andere Echsen Anzeigen Standard
Smaug depressus male wanted!
Looking for a male Smaug depressus.
Thanks for your offer.
FB Tortoisesphere/Varanussphere
Shinisaurus Crocodilurus 1,1
Gebe mein shinisaurus paar ab. Das Weibchen ist 100% tragend, durch ein Häutungsproblem und einer Infektion als Jungtiere fehlen ihr am Vorderbein die krallen, sie kommt aber perfekt damit zu recht. Die Tiere harmonieren sehr gut gehen nächsten Monat in die Winterruhe, können also vorher noch abgeholt werden, nach der Winterpause wird das Weibchen sicherlich ihre jungen zur Welt bringen. Papiere sind natürlich für beide vorhanden.
Corytophanes Hernandesii CB
Last Call for Hamm !
For Hamm Dez
0.0.5 Corytophanes Hernandesii CB
8/24 and 10/24
Parents are different blood.
1.1 Abronia Martindelcampoi
I can offer 1.1 Abronia Martindelcampoi cb 2024.
1.2 would also be possible.
Pictures 1-2: Female
Picture 3: Male (way darker in natural light)
Pictures 4-5: Parents
The animals can be brought to Hamm this Saturday.
Search for: Male A. Campbelli / Female A.Graminea
Im Searching 1.0 Abronia Campbelli and 0.1 Abronia Graminea.
The optimale age for the Campbelli is 1-1,5 Years and for the Graminea 2-4 Years.
Please note that Cites Export papers are a must.
Please offer also other A. Species.
Podarcis sicula klemmeri, NZ 2024
Biete / For Sale - only for Hamm
0,0,5 Podarcis sicula klemmeri, NZ 09.2024
Anolis roquet roquet zur Abgabe
0.1 Anolis roquet roquet Mapou 08/24
Foto in der Anzeige von Mitte September
2.1 Anolis roquet Mix NZ, Elterntiere 0.1.roquet roquet Mapou, 1.0 Anolis roquet aus dem Zootierhandel. Wahrscheinlich 2.2
Nur Abholung! Bin nicht in Hamm.
Biete/Tausche 0,1 Lepidophyma flavimaculatum ENZ 2024
Letzte Chance für Hamm!
0,1 Lepidophyma flavimaculatum ENZ 2024, top fit, makellos, parthenogenetisch für 80 Euro VHB oder im Tausch gegen Chalcides sexlineatus/mionecton (ggf. mit Wertausgleich)
Übergabe in Hamm möglich! Oder Abholung oder Übergabe zwischen Karlsruhe/Stuttgart und Würzburg. Selbst organisierter Versand innerhalb Deutschlands ebenfalls möglich.
Heloderma suspectum cinctum
I offer for upcoming Hamm this weekend various Gilas after many years of breeding:
1.1 Breeding pair suspectum (older but very productive with 9 to 11 eggs/year. Separated for one season and ready to breed next year): 1000€
0.0.2 CB2021 and 2022 cinctums: 1000€ for both
Heloderma suspectum cinctum - Gila NZ20 & NZ21
Available for Hamm next Weekend:
0.0.1 banded Gilas CB21
0.1? banded Gila CB20
1000€ for both
1.1 Breeding pair reticulated Gilas CB10
Old but perfect Breeders. 1000€
Lamprolepis smaragdina, for Hamm
Last call for Hamm, December
0.0.4 Lamprolepis smaragdina, Hatched 2024-10-12 and 2024-10-25
3.0 Gastropholis prasina, Hatched 2024-10-12
1.1.1 Anolis cristatellus
Hamm December. phrynocephalus mystaceus, stenodactylus leptocosymbotes
Chamaeleo namaquensis, 2022 and 2023, 1,2. 4700e group
phrynocephalus mystaceus, 2019 and 2023, 2,3. 900e group
stenodactylus leptocosymbotes, 1,2. 350e group
crotaphytus collaris wichita mountains,2024. 0,0,9. 200e each
varanus acanthurus red ackie,2024. 0,0,6. 200e each
varanus flavirufus gouldii, 2024. 0,0,3. 600e each
pogona henrylawsoni, 2024. 0,0,40. 75e each
laemanctus longipes, 2024. 0,0,7. 75e each
chlamydosaurus kingii, Indo, 2024. 0,0,4. 200e each
elaphe dione vladivostok, Adult, 1,1. 350e pair
Abronia cambpelii 1.2 for Hamm
Hello, I can offer 1.2 A.cambpelii CB 2023 from a good friend, animals are in perfect condition, strong and healthy.
