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*** Geoemyda spengleri, Testudo horsfieldii ***
Geoemyda spengleri 2,0 & 1x CB 2023 & 2x CB 2022, preferably sold together, open to offers
Testudo horsfieldii 11-13 cm, sexable, price from 50 €, take reservations for upcoming import, minimum 20 pcs per order
Looking for Homopus areolatus, Chersina angulata
Tomistoma schlegeli. Two top fit females in size 3 and 3,5 m, already depositing eggs. Only serious inquiries. Transport withing EU possible.
Testudo hermanni boettgeri + marginata
PREMIUM 100 Testudo hermanni boettgeri , 35€
100 Testudo marginata, 30€
All CB 2023, with individual Cites source C and CHIP. Minimum order 50 pcs, delivery via animal transport at additional costs possible.
Whatsapp +420 731620850
*** HAMM Testudo hermanni boettgeri ***
PREMIUM 0,0,50 Testudo hermanni boettgeri, CB 23, 1500 €
0,0,50 Testudo marginata CB 23, 1450€
40,60 Testudo hermanni boettgeri,9-14 cm, 7000€
Individual Cites source C, chip, delivery to Hamm
E: reptilesworld@centrum.cz
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