herps standard ads

Sell Geckos
1.0 Uroplatus phantasticus
Healthy adult male U. phantasticus for sale. PM for more info
Search Geckos
Goniurosaurus luii/orientalis
Looking for a pair of Goniurosaurus luii or G. orientalis. Exchange with 1.0 Uroplatus phantasticus possible.

Sell Geckos
1.0 Uroplatus phantasticus cb 2020
Very healthy male Uroplatus phantasticus from 2020. Cb and very good eater.
Search Geckos
Looking for Cyrtodactylus pulchellus/irianjayensis
Looking for/Suche:
- Cyrtodactylus pulchellus
- Cyrtodactylus irianjayensis

Sell Geckos
1.0 Uroplatus phantasticus for Hamm
I am offering a healthy adult male U. phantasticus. I can bring him to next Hamm.

Sell Geckos
1.0 Uroplatus phantasticus, 0.1 Aeluroscalabotes cf. dorsalis
1.0 U. phantasticus
0.1 A. cf. dorsalis
Both available. PM for more details
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