Nephrurus standard ads

Nephrurus amyae
4,6 Nephrurus amyae cb24
Available as pairs and trios
1,1 650€
1,2 1050€
1,0 Nephrurus amyae CB 10/23
150 €
Delivery to Hamm is possible
Nephrurus asper - Knopfschwanzgecko
Suche 0,0,X Nephrurus asper.....
eventuell im Tausch gegen 0,0,2 Saltuarius kateae
Ich bin am 16.02.2025 in Houten
search 0,0,X Nephrurus asper.....
possibly in exchange for 0,0,2 Saltuarius kateae
I will be in Houten on February 16th, 2025
Geckos for Hamm 08.03.2025
For Hamm 08.03.2025
1.1 Nephrurus wheeleri NZ23
0.1 Nephrurus cinctus NZ24
0.1 Diplodactylus galeatus NZ24

Nephrurus species available
Hello, I can offer mine Nephrurus from last year
5.6 Nephrurus levis levis - Red and Yellow lines (CB24)
2.0 Nephrurus levis pilbarensis 100% double het. Albino/Patty (CB24)
1.1 Nephrurus amyae (CB24)
Hamm, Verona, Prague delivery for free.
More info in MorphMarket
Biete verschiedene Reptilienarten
Biete aktuell wieder einige Nachzuchten verschiedener Arten an. Bei den Tieren handelt es sich um Nachzuchten aus 2024.
Folgende Arten sind verfügbar:
0.0.6 Cnemaspis psychedelica
0.0.2 Phelsuma standingi
0.1.5 Paroedura picta
0.0.6 Sceloporus malachiticus
0.0.5 Chalcides ocellatus
0.0.2 Eublepharis macularius
0.0.2 Nephrurus milii
1.0.2 Lygodactylus williamsi
0.0.4 Takydromus dorsalis
0.0.3 Takydromus smaragdinus
1.0.2 Lygodactylus kimhowelli
0.1.1 Gonatodes antillensis
0.0.2 Phelsuma grandis
1,1 Rhacodactylus leachianus Mt. Koghis cb 2023
1,1 Rhacodactylus leachianus Mt. Koghis cb 2024
2,3 Mniarogekko chahoua cb 2023
0,0,4 Mniarogekko chahoua cb 2024
1,1 Nephrurus milii cb 2023
0,0,5 Nephrurus milii cb 2024
3,3 Nephrurus wheeleri cb 2023
1,1 Diplodactylus galeatus cb 24
1,1 Strophurus williamsi cb 24
1,0 Strophurus taenicauda cb 22
1,0 Lucasium damaeum cb 22
to Hamm

Nephrurus amyae , pogona red monster, rhacodactylus auriculatus
For Houten/Hamm/Verona:
0.0.9. 100% Red Monster bearded dragons 50% het trans , cb 2024
0.0.10. 50% Red Monster bearded dragons het hypo, trans/het trans, normal scale or leatherback, cb 2024
Different sizes
0.0.8. Rhacodactylus auriculatus red striped, very nice colors cb 2024
6.6. Nephrurus amyae different colors cb 2023

Strophurus taenicauda, Nephrurus amyae
Hamm - Houten - Verona
CB22 1.0 S.taenicauda - 60€
CB22 1.1 N.amyae , breeding pair - 550€ pair

Nephrurus amyae
1,0 Nephrurus amyae CB 10/23
150 €
Delivery to Hamm is possible
Australian knob-tailed gecko
For Hamm or Houten
0.1 Nephrurus cinctus
Proven breeder

For Sale / Trade : Nephrurus amyae & Nephrurus wheeleri
I am offering:
0.0.3 Nephrurus amyae (CB24)
0.0.2 (1.1) Nephrurus wheeleri (CB24)
Trade Interests:
- 1.1 Varanus primordius
- 1.0 Abronia aurita (preferably CB23)
- A. perthensis
Other species could also have interest, feel free to reach out.
Located in Copenhagen, Denmark. Willing to discuss transport options..

Adult breeding pairs - Nephrurus, Phyllurus
1,1 Nephrurus amyae
1,1 Nephrurus levis
1,1 Phyllurus amnicola
All pairs unrelated CB 21 - 22.
I will be in Hamm.
Trade is possible Cordylus, Xenagama, Sceloporus etc.

