herps standard ads

Turtles and Tortoises kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Macrochelys temminckii 0,1,5
Sell Turtles and Tortoises

Macrochelys temminckii 0,1,5

I offer 0,1 Macrochelys, lenght of carapax around 30cm 850
0,5 Macrochelys CB23 6 cm in carapax 200€

Turtles and Tortoises kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Suche Platysternon megacephalum
Sell Turtles and Tortoises

Suche Platysternon megacephalum

I am looking for Platysternon megacephalum all sizes. Offers send me to email or WhatsApp +421919397592