Feel free to contact
Fidschi-Leguan 0.1 1,5 Jahre
Bieten hier unser Fidschi-Leguan (Brachylophus fasciatus) Weibchen an. Leider müssen wir uns aus Platzgründen trennen. Herkunftsnachweis ist selbstverständlich vorhanden. Preis auf VB.
Gastropholis Prasina 0.0.3
Three Gastropholis Prasina babys available.
Captive bred on November 2024.
Eating well and super active.
Tres Gastropholis Prasina baby disponibles.
Nacidos en cautividad en noviembre 2024.
Comiendo de todo y super activos
Anolis trinitatis St. Vincent Anolis
Gebe ein Jungtier Vincent Anolis ab. Dies ist vom September 2024.
Preis pro Tier 75€
Anolis sagrei Bahama Anolis
Hallo, gebe Anolis sagrei Jungtiere von August 2024 ab.
Pro Tier 39€
Perl- & Smaragdeidechsen sowie Kronengeckos zu verschenken
Da wir aufgrund der steigenden Stromkosten unsere Reptilien nichtmehr halten können, möchten wir diese in GUTE & ERFAHRENE Hände abgeben.
uromastyx thomasi NZ 06/2024
Ich gebe eine uromastyx thomasi NZ von 06/2024 ab. Ich denke es handelt sich um ein Männchen.
Übergabe in Hamm ist möglich.
Suche Brachylophus vitiensis
Suche Brachylophus vitiensis.
Jung- bis Adultiere.
Bitte alles anbieten mit Preisvorstellung.
andere Echsen Anzeigen Premium
Last minute offer for Hamm (14.12.2024)
Hello, we can offer you for Hamm (December 14) following species:
0.0.1 Ornate spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx ornata (cb BION 2024) - €300
2.2 Sunwatcher toad-headed agama/Phrynocephalus helioscopus (cb 2023) - €150 each
0.0.5 Galápagos Lava lizard/ Microlophus albemarlensis (cb BION 2024) - €250 each
1.1 Satanic leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus phantasticus (cb BION 2024) - €500 each, €900 a pair
3.2 Giant spear-point leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fiera (cb BION 2024) - €750 each, €1300 a pair
3.0 South-Eastern Lowland Leaf-tailed Gecko/ Uroplatus sameiti (cb BION 2021-2022) - €450 each
4.5 Mossy leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus sikorae (cb BION 2024) - €400 each
0.0.2 Lined leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus lineatus (cb BION 2023) - €400 each
2.3 West Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis fuscus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €150 each, €500 for all
1.0 East Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis hardwickii (cb BION 2024) - €50 each (Grade B)
5.5 Iranian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis angramainyu (Ilam province) (cb BION 2023-2024) - €50 each (Grade B)
1.1 Parsons chameleon/Calumma Parsonii (cb BION 2023) - € 3000 for a pair, €4300 for trio, €5600 for all
Abronias verschiedene Arten different species
Ich muss leider aus privaten Gründen meinen Bestand auflösen. Die Anlage mit den Terrarien kann auch gekauft werden.
Unfortunately I have to liquidate my inventory for personal reasons. The system with the terrariums can also be purchased.
1.0 Vasconselosii Adult
1.0 Fimbriata
0.1 Fimbriata
1.0 Taeniata Light
0.1 Taeniata Light
1.0 Smithi Adult
1.0 Campbelli Adult
0.2 Campbelli Adult
Handover in Houten or Hamm possible.
