeri
2.2 Phelsuma robertmertensi
1.3 Phelsuma lineata bombetokensis
1.1 Lygodactylus picturatus aus Sansibar
Alle Schlupf 2023 / 2024
Telefon und Whatsapp 004915125388556
Looking for Timon Lepidus Melanistic
Hello. We are looking for Timon Lepidus Melanistic. Young sexed or unsexed reptiles are poreferatable
Looking for Varanus species for Hamm
Hello, we are looking for a female of varanus macraei. Please, let us know in case of availability
4.6.10 Kronengeckos / Crested Gecko 50€
Crested Geckos, juv. /sub / adult starting at 70€ up to 120€, self produced, healthy cresties, hatch years are 2023 and 2024 - adult and sub adult females/ males available, different morphs, fresh hatched cresties starting at 50€ :) - please do not hesitate to ask :) possible pick up locations are Neufahrn b. Freising / Deggendorf / Cham i.d.Opf./ Landshut // I can check for overnight shipping if needed but at your cost and risk
Last minute offer for Hamm (14.09.2024)
We can offer you the following species:
5.5 Eublepharis angramainyu
2.5 Eublepharis fuscus
6.0 Eublepharis hardwickii
1.0 Petrosaurus thalassinus
0.0.4 Microlophus albemarlensis
Die Invertebrates - Farm !!!
We, the Invertebrates farm, have the following animals for sale on September 14th in Hamm. Pre-orders are welcome.
- Tanreks
- Riopa fernandi
- Agama agama
- Trachylepis Affinität
- Trachylepis perrotetii
- Varanus ornatus
- Hemidactylus brooki
- Hemidactylus fasciatus
- Calabaria reinhardtii
- Lamprophis fulignosus sp.
- Dasypeltus scabra
Searching Wholesale / ganze Würfe
PREMIUM Search for wholesale of entire litters. I'm not interested in whether it's self eating or not. I can tackle it myself. Just offer it and then we will certainly agree.
Suche nach dem Großhandel von ganzen Gelegen oder Würfen. Ich bin nicht daran interessiert, ob es futterfest ist oder nicht. Ich kann es selbst angehen. Bieten Sie es einfach an und dann werden wir sicherlich zustimmen.
Hamm 14.9 or Snakeday Houten
1.0 Crotalus tigris, Santa Rita Mts. CB‘24
1.1 Crotalus cerberus, Mt. Lemmon CB‘24
1.0 Trimeresurus purpureomaculatus, black CB‘24
1.0 Craspedocephalus puniceus CB‘24
1.1 Trimeresurus venustus CB‘24
Hamm 14.9. 2024 Row 25 Offer New Caledonian gecko
Correlophus ciliatus
Females 12-20g XXX
Males 12-20g XXX
Babies 2-5g XXXX
Females LW 8-15g XX,
Males LW 8-15g
Babies 2-5g
Visual Axanthic 0,0,4 3-5g
Rhacodactylus auriculatus
Common color
Females 7-12g XX
Males 7-12g XX
Babies 2-5g
Rhacodactylus leachianus Pine Island
Rhacodactylus leachianus Friedel MtK
Thamnophis sirtalis "Florida Blue" cb small: 249,-
Thamnophis sirtalis "Florida Blue" large: 349,-
Thamnophis sauritus nitae: 250,-
Thamnophis butleri: 159,-
Gonatodes albogularis fuscus:79,-
Gastropholis prasina cb med-large: 499,-
Ambystoma talpoideum: 139,-
Notophtalmus viridescens piaropicola cb small: 59,-
Notophtalmus viridescens piaropicola cb medium: 69,-
Tylototriton shanorum cb medium: 129,-
Tylototriton vietnamensis cb small: 99,-
Triturus pygmaeus cb small: 169,-
Siren lacertina large: 249,-
Pseudobranchus striatus medium: 199,-
Amphiuma means cb medium: 249,-
Hyla squirella: 35,-
Bufo quercicus "female": 89,-
Bufo alvarius medium: 299,-
Scaphiopus holbrookii: 49,-
Hoffmannius spinigerus: 49,-
Smeringurus mesaensis: 49,-
Smeringurus vachoni: 99,-
Mastigoproctus giganteus: 129,-
Asbolus verrucosus: 59,-
Asbolus laevis: 49,-
For more details, animals or any questions, please send us an email to:
Reptiles Hamm 14 September
1.2 Chamaeleolis barbatus CB 2023
1.0 Anolis trinitatis
2.0 Anolis bahorucoensis
1.1 Anolis sabanus
2.2 Takydromus smaragdinus
2.2 Lygodactylus picturatus
2.4 Lygodactylus conraui
1.1 Lygodactylus kimhowelli
1.1 Gonatodes albogularis fuscus
1.1 Gonatodes albogularis notatus
3.3 Phelsuma klemmeri
0.3 Darevskia unisexualis (parthenogenetic)
0.0.6 Ctenosaura pectinata Pied CB 2024 High White parents
1.1 Chlamydosaurus kingii Australian CB 2023
0.0.5 Cyclodomorphus gerrardii CB 2024
"5.5" Cyclodomorphus gerrardii CB 22/23
0.0.10 Pogona vitticeps Red
0.0.10 Pogona vitticeps Zero
0.0.10 Hemidactylus imbricatus
2.1 Oedura monolis
1.1 Blaesodactylus sakalava
2.1 Eurydactylodes vieillardi
0.1 Rhacodactylus leachianus Pine Island CB 2021
1.0 Rhacodactylus auriculatus Red stripe
1.1 Thamnophis eques obscurus CB 2023
Lanthanotus borneensis offspring
1.1 Lanthanotus borneensis CB23
- €1400
0.0.X Lanthanotus borneensis CB24
- €700 for one
- €1250 for two
- €2000 for three
Reptilien kaufen, verkaufen und tauschen.
Tiere und Zubehör finden oder kostenlos oder als Premium Inserat inserieren.Kontakt mit Züchtern und Händlern aus dem In- und Ausland aufnehmen.