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Other kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Looking for reputable keepers of Varanus melinus
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Looking for reputable keepers of Varanus melinus

Dear community,

I am looking for reputable keepers of Varanus melinus who would be interested in founding a community of interest (COI). The aim of the interest group would be to enable an in-depth exchange of information about keeping and breeding, but also the targeted coordination of animals among the owners. This is intended to contribute to a stable population in captivity and serve for the long-term protection of the quince monitor.

The purpose of the interest group is not to be an animal exchange (i.e. buying and selling platform). The primary aim is to offer people a community that can exchange their experiences with keeping and breeding with one another. I would like to set up a Facebook page and a website for this. Digital meetings (via Zoom) and individual introductions would also be conceivable. If you are interested, you can contact me via PM.

Liebe Gemeinschaft,

ich suche seriöse Halter von Varanus melinus, die Interesse an der Gründung einer Interessensgemeinschaft (community of interest, COI) haben. Das Ziel der Interessensgemeinschaft wäre den Leuten eine Plattform zu bieten, die ein vertieften Informationsaustausch über die Haltung und Zucht des Quittenwarans ermöglicht. Weiterhin soll bei Bedarf auch die gezielte Koordination von Tieren unter den Haltern stattfinden. Diese Maßnahmen sollen zu einer stabilen Population in Gefangenschaft beitragen und damit dem langfristigen Schutz des Quittenwarans fördern.

Der Sinn der Interessensgemeinschaft ist es nicht, eine Tierbörse zu sein (d.h. der Verkauf und Kauf von Tieren). Hauptziel ist es, dass sich die Leute untereinander über ihre Erfahrungen mit der Haltung und Zucht austauschen können. Ich möchte hierzu eine Facebook-Seite, sowie eine Website aufbauen. Auch digitale Treffen (über Zoom) mit Vorstellungsrunden wären denkbar. Bei Interesse könnt ihr euch bei mir per PM melden.


Timon princeps ,
Timon Kurdistanicus
Crotaphytus sp pairs ,

Chilabothrus,(epicrates): gracilis, exsul,chrysogaster, fordii, striatus subspecies, Eryx jayakari, Eryx miliaris nogaiorum, Tropidophis, Charina bottae
1.0 Loxocemus bicolor, 0.1 Gongylophis muelleri,

newts and salamanders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Amphibians to sell - CB 2023/2024 +2
Sell newts and salamanders

Amphibians to sell - CB 2023/2024

All CB 2023/2024 with papers.

-Discoglossus jeanneae (15€)
-Pleurodeles waltl (Cádiz Locality). (20€)
-Pleurodeles waltl (Albinos). (75€)
-Salamandra salamandra morenica (50€)
-Salamandra salamandra molleri (50€)
-Salamandra salamandra crespoi. (50€)
-Ambystoma mexicanum (wildtype, leucistic, Albinos, Gold, Copper)

Pictures from adults and Juveniles ! ;)

I am looking for 0.1 Uroplatus phantasticus. Age doesn't matter

Looking for rare Lucasium and Diplodactylus species. No single males!

Send price and pics

Looking for
Platysaurus Sp.
smaug mossambicus
Cordylus Sp. but especially Cordylus niger - Cordylus vittifer
Pseudocordylus Sp. ill take any of them.
Hemicordylus Sp. but espacially hemicordylus nebulosus
Ouroborus cataphractus

i would take 1.1/1.2 or 0.0.3(or more) off your hands

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 3.1 Sandboa Gongylophis (ex Eryx) colubrinus loveridgei +2
Sell Boas

3.1 Sandboa Gongylophis (ex Eryx) colubrinus loveridgei

Biete hier 3.1 Sandboas von 2022, 2.1 Nominat het Snow, 1,0 Snow
Übergabe auf Börsen oder im Umkreis um Hannover kein Problem - gerne auch Tausch gegen Hakennasennattern oder Spinnen, gerne einfach mal anschreiben.

Ansonsten 80€ VHB pro Schlange

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Ich biete diese Spinnen an +2
Sell - bird spiders

Ich biete diese Spinnen an

0.0.1 Birupes simoroxigorum 4FH 1x40€ (3x105€)
0.0.1 Holothele longipes 4FH 1x8€ (3x18€)
0.0.1 Theraphosidae sp. Casanare 3FH 1x10€ (3x24€)
0.0.1 Psalmopoeus reduncus 3FH 1x 5€ (3x 12€)
0.0.1 Phormingochilus sp. rufus 2FH 1x10€ (3x24€)
0.0.1 Bumba horrida 5-6FH 1x10€ (3x24€)
0.0.1 Davus pentaloris 5FH 1x 10€
0.0.1 Neostenotarsus sp. Suriname 1x25€
0.0.1 Neischnocolus sp. Panama 1x14€ (3x36€)

Der Versand per Post ist kein Problem.

I am looking for a couple of pure morelia spilota cheynei, only high Yellow animals, no hybrids and no morphs.

I looking for a female of Boiruna maculata, better if adult or sub-adult.

Located in Italy but I can pick up in Major european fairs.

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: My available isopod list in ziva,terraplaza,slo-egzo maribor!
Sell Insects

My available isopod list in ziva,terraplaza,slo-egzo maribor!