Nachzuchten 2024 Leguane und Geckos
Nachzuchten 2024
- Sceloporus macdougalli, MacDougall's spiny lizard - 2,1
- Lucasium damaeum
- Eublepharis fuscus
we will be in Hamm - shipping is possible or pick up in our shop
you can find more information on
wir sind in Hamm - Versand ist möglich oder Abholung in unserem Ladengeschäft
mehr Infos findet ihr auf
Last minute offer for Hamm (14.12.2024)
Hello, we can offer you for Hamm (December 14) following species:
0.0.1 Ornate spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx ornata (cb BION 2024) - €300
0.0.4 Red-banded spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx dispar flavifasciata (cb BION 2024) - €350 each
2.2 Sunwatcher toad-headed agama/Phrynocephalus helioscopus (cb 2023) - €150 each
0.0.5 Galápagos Lava lizard/ Microlophus albemarlensis (cb BION 2024) - €250 each
1.1 Satanic leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus phantasticus (cb BION 2024) - €500 each, €900 a pair
3.2 Giant spear-point leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fiera (cb BION 2024) - €750 each, €1300 a pair
3.0 South-Eastern Lowland Leaf-tailed Gecko/ Uroplatus sameiti (cb BION 2021-2022) - €450 each
4.5 Mossy leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus sikorae (cb BION 2024) - €400 each
0.0.2 Lined leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus lineatus (cb BION 2023) - €400 each
2.3 West Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis fuscus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €150 each, €500 for all
3.0 East Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis hardwickii (cb BION 2024) - €50 each (Grade B)
5.5 Iranian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis angramainyu (Ilam province) (cb BION 2023-2024) - €50 each (Grade B)
2.2 Parsons chameleon/Calumma Parsonii (cb BION 2023) - € 3000 for a pair, €4300 for trio, €5600 for all
Offer from Bion Terrarium Center for Hamm (14.12.2024)
"Hello, we can offer you for Hamm (December 14) following species:
0.0.10 Red-banded spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx dispar flavifasciata (cb BION 2024) - €350 each
2.0 Ornate spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx ornata (cb BION 2021) - €350 each
0.0.5 Ornate spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx ornata (cb BION 2024) - €300 each
0.0.10 Galápagos Lava lizard/ Microlophus albemarlensis (cb BION 2024) - €300 each
2.0 Baja Blue Rock Lizard/ Petrosaurus thalassinus (cb BION 2023) - €500 each
10.10 Satanic leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus phantasticus (cb BION 2024) - €500 each, €900 a pair
0.0.5 Common leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fimbriatus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €700 each
0.0.10 Henkel's leaf tailed gecko/ Uroplatus henkeli (cb BION 2024) - €500 each
6.2 Giant spear-point leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fiera (cb BION 2024) - €750 each, €1300 a pair
4.0 South-Eastern Lowland Leaf-tailed Gecko/ Uroplatus sameiti (cb BION 2021-2022) - €450 each
6.3 Mossy leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus sikorae (cb BION 2024) - €400 each
2.0 Lined leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus lineatus (cb BION 2023) - €400 each
0.0.200 Crested gecko/ Correlophus ciliatus (cb BION 2023) - €10 each (Bright morphs, tailless)
2.0 Bauer’s chameleon gecko/ Eurydactylodes agricolae (cb BION 2023) - €150 each
50.50 West Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis fuscus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €150 each, Group 1.2 for 300 € (additional animals – 100 € each)
4.2 East Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis hardwickii (cb 2024) - €50 each (Grade B)
10.10 Iranian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis angramainyu (Ilam province) (cb BION 2023-2024) - €50 each (Grade B)
0.0.2 Stokes's skink/ Egernia stokesii (cb BION 2024) - € 500 each
1.1 Parsons chameleon/Calumma Parsonii (cb BION 2023) - € 3000 for a pair
Offer from Bion Terrarium Center for Hamm (14.12.2024)
Hello, we can offer you for Hamm (December 14) following species:
0.0.10 Red-banded spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx dispar flavifasciata (cb BION 2024) - €350 each
2.0 Ornate spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx ornata (cb BION 2021) - €350 each
0.0.5 Ornate spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx ornata (cb BION 2024) - €300 each
0.0.10 Galápagos Lava lizard/ Microlophus albemarlensis (cb BION 2024) - €300 each
2.0 Baja Blue Rock Lizard/ Petrosaurus thalassinus (cb BION 2023) - €500 each
10.10 Satanic leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus phantasticus (cb BION 2024) - €500 each, €900 a pair
0.0.5 Common leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fimbriatus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €700 each
0.0.10 Henkel's leaf tailed gecko/ Uroplatus henkeli (cb BION 2024) - €500 each
6.2 Giant spear-point leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fiera (cb BION 2024) - €750 each, €1300 a pair
4.0 South-Eastern Lowland Leaf-tailed Gecko/ Uroplatus sameiti (cb BION 2021-2022) - €450 each
