Trimeresurus standard ads [Page 6]

I am looking for Trimeresurus insularis blue 1.0 or 1.1, Czech, Slovakia or Germany.

Sell Venomous snakes

Naja Aspidelaps Trimeresurus

2,2 Naja pallida NZ 8/21
2,2 Aspidelaps l. lubricus Nz 7/21
×,× Aspidelaps l. cowlesi NZ 8/21
×,× Trimeresurus albolabris/Thailand NZ 6/21
Fressen alle Frost.
Abholung in Duisburg oder Übergabe Snakeday.
WhatsApp 49017634300047

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Paria (Trimeresurus) hageni
Sell Snakes

Paria (Trimeresurus) hageni

0.0.16 Parias hageni born in April 2021, eating each week since early June.

2,2 Aspidelaps l. cowlesi NZ 6/21
2,2 Aspidelaps l. lubricus NZ 7/21
0,1 Aspidelaps l. cowlesi NZ 7/20
2,2 Trimeresurus albolabris / Thailand NZ 6/21
Alle fressen ohne Probleme Frostmäuse.
Abholung in Duisburg oder Übergabe Snakeday / Houten.
Mehr Infos per Mail oder Facebook: Ruhrpott-Snakes

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: TRIMERESURUS INSULARIS YELLOW
Sell Snakes


1.1 tvinsularis yellow wetars
Deliver to Hamburg 7-8th August


Suche 1.1 Nachzuchten
Trimeresurus insularis yellow

Nach möglichkeit Blutsfremd
Besten Dank!

Sell Venomous snakes

Venomus snakes for sale

0.1 Hemachatus haemachatus Kokstad LTC
0.1 Hemachatus haemachatus New castle LTC
0.1 Trimeresurus purpomaculatus CB 2020
2.2 Vipera ammodytes ammodytes Ada Bojana CB 2018
1.2 Aspidelaps lubricus lubricus CB 2016, CB 2017
1.0 Cerastes cerastes CB 2017
0.1 Cerastes cerastes CB 2019
2.1 Crotalus pyrrhus WHITE CB 2019
1.1 Trimeresurus trigonocephalus CB 2020
Trade only for Corallus caninus
Possible deliver to Amsterdam in June

Suche / Looking for:

Atheris nitschei
Atheris ceratophora
Bothrops asper
Crotalus cerastes
Trimeresurus popeiorum
Trimeresurus purpureomaculatus

Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis

Nehme Einzeltiere aber auch Paare / Single animals or pairs

For sale. Cb Jul 19. Located in Slovenia.
More info on mail. Available