Porcellionides “floria”
Porcellionides pruinosus“lemon”
Porcellionides pruinosus “orange koi”
Porcellionides pruinosus “oreo crumble”
Porcellionides pruinosus “white”
Porcellionides pruinosus
Porcellionides pruinosus“orange”
Porcellionides sexfasciatus
Porcellionides myrmecophilus
Armadillo officinalis “brown”
Armadillo officinalis
Armadillo officinalis “Israel“
Armadillo tuberculatus
Cubaris sp murina “borneo”
Cubarus sp murina “papaya”
Cubaris sp “white side”
Cubaris sp “red side“
Cubaris sp “miyako“
Cubaris “rubber ducky”
Cubaris sp “Blond ducky”
Cubaris sp “shiro utsuri”
Cubaris sp “panda king”
Cubaris sp “salmon”
Cubaris sp “pak chong”
Cubaris sp “white shark”
Cubaris sp “Platin tung song”
Cubaris sp “Thai angel blue”
Armadillidium vulgare
Armadillidium vulgare “red“
Armadillidium vulgare “St lucia”
Armadillidium vulgare “magic potion”
Armadillidium gestroi “giant“
Armadillidium Ruffoi “bright“
Armadillidium Marinensium
Armadillidium espanyoli marbelized
Armadillidium pallasi “orange”
Armadillidium granulatum “magic potion”
Armadillidium klugii
Armadillidium klugii “yellow spotted“
Armadillidium Corcyraeum
Armadillidium peraccae
Armadillidium maculatum “yellow”
Armadillidium maculatum “champagne”
Armadillidium maculatum
Armadillidium maculatum “chocolate”
Armadillidium maculatum “new line”
Armadillidium granulatum
Armadillidium Tirolense “lake Garda”
Armadillidium depressum
Armadillidium casteldaccia
Armadillidium germanicum
Armadillidium depressum “magic potion”
Armadillidium Frontetriangulum
Armadillidium “white pearl”
Armadillidium nasatum “peach”
Armadillidium pallasi
Armadillidium pallasi “new local MIX“
Armadillidium pictum
Armadillidium sp “albino”

For Sept Hamm

Looking for Trios or Females Pristuris carteri and also interested in Pristuris rupestris and other Pristuris species.

Looking for Pairs or Trios of Ptyodactylus dhofarensis and also interested in other Ptyodactylus species.

Ich suche nach homoeomma chilensis aller Größen, am liebsten aber subadulte Weibchen. Bitte alles anbieten.

Looking for homoeomma chilensis of all sizes, preferably subadult females, please offer what you have.

I looking for
- A male Ichthyosaura alpestris veluchiensis ( i can exchange with a female)
- A male Salamandra bejerae

Thank you

Hi i am looking for Corucia zebrata babies cb in Europe .
if you have them for sale please call me or email me thanks.

+421 911 781 362

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Looking for / suche oplurus cyclurus 0.1 female / weiblich
Search Lizards

Looking for / suche oplurus cyclurus 0.1 female / weiblich

Moin suche oplurus cyclurus 0.1 oder auch bekannt als Madagaskar stachelschwanzleguan.

Verkäufer R. koevert hat mich betrogen und verarscht. Daher bin ich wieder auf der Suche nach einer oder zwei Damen für meinen Bock

Bearded dragons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Wish to purchase red/yellow Bearded Dragon - female
Search Bearded dragons

Wish to purchase red/yellow Bearded Dragon - female

I wish to purchase a red or yellow bearded dragon, preferably a female baby who is ready to leave her nest.

Terrarium and roach-colony is prepared already in my home, the dragon is to be shipped to Berlin.

I would kindly request some current pictures of your dragon, if you have I would also appreciate some of the following information about your dragon: used to human touch? Personality traits, age and if dewormed or veterinarian visit has been made already (not a requirement)

Looking forward hearing from you!

Kind regards,
Ellen Linde

Search Turtles and Tortoises

--- Looking for THB adults ---

I'm looking for Testudo hermanni boettgeri. I need the following quantities:
10 young males / females 10cm
3-4 adult males 15-18cm
10-15 adult females 16-20cm
I can pick up in France, Italy, south Austria and Slovenia.
Thank you

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Biete Ornithoctoninae, Birupes, Citharognathus usw +1
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Biete Ornithoctoninae, Birupes, Citharognathus usw

Biete für Messe Ulm am 13.4 oder Messe Weinstadt am 4.5 und Versand
0.0.xx Caribena versicolor 1.Fh Stück 5€ 10 x 40€
0.0.xx Psalmopoeus irminia 1.Fh Stück 4€ 10 x 30€
0.0.xx Ornithoctoninae spec . veronica 1.Fh Stück 25€ 10 x 220€ 20 x 400€
0.0.xx Ornithoctoninae spec. veronica dwarf 1.Fh Stück 22€ 10 x 200€
0.0.xx Ornithoctoninae spec. longna 1.Fh Stück 22€ 10 x 200€
0.0.xx Birupes simoroxigorum 1.Fh Stück 25€ 10 x 220€ 20 x 400€
0.0.xxx Haplopelma longipes 1. Fh Stück 12€ 10 x 100€
0.0.xx Haplopelma vonwirthi 1.Fh Stück 12€ 10 x 100€
0.0.xxx Citharognathus tongmianensis 1.Fh Stück 15€ 10 x 120€ 20 x 200€
0.0.xxx Pseudhapalopus spec. blau 1.Fh Stück 7€ 10 x 60€
0.0.xx Chilobrachys natanicharum 2.Fh Stück 5€, 10 x 40€

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 0,1 Cyrtodactylus quadrivirgatus
Search Geckos

0,1 Cyrtodactylus quadrivirgatus

I am looking for female of Cyrtodactylus quadrivirgatus (Malaysia). Adult or subadult. Animals from import are ok for me.
The picking up is possible at Hamm or Ziva Exotika at Prague. Thank you for offers.