herps standard ads

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PIED RETICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1.0 pied possible tiger possible het albino 250 Euro!!!!
1.1 het pied possible het albino 100 for the pair!!!!!!
Free delivery to houten or hamm

Rat rack /rodent rack / rack rats
i have an ratrack for sale . You can breed rats and mice in it.
you can build it up in high and to side. It is lp brand, there you can also buy replacement parts
I can ship europewide , ask for price !!!

Yellowbelly males and females in larger number
I have several Yellowbelly(m/f) available .
weight around 250-450 gr
Shipping possible in Germany price about 40 Euro.
Prices males: 35 Euro
females: 50 Euro
pairs : 80 Euro
All animals are on a diet on small rats!!!!

1.0 Albino CB2020 python regius
I have 1.0 Albino male available ... Delivery in Germany. For other option ask me...
When you buy this male you get 1.1 classic ballpython for free as a present
99 Euro!

1.0 retic pied possible het tiger possible het albino
From tigerpied x doublehet albino pied
Tame ! very good eater rats and mice !
Free delivery in Germany , ask for other countries
450 Euro

Yellowbelly males and females
I have several Yellowbelly(m/f) available .
weight around 250-450 gr
Shipping possible in Germany price about 40 Euro.
Prices males: 35 Euro
females: 50 Euro
pairs : 80 Euro
All animals are on a diet on small rats!!!!
herps Premium ads
herps buy, sell and exchange.
Find animals and accessories or sell them free of charge or with a paid classified.Contact breeders and dealers from Germany and abroad.