Nephrurus Levis Levis / Knob Tailed Geckos
2.2 N Levis Levis
Red, Red Stripe, Hypo Orange lines
All pairs 850€

Nephrurus cinctus
2,1 Nephrurus cinctus 8-9/24
1,0 90€
0,1 130€
1,1 200€
Delivery to Hamm is possible

Houten, Nephrurus levis CB23/24
For Houten,
out our table
2.2 N.levis striped out cross/ lava red CB23/24

Nephrurus & Diplodactylus
Diplodactylus galeatus
Nephrurus amyae
Diplodactylus granariensis rex
Nephrurus levis levis
Handover Hamm (no table)
For shipping ask via PM
Consider trades

Abronia Varanus Nephrurus
0,2 Abronia aurita cb 23
1,2 Abronia aurita cb 24
0,3 Abronia deppi cb 24
3,3 Nephrurus levis levis cb 24
1,1,4 Nephrurus cinctus cb 24
1,0 Varanus pilbarensis cb 22 Reinsiger Exchange possible for female + extra money

Looking for CYB 1.0 Nephrurus asper
I'm looking for young adult ready to breed Cape York banded Nephrurus asper, preferably 1.0, or 1.1 (in a part exchange).

1.1 Nephrurus amyae cb 2022 RTB
1.1 amyae own cb 2023, female 45g, perfect animals for Hamm at my Table or Shipping Germany / Austria via GO. I ask a fair price. They are Steve Sykes Line (USA) and my collection is regularly tested for Parasites incl. Cryptosporidia.

Nephrurus, U.milii, leachianus
1.1 Diplodactylus galeatus cb23
1.1 Nephrurus asper cb24
1.2 Nephrurus levis pilbarensis albino cb23/24
1.1 Nephrurus levis levis red line cb23
0.0.1 Rhacodactylus leachianus brosse cb24
1.1 Underwoodisaurus milii cb24
0.0.1 (inc female) Eublepharis angramanyu kermansah cb24
Good prices for Hamm.
Open for trade against Thamnophis, Lampropeltis, Egernia and other skinks.
Nephrurus Premium ads

Nephrurus / African Fat-Tail / Leopardgeckos / Eublepharis
1,0 African Fat-Tail Gecko het. Oreo, Zulu poss. het. Caramel CB 2019
0,4 African Fat-Tail Gecko Oreo poss. het. Patternless, Zulu (incubated on females) CB 2024
0,6 African Fat-Tail Gecko Oreo Whiteout poss. het. Patternless, Zulu (incubated on females) CB 2024
0,2 African Fat-Tail Gecko Oreo Whiteout Zulu poss. het. Patternless (incubated on females) CB 2024
0,1 African Fat-Tail Gecko Striped het. Caramel, Oreo, Zulu CB 2019
2,0 African Fat-Tail Gecko Zulu poss. het. Oreo, Patternless (incubated on males) CB 2024
0,2 African Fat-Tail Gecko Zulu poss. het. Oreo, Patternless (incubated on females) CB 2024
1,3 Eublepharis fuscus CB 2023 / 2022
0,6 Eublepharis fuscus (incubated on females) CB 2024
0,7 Eublepharis hardwickii (incubated on females) CB 2024
1,3 Leopardgecko Blizzard CB 2022
1,0 Nephrurus amyae CB 2023
1,0 Nephrurus levis pilbarensis poss. het. Albino CB 2022
1,1 Nephrurus vertebralis CB 2023 / 2021
1,0 Paroedura picta Xanthic Striped CB 2024
Übergabe in Hamm ist möglich / Pick up in Hamm is possible
Tierversand ist möglich.
Fotos und Preise auf / Pictures and prices at

Underwoodisaurus and Nephrurus
2.2 U. husbandi (albino), Cb-23. Breedable
0.1 N. levis pilbarensis (patternless het albino), Cb-24.
Can bring to Hamm

V. prasinus, V. macraei, V. beccari, V. acanthurus, N. amyae
0.0.X Varanus prasinus, CB/2024. With chip and Spanish "Captive Born Certificate".
0.1 Varanus beccari, CB/2023. With chip and Spanish "Captive Born Certificate".
0.0.2 Varanus macraei, CB/2023. With chip and Spanish "Captive Born Certificate".
0.0.X Varanus acanthurus RED ACKIE, CB/2024, With chip and Spanish "Captive Born Certificate"
0.0.6 Nephrurus amyae CB/2024.
0.0.2. R.l.leachianus GT MONT KOGHIS

Gekos for next Hamm 14.12.2024
Rhacodactylus auriculatus babies mix color 100pcs
Rhacodactylus leachianus babies 50pcs
Nephrurus amyae 2023 pairs
Nephrurus amyae 2024 pairs
Heteronotia bionei adult 30pcs

September Hamm show
Hamm show
Last call
X.x F. pardalis
Size 7-13cm body
Ambilobe red
0.0.x Ch. calyptartus
Size 5cm+ body
0.0.x Nephrurus levis levis
0.0.2 Teratoscincus keyserlingi
1.1 Iguana iguana - redalbino
2years old

