herps standard ads


looking for the following snakes to complete my collection:

0.1 Simalia amethistina , barneck (sorong,jayapura,.. )
0.1 Sanzinia madagascariensis (green with white)
0.1 Parias sumatranus ( yellow borneo form)
0.1 Crotalus horridus "atricaudatus"
0.1 / 0.2 Naja "boulengerina" annulata annulata


Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: for sale for houten snakeday +2
Sell Venomous snakes

for sale for houten snakeday

Following snakes for sale at snakeday next weekend (i have a table)

Bitis arietans "lake nakuru" CB 7/2023 50€ each
Crotalus basiliscus CB 7/2023 200€ each , 350€ pair
Daboia russelli "pakistan" CB 8/2023 150€ each , 250€ pair
Naja annulifera "banded form" CB 7/2023 60€ each , 100€ pair
Naja naja "sri lanka" CB 2021 around 1 meter long 250€ pair