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Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Tityus smithii for sale or trade
Sell Scorpions

Tityus smithii for sale or trade

0,0,xx Tityus smithii, i2-3. a 5€ oder tausch gegen andere Skorpione oder Spinnen.

Versand ist kein Problem ab Mai.

1,1 Heloderma exasperatum cb 14, unrelated, breeder pair 1400€
0,0,3 maybe 1,2 Heloderma exasperatum cb 21 1500€
1,1 Heloderma horridum, female super black

All together 4200€

No trade!!

Sell - bird spiders

Theraphosa apophysis!!!!!

Biete 1,0 Theraphosa apophysis, subadult


Kein Tausch
Versand möglich.

Search Spiders and Scorpions

Leiurus hebraeus/Linothele/Macroctenus


0,1 Leiurus hebraeus adult

x,x Linothele sericata
x,x Linothele fallax
x,x Macrothele gigas or hungae
x,x Harmonicon oiapoqueae
x,x Macroctenus kingsleyi

Search Spiders and Scorpions

Macroctenus kingsley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looking for Macroctenus kingsleyi!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All offers are welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sell Spiders and Scorpions

I have for sale Tityus smithii

0,0,20 Tityus smithii, i3 a 5€

Trade possible for other scorpions