Nephrurus and Paroedura morph
Available ---> Hamm / Houten
1.2 Nephrurus amyae (young female from late 2023 and proven pair)
4.3 Nephrurus vertebralis (proven pairs and young from 2024)
2.1.3 Nephrurus levis hypo striped (proven pairs and young from 2024)
4.4.5 Nephrurus cinctus white line (proven pairs and young from 2024)
3.2 Underwoodisaurus milii (proven breeders)
2.2 Paroedura picta (xanthic het snow, axanthic, xanthic the amel)
1.0 Diplodactylus galeatus
1.0 Strophurus williamsi
Wholesale possibile.
Pics on Instagram: nephrurusaddiction

Geckos for September Hamm
Correlophus ciliatus females 15-35g, 100pcs
Correlophus sarasinorum classic adult 1,2
Correlophus sarasinorum white collared adult 1,1
Correlophus sarasinorum white collared 0,0,2
Rhacodactylus auriculatus babies mix color 100pcs
Rhacodactylus leachianus babies 50pcs
Nephrurus amyae 2023 pairs
Nephrurus amyae babies
Heteronotia bionei adult 30pcs
Geckos for September Hamm
PREMIUM Correlophus ciliatus females 15-35g, 100pcs
Correlophus sarasinorum classic adult 1,2
Correlophus sarasinorum white collared adult 1,1
Correlophus sarasinorum white collared 0,0,2
Rhacodactylus auriculatus babies mix color 100pcs
Rhacodactylus leachianus babies 50pcs
Oedura castelnaui adult 1,1
Nephrurus amyae 2023 pairs
Nephrurus amyae babies
Heteronotia bionei adult 30pcs

September Hamm show
X.x Chamaeleo calyptratus calcarifer
0.0x Chamaeleo calyptratus
Normal and pied
X.x F. pardalis
Ambilobe, nosybe, django, ambanja
0.0.x Chondrodactylus angulifer
0.0.x Nephrurus levis levis
0.0.x Nephrurus amyae
Import animals
Iguana iguana - babies - farm breeding
Redalbino- crimson
Wc animals
4.1 Gonocephalus grandis
1.1 Gonocephalus belli
0.0.10 Gecko smithii

I am offering following species for sale:
0.0.8 Nephrurus amyae CB 3-5/24 (cheap)
0.0.10 Laemanctus julioii CB 5/24
0.0.12 Geckoella nebulosa CB 11/23

Offer from Bion Terrarium Center for Hamm
We can offer you for Hamm (14.09.2024):
5.0.10 Ornate spiny-tailed lizard/Uromastyx ornata (cb 2021-2024)
0.0.20 Red-banded spiny-tailed lizard/Uromastyx dispar flavifasciata (cb 2024)
0.0.10 Common leaf-tailed gecko/Uroplatus fimbriatus (cb 2023)
0.0.20 Henkel's leaf tailed gecko/Uroplatus henkeli (cb 2024)
15.15 Satanic leaf-tailed gecko/Uroplatus phantasticus (cb 2024)
4.0 South-Eastern Lowland Leaf-tailed Gecko/Uroplatus sameiti (cb 2022)
20.20 Mossy leaf-tailed gecko/Uroplatus sikorae (cb 2023-2024)
0.0.30 Madagascar day gecko/Phelsuma madagascariensis (cb 2023-2024)
2.0.2 The robust forest bavayia/ Bavayia robusta (cb 2024)
0.0.10 Knob-Tail gecko/Nephrurus levis (cb 2024)
50.50 West Indian leopard gecko/Eublepharis fuscus (cb 2023-2024)
50.50 East Indian leopard gecko/Eublepharis hardwikii (cb 2023-2024)
10.10 Iranian leopard gecko/Eublepharis angramainyu (Ilam province) (cb 2023)
1.1 Stokes's skink/Egernia stokesii (cb 2023)
2.1 Eastern blue-tongued skink (HET-MELANIST)/Tiliqua scincoides scincoides (cb 2017-2020)
1.2 Eastern blue-tongued skink (MELANIST)/Tiliqua scincoides scincoides (cb 2017-2020)
Uromastyx, Uroplatus, Eublepharis, Egernia
PREMIUM We can offer you for Hamm (14.09.2024):
5.0.10 Ornate spiny-tailed lizard/Uromastyx ornata (cb 2021-2024)
0.0.20 Red-banded spiny-tailed lizard/Uromastyx dispar flavifasciata (cb 2024)
0.0.5 Oriente Bearded Anole/Chamaeleolis porcus (cb 2024)
0.0.10 Common leaf-tailed gecko/Uroplatus fimbriatus (cb 2023)
0.0.20 Henkel's leaf tailed gecko/Uroplatus henkeli (cb 2024)
15.15 Satanic leaf-tailed gecko/Uroplatus phantasticus (cb 2024)
4.0 South-Eastern Lowland Leaf-tailed Gecko/Uroplatus sameiti (cb 2022)
0.0.20 Mossy leaf-tailed gecko/Uroplatus sikorae (cb 2023-2024)
0.0.30 Madagascar day gecko/Phelsuma madagascariensis (cb 2023-2024)
2.0.2 The robust forest bavayia/ Bavayia robusta (cb 2024)
0.0.10 Knob-Tail gecko/Nephrurus levis (cb 2024)
50.50 West Indian leopard gecko/Eublepharis fuscus (cb 2023-2024)
50.50 East Indian leopard gecko/Eublepharis hardwikii (cb 2023-2024)
50.50 Iranian leopard gecko/Eublepharis angramainyu (Ilam province) (cb 2023)
1.1 Stokes's skink/Egernia stokesii (cb 2023)
1.1 Eastern blue-tongued skink (HET-MELANIST)/Tiliqua scincoides scincoides (cb 2017-2020)

