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Aplopeltura boa - Schneckennatter - Snail eating Snake

clock.icon vor 2 Monaten - Kottingbrunn

I am offering an adult and healthy Aplopeltura boa.

It is a WC, but I have it since 1,5 - 2 years, it is eating well and very stable, so it is not comparable to any newly imported snakes since they are very vunerable to infections and other diseases.

I am offering Pareas carinatus as well.

Since these animals are stable and healthy, I am not willing to throw them out for dumping prices as the fresh imports usually go for. If you are interested  in those animals and value stable and healthy animals, feel free to contact me.

If you have any questions about the keeping conditions, feel free to ask, I am happy to help

I am based near Vienna, but a transport to Germany could be possible.

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