6.3 Mossy leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus sikorae (cb BION 2024) - €400 each
2.0 Lined leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus lineatus (cb BION 2023) - €400 each
0.0.200 Crested gecko/ Correlophus ciliatus (cb BION 2023) - €10 each (Bright morphs, tailless)
2.0 Bauer’s chameleon gecko/ Eurydactylodes agricolae (cb BION 2023) - €150 each
50.50 West Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis fuscus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €150 each, Group 1.2 for 300 € (additional animals – 100 € each)
4.2 East Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis hardwickii (cb 2024) - €50 each (Grade B)
10.10 Iranian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis angramainyu (Ilam province) (cb BION 2023-2024) - €50 each (Grade B)
0.0.2 Stokes's skink/ Egernia stokesii (cb BION 2024) - € 500 each
1.1 Parsons chameleon/Calumma Parsonii (cb BION 2023) - € 3000 for a pair
Offer from Bion Terrarium Center for Hamm (14.12.2024)
Hello, we can offer you for Hamm (December 14) following species:
0.0.10 The shield-tailed agama/ Xenagama taylori (cb BION 2024) - €300 each
0.0.2 Angle-headed forest dragon/ Hypsilurus magnus (cb BION 2024) - €300 each
0.0.10 Red-banded spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx dispar flavifasciata (cb BION 2024) - €350 each
2.0 Ornate spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx ornata (cb BION 2021) - €350 each
0.0.5 Ornate spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx ornata (cb BION 2024) - €300 each
0.0.10 Galápagos Lava lizard/ Microlophus albemarlensis (cb BION 2024) - €300 each
2.0 Baja Blue Rock Lizard/ Petrosaurus thalassinus (cb BION 2023) - €500 each
10.10 Satanic leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus phantasticus (cb BION 2024) - €500 each, €900 a pair
0.0.5 Common leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fimbriatus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €700 each
0.0.10 Henkel's leaf tailed gecko/ Uroplatus henkeli (cb BION 2024) - €500 each
6.2 Giant spear-point leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fiera (cb BION 2024) - €750 each, €1300 a pair
4.0 South-Eastern Lowland Leaf-tailed Gecko/ Uroplatus sameiti (cb BION 2021-2022) - €450 each
6.3 Mossy leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus sikorae (cb BION 2024) - €400 each
2.0 Lined leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus lineatus (cb BION 2023) - €400 each
0.0.200 Crested gecko/ Correlophus ciliatus (cb BION 2023) - €10 each (Bright morphs, tailless)
2.0 Bauer’s chameleon gecko/ Eurydactylodes agricolae (cb BION 2023) - €150 each
50.50 West Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis fuscus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €150 each, Group 1.2 for 300 € (additional animals – 100 € each)
4.2 East Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis hardwickii (cb 2024) - €50 each (Grade B)
10.10 Iranian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis angramainyu (Ilam province) (cb BION 2023-2024) - €50 each (Grade B)
0.0.10 Stokes's skink/ Egernia stokesii (cb BION 2024) - € 500 each, 5+ heads - € 450 each,
1.1 Parsons chameleon/Calumma Parsonii (cb BION 2023) - € 3000 for a pair,
Looking for Polychrus peruvianus for Hamm
Hello, we are looking for Polychrus peruvianus (Peruvian bush anole) for Hamm (14.12.2024)
Looking for Timon Lepidus Melanistic
Hello. We are looking for Timon Lepidus Melanistic. Young sexed or unsexed reptiles are poreferatable
Looking for Timon princeps
Hello, we are looking for Princeps for Hamm (14.09.2024). Preferably young sexed or unsexed individuals. Please, contact me in case you have them available.
Red tegu female CB21 (super friendly)
This sweat girl is looking for an awesome pet home. She can obviously breed, but is a great pet.
Purple DEVIL-Line red tegu female CB24
Last one of the clutch. Already tame and eating like a pig. Picture of the adults is how it looks like grown up.
Anery, het hypo female red tegus CB21 2x(pos.with male anery hypo)
2 beautiful Anery, het. Hypo red tegu females. Captive bred by me in 2021. A costumer of mine has to sell his male Anery Hypo red tegu. I can also bring this animal to an expo like Hamm or houten. Pictures are of 1 of the females and the male.
1500euro for 1
2500euro for 2
3500euro for 3
Also have 100% het Anery, pos. Hypo female and a Hypo, het Anery female available.
Open for trade for V. salvator t- albino (no het), Heloderma horridum and color specials, Heloderma suspectum special coloring, albino red tegu male, albino blue tegus, snow red tegu, Tiliqua rugosa..
Looking for Polychrus peruvianus for Hamm
Hello, we are looking for Polychrus peruvianus (Peruvian bush anole) for Hamm (14.09.2024)
We are looking for following Varanus species for Hamm
We are looking for following Varanus species for Hamm:
0.1 Varanus macraei (cb 2020-2022)
0.2 Varanus reisingeri (cb 2020-2022)
2.2 Varanus prasinus (cb 2020 - 2022)
0.2 Varanus varius - (cb 2016- 2020) - regular or Bel morph
0.0.10 Varanus varius (Bel morph)
andere Echsen kaufen, verkaufen und tauschen.
Tiere und Zubehör finden oder kostenlos oder als Premium Inserat inserieren.Kontakt mit Züchtern und Händlern aus dem In- und Ausland aufnehmen.