Breedings for sale! Mediating of transport!
We offer for sale our breedings:
Furcifer pardalis - Nosy Faly, Nosy Be, Nosy Mitsio, Ambato, Antalaha, Ambilobe, Ambanja, Sambava, Tamatave.
Archaeus tigris
Nephrurus amyae
Correlophus ciliatus
Rhacodactylus leachianus mt. Koghis and Nuu Ami
Rhacodactylus auriculatus
Crotaphytus nebrius
We can send chameleons to most parts of the world by air (we can handle CITES permits).
We prefer permanent cooperation and can also mediate the transport of other animals (by shipping or for instance on Hamm expo).

Uromastyx, Uroplatus, Eublepharis, Egernia
We can offer you for Hamm (14.09.2024):
5.0.10 Ornate spiny-tailed lizard/Uromastyx ornata (cb 2021-2024)
0.0.20 Red-banded spiny-tailed lizard/Uromastyx dispar flavifasciata (cb 2024)
0.0.5 Oriente Bearded Anole/Chamaeleolis porcus (cb 2024)
0.0.10 Common leaf-tailed gecko/Uroplatus fimbriatus (cb 2023)
0.0.20 Henkel's leaf tailed gecko/Uroplatus henkeli (cb 2024)
15.15 Satanic leaf-tailed gecko/Uroplatus phantasticus (cb 2024)
4.0 South-Eastern Lowland Leaf-tailed Gecko/Uroplatus sameiti (cb 2022)
0.0.20 Mossy leaf-tailed gecko/Uroplatus sikorae (cb 2023-2024)
0.0.30 Madagascar day gecko/Phelsuma madagascariensis (cb 2023-2024)
2.0.2 The robust forest bavayia/ Bavayia robusta (cb 2024)
0.0.10 Knob-Tail gecko/Nephrurus levis (cb 2024)
50.50 West Indian leopard gecko/Eublepharis fuscus (cb 2023-2024)
50.50 East Indian leopard gecko/Eublepharis hardwikii (cb 2023-2024)
50.50 Iranian leopard gecko/Eublepharis angramainyu (Ilam province) (cb 2023)
1.1 Stokes's skink/Egernia stokesii (cb 2023)
1.1 Eastern blue-tongued skink (HET-MELANIST)/Tiliqua scincoides scincoides (cb 2017-2020)
available for hamm or houten
2.2 spilotes pullatus
3.3 Drymarchon yucatan (red and black)
5.5 anolis pogus
3.3 anolis gingivinus
1.1 Nephrurus asper cb23
4.4 potamites ecleopus
3.3 gonatodes conncinatus
2.2 stenocercus fimbriatus
1.1 anolis bombiceps
1.2 anolis transversalis
0.0.10 varanus acanthurus red ackie rare earth cb23
0.0.2 varanus prasinus merauke (true blue ones) cb23
0.0.4 polychrus peruvianus cb23
0.0.1 Tiliqua gigas evanescense reduced pattern cb23
2.0 rachodactylus leachianus black poindimie cb23
10.20 Correlophus ciliatus different morphs (good price for pack)
0.0.50 correlophus ciliatus cb23
2.2 sceloporus minor
3.3 coritophanes hernandezi
3.3 anolis petersi
15 Phylomedusa vailantii
10 phylomedusa bicolor
0.0.40 acanthochelys spixii
0.0.20 hydromedusa tectifera
breeding groups:
1.5 hydromedusa maximiliani
1.2 mesoclemmys vanderhaege
3.2 acanthochelys pallidipectoris
15 x avicularia urticans/avicularia
10 x Acanthoscurria spec peru
7 x Megaphoema velvetosoma
15 x Pamphobeteus petersi
12 x scolopendra hermosa
12 x scolopendra paratostigmus yellow legs
herps buy, sell and exchange.
Find animals and accessories or sell them free of charge or with a paid classified.Contact breeders and dealers from Germany and abroad.